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Your search for "*" yielded 529893 hits
Sense of coherence and coping behaviours in persons with late effects of polio
Background: Sense of coherence (SOC), comprising “comprehensibility”, “manageability” and “meaningfulness”, is important for successful adaptation in persons with late effects of polio (LEoP) and can be used as an estimate of the ability to cope with stressors. Coping behaviours are the actions a person performs to reduce stress and can be divided into problem-focused coping, emotion-focused copin
Sleep, cerebrospinal fluid, and the glymphatic system : A systematic review
Current theories of the glymphatic system (GS) hypothesize that it relies on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation to disseminate growth factors and remove metabolic waste from the brain with increased CSF production and circulation during sleep; thereby, linking sleep disturbance with elements of CSF circulation and GS exchange. However, our growing knowledge of the relations between sleep, CSF,
Chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge as traced by microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars : VIII. Carbon and oxygen
Context. Next to H and He, carbon is, together with oxygen, the most abundant element in the Universe and widely used when modelling the formation and evolution of galaxies and their stellar populations. For the Milky Way bulge, there are currently essentially no measurements of carbon in un-evolved stars, hampering our abilities to properly compare Galactic chemical evolution models to observatio
Cosmogenic radionuclides reveal an extreme solar particle storm near a solar minimum 9125 years BP
During solar storms, the Sun expels large amounts of energetic particles (SEP) that can react with the Earth’s atmospheric constituents and produce cosmogenic radionuclides such as 14C, 10Be and 36Cl. Here we present 10Be and 36Cl data measured in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. The data consistently show one of the largest 10Be and 36Cl production peaks detected so far, most likely produ
Development of Circularly Recyclable Low Melting Temperature Bicomponent Fibers toward a Sustainable Nonwoven Application
Sustainable low melting temperature bicomponent polyester fibers that can be circularly recycled were developed. The potentially biobased poly(hexamethylene terephthalate) (PHT), acting as the low melting temperature sheath material in the designed bicomponent fibers, was synthesized in a pilot scale. The obtained PHT with an intrinsic viscosity of 0.47 dL/g showed suitable processability when it
Female sex and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ace) insertion/deletion polymorphism amplify the effects of adiposity on blood pressure
The pathophysiological link between adiposity and blood pressure is not completely understood, and evidence suggests an influence of sex and genetic determinants. We aimed to identify the relationship between adiposity and blood pressure, independent of a robust set of lifestyle and metabolic factors, and to examine the modulating role of sex and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) insertion/delet
Stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade LSS 2022
Alla som arbetar med myndighetsutövning behöver ha aktuelllagstiftning nära till hands för att garantera klienter och brukareen rättssäker samhällsservice. Motsatsen leder till både personligtlidande för den enskilde och slöseri med tid och pengar för atthantera överklaganden.
Neurokinins and their receptors in the rat trigeminal system : Differential localization and release with implications for migraine pain
Substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) have both been considered potential drug candidates in migraine therapy. In recent years, CGRP receptor inhibition has been established as an effective treatment, in particular as a prophylactic for chronic migraine. Curiously, inhibition of neurokinin receptor 1 (NK1R) failed to alleviate acute migraine attacks in clinical trials, and th
Efficacy and safety of larotrectinib in TRK fusion-positive primary central nervous system tumors
BACKGROUND: Larotrectinib is a first-in-class, highly selective tropomyosin receptor kinase (TRK) inhibitor approved to treat adult and pediatric patients with TRK fusion-positive cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of larotrectinib in patients with TRK fusion-positive primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors.METHODS: Patients with TRK fusion-positive primary C
Augmented reality games for children with cerebral palsy
This paper describes and discusses the development of mobile exergames for children with cerebral palsy. The design process was built on co-design, and resulted in three activity games, two augmented reality (AR) games and one GPS based game. The resulting activity games were evaluated by 8 per-sons with cerebral palsy (CP). To complement this evaluation, the games have been evaluated against exis
Anthropometric measures and the risk of developing atrial fibrillation : a Swedish Cohort Study
Aims: Obesity is a risk factor for several cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including atrial fibrillation (AF). However, it is less clear whether overall fat or abdominal fat distribution are most important for risk of developing AF. This study investigates how different anthropometric measures correlate to the risk of developing clinical AF in the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort (MDC-cohort). Methods
Between Organizational Narratives and Individual Stories : Pseudonyms Revisited
Should anthropologists continue to use pseudonyms in their writings? I joined this symposium thinking that the answer would be “no.” Yet through the writing of this essay my view changed. In what follows, I share this shift of view with insights from my research among human rights experts at the UN and NGOs, and state delegates in the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Halme-Tuomisaari 2017, 201
Paulus – folkens apostel
Ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy setup for synchrotron-based in situ and operando atomic layer deposition research
An ambient pressure cell is described for conducting synchrotron-based x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements during atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes. The instrument is capable of true in situ and operando experiments in which it is possible to directly obtain elemental and chemical information from the sample surface using XPS as the deposition process is ongoing. The setup is
Kontaktannonser ger ny blick på teorin om genussystemet
About the type : Nordische Antiqua
Qualitative Observational Research in the Intensive Care Setting : A Personal Reflection on Navigating Ethical and Methodological Issues
The aim of this theoretical paper is to critically reflect on the ethical and methodological issues that arose during a study that observed nurses’ care-giving in an intensive care unit setting. The authors critically discuss the methodological and ethical issues as well as the practical realities that were encountered when evaluating a complex intervention using unstructured qualitative observati
Anzio 1944 : Seger trots inkompetens
The EHA Research Roadmap : Transfusion Medicine
In 2016, the European Hematology Association (EHA) published the EHA Roadmap for European Hematology Research1 aiming to highlight achievements in the diagnostics and treatment of blood disorders, and to better inform European policy makers and other stakeholders about the urgent clinical and scientific needs and priorities in the field of hematology. Each section was coordinated by 1–2 section ed