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Your search for "*" yielded 539211 hits
Anti-Americanization and the Politics of Mimesis
Economic Development and National System of Innovation Approach
Nanokunskapsturné under LTH - flagg
Protection against Exclusion
The Complexity of Migration in the European Countryside
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Neural tolerability of commercial preparations of iodinated nonionic monomers and dimers. Comparison in an animal model.
A semantic test for use in cross-cultural studies
Cornelius Rahmn's Kalmuck Dictionary
Reading and writing development - A longitudinal study from pre-school to adolescence: status report
During the last two decades there has been an increasing tendency to regard reading and writing as linguistic activities. In numerous studies, pre-school children’s linguistic and metalinguistic abilities have been related to their emerging reading and writing skills during the first school years. However, the frequency of such studies tends to decrease as the children grow older, and there are ve
Reflectance difference studies of epitaxial growth
[abstract missing]
Combining Thread-Level Speculation and Just-In- Time Compilation in Google’s V8 JavaScript Engine
Integrating Fatigue Risk Management into an Airline's Safety Management System
The evolution of a system for the management of fatigue-related risks in airline and maintenance operations is at present a contentious issue. The aspirations for the integration of fatigue risk management processes into existing Safety Management System (SMS) guidelines need to be placed in the realities of the present economic and commercial environment – they therefore need to exhibit relevance
Psychological and social conditions for value creating collaboration in the building industry
Automatic queue sizing for dataflow applications
Numerical simulations of light scattering by red blood cells
The electromagnetic scattering properties of red blood cells were analyzed by three different methods. The finite-different time-domain method is a general and flexible approach and enables accurate simulations of scattering from objects with arbitrary shape. This method was compared with two approximate methods: the Rytov approximation and the Discrete Dipole Approximation. The interaction of light
An Overview and Guide to the Literature of Environmental Accounting Issues, Methods and Models
This report was developed as course literature for a masters program at the IIIEE. It contains an overview over the state of the art of environmental accounting as it stood in 1996. Methods such as Total Cost Assessment, Full Cost Accounting and Life Cycle Analysis/Assessment/Costing are discussed, as well as environmental disclosure in annual reports.