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Environmental Assessment of Green Chemicals - LCA of Bio-Based Chemicals Produced Using Biocatalysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla kemikalier vi använder oss av och utsätter oss för påverkar både oss och den omvärld vi lever i. Under hela sin livscykel har de en påverkan på miljön, från de att man utvinner råmaterialen, när de tillverkas och när vi använder dem. Till och med efter att vi använt dem har kemikalierna en påverkan på miljön. Det gäller både schampot som följer med duschvattnet ut It is of at most importance that society reduces its impact on the environment. In the chemical industry the use of renewable resources will play a fundamental role in the transition to more sustainable chemical products. Also industrial biotechnology, i.e. the use of enzymes to convert raw material into valuable chemicals at low temperatures, leads to more sustainable processes. The research pres

An all-digital ΣΔ--frequency discriminator of arbitrary order

In this paper, we propose an all-digital frequency synthesizer architecture, based on an all-digital ΣΔ-frequency discriminator. The new all-digital synthesizer is compared to previously published work. The architecture of the ΣΔ-frequency discriminator is verified using behavioral simulation.

ACTA & European Union perspectives

Abstract in UndeterminedProfessor Mylly suggests that the Lisbon Treaty opens a new avenue for the Commission when the internal legislative pathway becomes too complicated, demanding unanimity in decision-making. An alternative route would be to use the competence to enter into international agreements, where qualified majority is enough. The agreements may be phrased in such a way that they have

Human Postural Dynamics

The study of posture dynamics is important not only to understand disorders of impaired equilibrium and protective reactions to unexpected displacements of the human body, but also to the design of prosthesis and functional neuromuscular stimulation as aids to patients with impaired postural stability and locomotion. Coordinated control of the body segments is a complex aspect of motor behavior, o

Complementary Participatory Methods in SEAMLESS-IF

The aim of this report is to describe situations where interactive work methods are needed and to suggest suitable participatory methods to enable the use and user involvement in SEAMLESS-IF. Interaction with users and stakeholders are needed for two different purposes. First during different stages of the development of the SEAMLESS-IF itself and second as interaction with users and stakeholders

Virtual Networks, Support Stockings and Community: On-line publication- A new context of meaning for comparative education?

This article addrsses the advant of this online only publication, the very context in which it is being made available. Central to this article is Delanty's work on communicative communities. It is argued that it is particularly appropriate to view comparative and international education in this manner. Online publication offers comparative and international education a new context of meaning. See

Laboratory and Stellar Spectra in High Resolution: Studies of Fe, Pt and Tl in Peculiar Stars

The near-infrared spectrum of upsilon Sagittarii has been registered using the SOFIN high resolution spectrometer on the Nordic Optic Telescope, La Palma. For the first time 4f-5g transitions of Fe II in any astrophysical spectrum have been identified. Optical region spectra with the high resolution SOFIN spectrograph have been analysed for determination of elemental abundances and spectral line i