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Cerebrospinal Fluid Total Tau Is Associated with Shorter Survival in Dementia with Lewy Bodies.
A pathology typical of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) has been demonstrated to increase mortality to a greater extent than the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, mortality in DLB has also been shown to increase with concomitant AD pathology. Furthermore, in a recent publication, we showed that there is a robust and specific increase in CSF calcium and magnesium in DLB patients compar
Flame growth and wrinkling in a turbulent flow
Gastrojejunal fistula caused by peptic ulcer disease.
Can intergranular force transmission be identified in sand?
This work tackles the challenge of assessment of force distributions in granular media. Spatially resolved neutron and x-ray diffraction are used to measure internal strains of sand grains under load. These approaches are sensitive to the crystallographic strains of the sand grains (quartz crystals) such that each grain acts as a local 3D strain gauge and so, for elastic deformations, a force gaug
Lingonberries reduce atherosclerosis in Apoe-/- mice in association with altered gut microbiota composition and improved lipid profile.
To investigate the efficacy of lingonberries in prevention of atherosclerosis, using atherosclerosis-prone Apoe-/- mice and to clarify whether effects were associated with changes in the gut microbiota, gut metabolites and lipid metabolism.
Impaired pulmonary function and the risk of tuberculosis: a population-based cohort study.
Do Genetic Factors Modify the Relationship Between Obesity and Hypertriglyceridemia? : Findings From the GLACIER and the MDC Studies
BACKGROUND: Obesity is a major risk factor for dyslipidemia, but this relationship is highly variable. Recently published data from 2 Danish cohorts suggest that genetic factors may underlie some of this variability.METHODS AND RESULTS: We tested whether established triglyceride-associated loci modify the relationship of body mass index (BMI) and triglyceride concentrations in 2 Swedish cohorts (t
Noninvasive estimation of organization evidences differences between paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation
Familial risks in cancer of unknown primary: tracking the primary sites.
PURPOSE Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) is diagnosed at the metastatic stage, and despite extensive diagnostic work-up, the primary tumor often remains unidentified. No data are available on familial clustering of CUP. We hypothesize that familial clustering of CUP with other cancers may be informative of the primary sites. PATIENTS AND METHODS A total of 35,168 patients with CUP were identified i
High-throughput membrane proteomics using recombinant antibody microarrays
Ska inte vara möjligt att ta patent på gener
USA:s högsta domstol har nyligen beslutat att bioteknikföretaget Myriad Genetics inte får ta patent på de två viktigaste bröstcancergenerna. Detta beslut bör leda till en ändring av den svenska genlagstiftningen. Det skriver professor Bengt Olle Bengtsson.
Intraorbital deiodinase type 2 expression is downregulated in chronic phase of Graves' ophthalmopathy.
What do policy-makers do with scientific uncertainty? The incremental character of Swedish climate change policy-making.
This article explores how policy-makers are managing scientific uncertainty in policy-making. This is done through a case study of the Swedish climate change policy process from 1975 to 2007, based on interviews and an extensive review of official publications and documents. The study shows that scientific uncertainty played a very marginal role in the development of Swedish climate politics. When
Body Fat, Abdominal Fat, and Body Fat Distribution Is Related to Left Atrial Diameter in Young Children.
In adults, the size of the left atria (LA) has important prognostic information. In obese adults, adolescents and children enlargement of LA have been observed. This has not been investigated on a population-based level in young children. We therefore assessed if total body fat mass (TBF), abdominal fat, and body fat distribution were related to LA diameter. Cross-sectional study of 244 children (
Guidelines for establishing locus specific databases.
Information about genetic variation has been collected for some 20 years into registries, known as locus specific databases (LSDBs), which nowadays often contain information in addition to the actual genetic variation. Several issues have to be taken into account when considering establishing and maintaining LSDBs and these have been discussed previously in a number of articles describing guidelin
Stress resilience and subsequent risk of type 2 diabetes in 1.5 million young men.
Psychosocial stress in adulthood is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, possibly mediated by behavioural and physiological factors. However, it is unknown whether low stress resilience earlier in life is related to subsequent development of type 2 diabetes. We examined whether low stress resilience in late adolescence is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in adultho
Recent Results in Fragmentation Isomer Spectroscopy with RISING
The first results from the stopped beam RISING experimental campaign performed at the GSI laboratory in Darmstadt, Germany, are presented. RISING (Rare ISotope Investigations at GSI) constitutes a major new experimental program in European nuclear structure physics research aimed at using relativistic energy (typically around 1 GeV per nucleon) projectile fragmentation reactions to populate nuclei
Zigenarfrågan : Intervention och romantik
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns två etablerade sätt att beskriva zigenarnas historia i Sverige. Historien talar antingen om hur illa myndigheterna burit sig åt mot zigenare, eller så berättar historien om zigenarnas självvalda isolering. Gemensamt för beskrivningarna är påståendet att zigenare alltid varit desamma och uppvisar ett likartat levnadssätt genom historien. I denna avhandling studThis thesis analyses Swedish gypsy policy between 1880 and 1970, as part of a larger sociopolitical project undertaken by the Swedish authorities to promote social order and stability. During this period, the treatment of marginalized groups was shaped by the same visions and objectives as for the population as a whole. Gypsies in Sweden have been subject to the same regulations for as other poor
Road profile statistics relevant for vehicle fatigue
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ojämnheter i vägen orsakar påkänningar i åkande fordon. För fordonstillverkare är det intressant att veta egenskaperna hos dessa vägojämnheter. Det är lämpligt att använda statistiska metoder för att analysera mätningar av vägytor/vägprofiler, dels eftersom mätningarna ger stora mängder data och dels eftersom vägytor har ett slumpmässigt beteende (från en 100 meter långRoad profiles are studied from a vehicle fatigue point of view. A wide range of roads have been measured: from smooth motorways to very rough gravel roads. It is observed that the road profiles consist of irregular sections, which makes the stationary Gaussian model unsuitable (Paper A). In Paper B, a method for automatic identification of such irregularities is presented. It is verified that the