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Your search for "*" yielded 531175 hits
Predictive value of sarcopenia components for all-cause mortality : findings from population-based cohorts
Background: Low grip strength and gait speed are associated with mortality. However, investigation of the additional mortality risk explained by these measures, over and above other factors, is limited. Aim: We examined whether grip strength and gait speed improve discriminative capacity for mortality over and above more readily obtainable clinical risk factors. Methods: Participants from the Heal
From the Handwritten Diary of a Woman from the 17th Century
German-Jewish historian and folklorist Abraham Tendlau published this feuilleton in a supplement to “Der Israelit”, an orthodox newspaper based in Mainz. It includes summaries and long quotations (combining transliteration and translation) of the Yiddish-language “diary” of Glikl bas Judah Leib, whose writing appears here for the first time in print.
Duration and outcome of orthotic treatment in children with clubfoot – a four-year follow-up national register study of Swedish children born between 2015 and 2017
Background: The Ponseti method for treating clubfoot consists of initial treatment with serial casting accompanied by achillotenotomy if needed, followed by the maintenance phase including treatment with a foot abduction orthosis (FAO) for at least four years. This study aimed to examine the duration, course, and outcome of orthotic treatment in children with clubfoot. Methods: 321 children with c
Robust Extraction of Respiratory Signals from ECG
Potentialen och kraften i EKG-signaler: Undersökning av andingssignaler från EKG vid olika hjärtrytmer Det här projektet handlar om att få ut andningssignaler med hjälp av data som samlas in när du besöker läkaren eller sjukhuset. För äldre personer eller de med hjärtrytmstörningar kan information om andning hjälpa läkaren att välja rätt medicin. Andningen spelar en central roll inte bara i att bAtrial fibrillation is one of the most common supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. With an aging population and the increasing prevalence of atrial fibrillation worldwide, reliable and continuous monitoring systems that can capture respiratory information under varying medical conditions are needed. This study investigates and compares respiration signal extraction methods derived from electrocardio
Fåglarnas ursprung och tidiga utveckling
Risk of hand and forearm conditions due to vibrating hand-held tools exposure : a retrospective cohort study from Sweden
OBJECTIVES: The occurrence of hand and forearm disorders related to vibration exposure, adjusted for relevant background factors, is scarcely reported. We analysed the prevalence of such conditions in a large population cohort, stratified by sex, and associations with exposure to vibrating hand-held tools.DESIGN: This is a retrospective cohort study.SETTING: Individuals in the Malmö Diet and Cance
The effects of salt addition on the thermo-optical properties of soot
Sot är en produkt som kommer ifrån ofullständig förbränning av olika bränslen, som fossila bränslen och biogaser. Sot produceras därför, bland annat, i många av våra fordon, så sot släpps ut i stora mängder. Sot har en negativ påverkan på miljö och mänsklig hälsa. Det finns olika typer av sot. De som absorberar ljus bättre och har större klimatpåverkan kallas moget sot, medan sot med sämre ljusabsSoot is a known contributor to climate change due to its strong light absorption possibility. It has been shown that adding alkali salts during the soot formation reduces its soot absorption ability, and thus reduces its impacts, but the exact mechanics are not fully understood. This thesis aims to get a better understanding of the effects that salts have on soot. The salts used were sodium chlori
Religionens undanskymda plats inom familjerådgivning: en kvalitativ studie där åtta familjerådgivare delar med sig av sina erfarenheter
Amerikansk kurslitteratur och internationell forskning som förekommer på psykoterapeutprogrammets familjeinriktade gren poängterar inte sällan vikten av klienternas religiösa tro och att denna omtalas under terapeutiska sessioner med par. Motsvarigheten i svensk kurslitteratur och praxis upplevdes inte gå att finna, varför det har känts meningsfullt att undersöka hur ämnet talas om inom svensk faU.S. course literature and international research that appears at the psychotherapy program's fam. It is not uncommon for the discipline to emphasize the importance of the clients' religious beliefs and that this is brought up during therapeutic sessions with couples. The correspondence in Swedish course literature and practice was not perceived to be found, which is why it has felt meanin
Expression of microRNA-379 reduces metastatic spread of prostate cancer
Introduction: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common type of cancer in males, and the metastatic form is a leading cause of death worldwide. There are currently no curative treatments for this subset of patients. To decrease the mortality of this disease, greater focus must be placed on developing therapeutics to reduce metastatic spread. We focus on dissemination to the bone since this is both
Removing QED Feynman diagrams with chirality flow
Inom partikelfysik, går de teoretiska och experimentella aspekterna hand i hand. För att förstå hur partiklar växelverkar med varandra och kunna förstå experimentella resultat, behövs en teoretisk modell av interaktionerna. Feynmandiagram erbjuder exakt detta, ett verktyg för att simpelt visualisera partikelprocesser. Med Feynmandiagram är det möjligt att förstå vilka processer som är möjliga och This thesis explores the simplifications the chirality-flow formalism brings the calculations of scattering amplitudes in massless QED. We explain Feynman diagrams and chirality- flow diagrams to emphasize how the calculations of scattering amplitudes differ. It is studied how applying the chirality-flow formalism simplifies the calculations. The work focuses on calculations with and without exter
Beyond environmental harm : Industry claims, lived experiences, and the impacts of gas extraction
The peer-reviewed literature presents overwhelming evidence that fossil fuel based energy infrastructure projects are responsible for lower residential property values, environmental destruction and pollution that decrease residents' quality of life. These projects also challenge local people's sense of identity and even the threat of such a project can make residents question their sense of place
“Shale gas development will bring local economic benefits”. An analysis of central Appalachian landowners' lived experience and situated knowledge of extractivism
Extractivism is notorious for causing environmental destruction, resulting in worsened living conditions for those residing near sites of, among other processes, mining, logging, and hydraulic fracturing. Yet, companies can operate in certain areas because they mobilize narratives, often supported by governments and local authorities, asserting that extraction will bring local economic benefits in
Predicting type 2 diabetes via machine learning integration of multiple omics from human pancreatic islets
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is the fastest growing non-infectious disease worldwide. Impaired insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells is a hallmark of T2D, but the mechanisms behind this defect are insufficiently characterized. Integrating multiple layers of biomedical information, such as different Omics, may allow more accurate understanding of complex diseases such as T2D. Our aim was to explore
Social isolation and risk-taking behavior : The case of COVID-19 and cryptocurrency
This study examines the impact of social isolation on risk-taking behavior in highly uncertain environments with the potential for significant gains and losses. We uncover both direct and indirect effects of social isolation on risk-taking behavior, mediated through perceived stress, sense of control, and neuroticism. The COVID-19 pandemic provides a pertinent context to explore these dynamics, wh
Amyloid-PET imaging predicts functional decline in clinically normal individuals
Background: There is good evidence that elevated amyloid-β (Aβ) positron emission tomography (PET) signal is associated with cognitive decline in clinically normal (CN) individuals. However, it is less well established whether there is an association between the Aβ burden and decline in daily living activities in this population. Moreover, Aβ-PET Centiloids (CL) thresholds that can optimally predi
Drop breakup at reduced energy cost using a turbulent pulse –implications for improving efficiency in emulsification devices
Emulsification devices break drops by rapidly pushing them through a region of intense turbulence–a ‘turbulent pulse’. These devices are widely used in chemical engineering. However, the thermodynamic efficiency is low, and design modifications allowing more breakup at lower energy input is much in need. This study uses a combination of statistical models and direct numerical simulation coupled to
Quality assessment of radiotherapy in the prospective randomized SENOMAC trial
Background and purpose: Recommendations for regional radiotherapy (RT) of sentinel lymph node (SLN)-positive breast cancer are debated. We here report a RT quality assessment of the SENOMAC trial. Materials and Methods: The SENOMAC trial randomized clinically node-negative breast cancer patients with 1–2 SLN macrometastases to completion axillary lymph node dissection (cALND) or SLN biopsy only be
Industriella anläggningsavtal : Särskilt om ABA 99
Industriella anläggningsavtal handlar om uppförande eller ombyggnad av anläggningar för produktion av varor, energi eller andra nyttigheter. Anläggningarna kan exempelvis bestå av fabriker eller kraftverk. Avtalen är viktiga för näringsliv, stat och samhälle. Fram till nu har de inte rönt någon större uppmärksamhet i den svenska rättsvetenskapliga litteraturen.Boken ger en bild av vad som utmärker
In-situ exsolution of FeCo nanoparticles over perovskite oxides for efficient electrocatalytic nitrate reduction to ammonia via localized electrons
FeCo nanoparticles exsolved from Co-doped Sm0.9FeO3 nanofibers with abundant oxygen vacancies (Vos) are proposed as an efficient electrocatalyst to promote nitrate reduction reaction (NITRR). Such catalyst achieves a maximum Faradaic efficiency (FE) of 90.3 % and a large NH3 yield of 17.2 mg h−1 mg−1cat. at a negatively shifted potential of −0.9 V in 0.1 M PBS with 0.1 M NaNO3, and the alloy nanop