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Your search for "*" yielded 530659 hits

Hydrodynamical simulations of convection-related stellar micro-variability. I. Statistical relations for photometric and photocentric variability

Local-box hydrodynamical model atmospheres provide statistical information about the spatial dependence, as well as temporal evolution, of a star's emergent radiation field. Here, we consider late-type stellar atmospheres for which temporal changes of the radiative output are primarily related to convective (granular) surface flows. We derived relations for evaluating the granulation-induced, disk

Religious Facilitation Through Intense Liturgical Participation : A Quasi-Experimental Study of Swedish Pilgrims to Taizé

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år besöker ungefär 100 000 människor från hela världen klostret i den lilla franska byn Taizé. De flesta är ungdomar. Och 4000 av dem är svenskar. Här stannar de en vecka och deltar i brödernas intensiva andaktsliv tre gånger dagligen. Andakterna kännetecknas av meditativ tystnad och korta repetitiva mantra-lika sånger. Vad händer med en människas religiösa attityA considerably small amount of empirical research was found on the process of religious facilitation through liturgical participation and worship (cf., Heimbrock & Boudewijnse, 1990; Wikström, 1994a, 1994b). Using a quasi-experimental design, the present investigation therefore addressed this issue. The process of religious facilitation through intense liturgical participation was regarded as

Safety in Case of Fire - The Effect of Changing Regulations

In this doctoral thesis some fundamental problems concerning society's ability to control the safety in buildings in the case of fire by issuing performance-based building regulations are identified and analysed. Fire protection documentation from forty-six projects was studied, together with a detailed analysis of the Swedish building regulations and an extensive risk analysis of a class of build

Sparbössor och silverskedar. Dopgåvor som materialiserade känslor

Gift-giving is part of the ceremonial behaviour in many celebrations associated with rites of passage. In this article I discuss the gifts children recieve at christening parties. Even though some parents emphasize that they do not want "typical" christening presents, like pewter savings-boxes or silver photography frames, they often find that the guests nevertheless have brought such gifts. An ex

Macrophage inflammatory protein-2 is required for neutrophil passage across the epithelial barrier of the infected urinary tract

IL-8 is a major human neutrophil chemoattractant at mucosal infection sites. This study examined the C-X-C chemokine response to mucosal infection, and, specifically, the role of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2, one of the mouse IL-8 equivalents, for neutrophil-epithelial interactions. Following intravesical Escherichia coli infection, several C-X-C chemokines were secreted into the urine,

Scatter and attenuation correction in SPECT using density maps and Monte Carlo simulated scatter functions

A new scatter and attenuation correction method is presented in which Monte Carlo simulated scatter line-spread functions for different depth and lateral positions are used. A reconstructed emission image is used as an estimate of the source distribution in order to calculate the scatter contribution in the projection data. The scatter contribution is then subtracted from the original projection p

Airborne cognitive systems in search of an appropriate context: Studies of the introduction of new technology in aviation using a cognitive systems engineering approach

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanfattning Teknik är alltid skapad för en förväntad brukare i ett antaget sammanhang. Inom kommersiell luftfart är dessa antaganden när det gäller design tydliga. Såväl besättning som utrustning är certifierad för en viss typ av operationer i enlighet med flygplanets drifthandbok. Trots denna genomtänkta definition av användare i sitt sammanhang händer det ändå attAbstract Technology is always designed for an assumed user in an assumed context. In commercial aviation, these design assumptions are clearly spelt out in that both crew and equipment are certificated for a specific operation as stated in the aircraft flight manual. Despite this well defined user context, the designed-for and the real contexts often differ enough so that adaptations of working p

The morphology of the chemosensory aesthetasc-like setae used during settlement of cypris larvae in the parasitic barnacle Sacculina carcini (Cirripedia : Rhizocephala)

Rhizocephalans of the suborder Kentrogonida are parasitic barnacles whose female cypris larvae must locate a suitable host organism (a decapod crustacean), while the male cypris larvae must find a host containing a virgin female. Some of the sensory structures assumed to be involved in this behaviour are the aesthetasc-like setae found on antennules of the cyprids, of which the females possess one

Det trovärdiga vittnet

Artikeln diskuterar frågan om vittnets och vittnetsmålets trovärdighet utifrån ett antal nedslag i idéhistorien. Den berör vittnetsmålets epistemologiska, psykologiska och politiska problematik och utnyttjar som röd tråd linjen från Sokrates/Platon och Jesus/lärjungarna.

Combined carbon and nitrogen removal from acetonitrile using algal-bacterial bioreactors

When compared with Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus and Selenastrum capricornutum, C. sorokiniana presented the highest tolerance to acetonitrile and the highest O-2 production capacity. It also supported the fastest acetonitrile biodegradation when mixed with a suitable acetonitrile-degrading bacterial consortium. Consequently, this microalga was tested in symbiosis with the bacterial cul

Candelaria fruticans found in Southern Africa

The distribution and habitat ecology of Candelaria fruticans Poelt & Oberw. is discussed and a distribution map is provided, The distribution pattern is shared by a few species occurring on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean in mainly the subtropical and tropical zones.

EndoS, a novel secreted protein from Streptococcus pyogenes with endoglycosidase activity on human IgG

Streptococcus pyogenes is an important human pathogen that selectively interacts with proteins involved in the humoral defense system, such as immunoglobulins and complement factors. In this report we show that S.pyogenes has the ability to hydrolyze the chitobiose core of the asparagine-linked glycan on immuno globulin G (IgG) when bacteria are grown in the presence of human plasma. This activity

Molecular evidence of a reed warbler x great reed warbler hybrid (Acrocephalus scirpaceus x A-arundinaceus) in Belgium

We report on the second case of a reed warbler x great reed warbler hybrid (Acrocephalus scirpaceus and A. arundinaceus). The bird was captured during a standardised ringing session in Belgium in autumn 1999, and fell between the parental species in all measurements. Molecular analyses of two microsatellite loci verified that the bird was a female that had a reed warbler father and a great reed wa

Dietary intakes and plasma concentrations of carotenoid's and tocopherols in relation to glucose metabolism in subjects at high risk of type 2 diabetes: the Botnia Dietary Study

Background: The role of antioxidants in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes is uncertain. Objective: We evaluated cross-sectional relations of dietary intakes and plasma concentrations of antioxidants with glucose metabolism in a high-risk population. Design: The subjects, were 81 male and 101 female first- and second-degree, nondiabetic relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes. Antioxidant inta

Some sufficient conditions for the division property of invariant subspaces in weighted Bergman spaces

The authors consider weighted Bergman spaces of holomorphic $L\sp p\/$ integrable functions with respect to certain Borel measures on a bounded plane region. A closed subspace $\scr M $ of such a space is said to be invariant if $z {\scr M} \subset {\scr M}$. In the case of the standard Bergman space of the unit disk with $p = 2$, the authors proved in a recent joint paper with C. Sundberg [Acta M