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Your search for "*" yielded 532721 hits

Gender equality in human capital and fertility in the European regions in the past

Gender inequality in human capital has been shown to be an important indicator of economic development, but has remained unexplored in a European history perspective. Using a new and large historical database on male and female literacy rates, new evidence is presented on the distribution of gender inequality in human capital in European regions in 1900 and 1960. An analysis is made of the distrib

The Anabolic - Anti-catabolic Paradigm of Augmenting Skeletal Regeneration: A Bone Quality Perspective

Successful fracture repair is a complex series of coordinated processes leading to regeneration of new bone to bridge the fracture site, remodelling of the newly formed bone and restoration of skeletal function. Disruption of these processes occurs in approximately 10% of all fractures and leads to delayed or failed healing requiring surgical interventions, increased complication rates, prolonged

Salicylic acid-dependent plant stress signaling via mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase

Mitochondria are known for their role in ATP production and generation of reactive oxygen species, but little is known about the mechanism of their early involvement in plant stress signaling. The role of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) in salicylic acid (SA) signaling was analyzed using two mutants: disrupted in stress response1 (dsr1), which is a point mutation in SDH1 identified in

Investigation of transient ignition process in a cavity based scramjet combustor using combined ethylene injectors

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and experiment were employed to investigate the transient ignition and flame propagation process in a rearwall-expansion cavity scramjet combustor using combined fuel injection schemes. The compressible supersonic solver and three ethylene combustion mechanisms were first validated against experimental data and results show in reasonably good agreement. Fuel injection s

Optical Diagnostics of Gasoline Compression Ignition : HCCI-PPC-Diffusion Combustion

Access to clean and affordable energy is one of the cornerstones of the world’s society. Sincethe introduction of the internal combustion engine, diesel engines have become widely usedfor transportation in the commercial sector. These engines are attractive as they have lowfuel consumption, but are also associated with high emissions of air pollutants, such asNOX and soot. These emissions are direAccess to clean and affordable energy is one of the cornerstones of the world's society. Since the introduction of the internal combustion engine, diesel engines have become widely used for transportation in the commercial sector. These engines are attractive as they have low fuel consumption, but are also associated with high emissions of air pollutants, such as NO$_X$ and soot. These emissions a

Stages of change in audiology : comparison of three self-assessment measures

Objective: In a clinical setting, theories of health behaviour change could help audiologists and other hearing health care professionals understand the barriers that prevent people with hearing problems to seek audiological help. The transtheoretical (stages of change) model of health behaviour change is one of these theories. It describes a person’s journey towards health behaviour change (e.g.

An estimated 400-800 million tons of prey are annually killed by the global spider community

Spiders have been suspected to be one of the most important groups of natural enemies of insects worldwide. To document the impact of the global spider community as insect predators, we present estimates of the biomass of annually killed insect prey. Our estimates assessed with two different methods suggest that the annual prey kill of the global spider community is in the range of 400-800 million

Is genetic diversity more important for terpene emissions than latitudinal adaptation? : Using genetically identical trees to better understand emission fluctuations across a European gradient

Biologiskt flyktiga organiska ämnen (BVOCs) är spårämnen förutom CO2 och CH4 som produceras och släpps ut av växter. Termen innehåller tusentals olika ämnen i varierande former och storlekar och där ämnena har korta atmosfäriska livstider. Några av de vanligaste BVOC grupperna kallas isopren, monoterpener och sesquiterpener. Växterna använder sig av BVOCs för att kommunicera med varandra, attraherBiogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are trace gases other than CO2 and CH4 produced and emitted by the vegetation. The group consists of thousands of compounds in various shapes and sizes and with short atmospheric lifetimes. Some of the most common BVOC groups are called isoprene, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. For the plant, the emission of BVOCs is used for plant communication, attrac

Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid-liquid non-circular microchannels : Comparison of two aspect ratios and three junction structures

Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid-liquid slug flow inside a square microchannel (MC-1, aspect ratio 1) and a rectangular microchannel (MC-2, aspect ratio 2) with identical hydraulic diameter (400 µm) were investigated experimentally. The results showed that the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KLa) in MC-2 was 16.2% lower than that in MC-1 due to enlargement of the dispersed p

The transcription factor MYB29 is a regulator of alternative oxidase1a

Plants sense and integrate a variety of signals from the environment through different interacting signal transduction pathways that involve hormones and signaling molecules. Using ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE1a (AOX1a) gene expression as a model system of retrograde or stress signaling between mitochondria and the nucleus, MYB DOMAIN PROTEIN29 (MYB29) was identified as a negative regulator (regulator of a

Recent applications of synchrotron radiation and neutrons in the study of soft matter

The broad range of applications of synchrotron and neutron scattering in the investigation of soft condensed matter is reviewed. Appropriate combinations of these techniques allow probing the structure and dynamics of these complex systems from sub-nm to micron size scales and picoseconds to seconds and longer time ranges. Applications include a myriad of systems such as polymers, colloids, surfac

Inactivation of Mitochondrial Complex I Induces the Expression of a Twin Cysteine Protein that Targets and Affects Cytosolic, Chloroplastidic and Mitochondrial Function

At12Cys-1 (At5g64400) and At12Cys-2 (At5g09570) are two closely related isogenes that encode small, twin cysteine proteins, typically located in mitochondria. At12Cys-2 transcript is induced in a variety of mutants with disrupted mitochondrial proteins, but an increase in At12Cys protein is only detected in mutants with reduced mitochondrial complex I abundance. Induction of At12Cys protein in mut

Stimuli-controlled self-assembly of diverse tubular aggregates from one single small monomer

The design and synthesis of new stimuli-responsive hydrogen-bonding monomers that display a diversity of self-assembly pathways is of central importance in supramolecular chemistry. Here we describe the aggregation properties of a simple, intrinsically C2-symmetric enantiopure bicyclic cavity compound bearing a terminally unsubstituted ureidopyrimidinone fragment fused with a pyrrole moiety in dif

Looking is buying. How visual attention and choice are affected by consumer preferences and properties of the supermarket shelf

There is a battle in the supermarket isle, a battle between what the consumer wants and what the retailer and others want her to see, and subsequently to buy. Product packages and displays contain a number of features and attributes tailored to catch consumers' attention. These are what we call external factors comprising the visual saliency, the number of facings, and the placement of each produc

Tensile behavior of single-crystal nano-sized Cu beams – Geometric scaling effects

In this paper the mechanical response of single-crystal nano-sized Cu beams of different sizes, loaded in displacement controlled tension under constant strain rate is investigated through 3D molecular dynamic simulations using the free-ware LAMMPS. The effects from pure geometric scaling are determined for two different crystallographic orientations of the lattice. Stress–strain curves were recor

Primärvårdens funktion, organisation och ekonomi - en litteraturöversikt : Rapport till utredningen En nationell samordnare för effektivare resursutnyttjande inom hälso- och sjukvården (S 2013:4)

Svensk hälso- och sjukvård har i ett historiskt perspektiv dominerats av investeringar i specialistvård och sjukhus. Även om intresset för primärvården har ökat kvarstår många frågor om hur man bäst organiserar verksamheten och vilken betydelse primärvården har för hälso- och sjukvårdens samlade kvalitet och effektivitet. Flera internationella bedömningar pekar mot att det behövs mera grundläggandSvensk hälso- och sjukvård har i ett historiskt perspektiv dominerats av investeringar i specialistvård och sjukhus. Även om intresset för primärvården har ökat kvarstår många frågor om hur man bäst organiserar verksamheten och vilken betydelse primärvården har för hälso- och sjukvårdens samlade kvalitet och effektivitet. Flera internationella bedömningar pekar mot att det behövs mera grundläggand

Plasma metabolite profiles, cellular cholesterol efflux, and non-traditional cardiovascular risk in patients with CKD

BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) experience high rates of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and death that are not fully explained by traditional risk factors. In animal studies, defective cellular cholesterol efflux pathways which are mediated by the ATP binding cassette transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 are associated with accelerated atherosclerosis. We hypothesized that c