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Determination of robust metallicities for metal-rich red giant branch stars : An application to the globular cluster NGC 6528

Context. The study of the Milky Way relies on our ability to interpret the light from stars correctly. With the advent of the astrometric ESA mission Gaia we will enter a new era where the study of the Milky Way can be undertaken on much larger scales than currently possible. In particular we will be able to obtain full 3D space motions of red giant stars at large distances. This calls for a reinv

Absolute rather than relative income is a better socioeconomic predictor of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Swedish adults

BACKGROUND: While psychosocial theory claims that socioeconomic status (SES), acting through social comparisons, has an important influence on susceptibility to disease, materialistic theory says that socioeconomic position (SEP) and related access to material resources matter more. However, the relative role of SEP versus SES in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) risk has still not been

In situ structural studies and gas phase visualization of model catalysts at work

Katalys används vid 90% av all produktion av kemikalier och är därtill anledningen till att utsläppen av kolmonoxid och kväveoxider drastiskt har minskat i transportsektorn. En katalysator fungerar som en ”genväg” för en kemisk process, genom växelverkan mellan gasmolekyler och ytan av en katalysator kan den kemiska reaktionen ske till en lägre energikostnad. Detta innebär att sannolikheten att deThis thesis reports on in situ structural studies relevant to a catalytic surface during CO oxidation. The materials that have been studied are palladium, rhodium and an alloy of palladium and silver, with applications in emission cleaning by catalytic converters in vehicles. The studies are performed in situ allowing for observation of the gassurface interaction, which is essential when active ca

Efficiency Enhancement Techniques for Free-Electron Lasers

The central question addressed in this thesis is how to make the free-electron laser (FEL) more efficient. In recent years, coherent diffraction imaging provides an important motivation for efficiency enhancement. This is because a more efficient FEL process enables converting a larger fraction of the electron beam's power into optical power. By increasing the average optical power to the terawattThe central question addressed in this thesis is how to make the free-electron laser (FEL) more efficient. In recent years, coherent diffraction imaging provides an important motivation for efficiency enhancement. This is because a more efficient FEL process enables converting a larger fraction of the electron beam's power into optical power. By increasing the average optical power to the terawatt

The genus Resupinatus Nees ex Gray in Greece

The current state of knowledge about the genus Resupinatus in Greece is assessed. The genus is represented in Greece by three species: R. alboniger, R. applicatus and R. striatulus. Resupinatus alboniger is newly reported from Greece, whereas R. striatulus is reported for the second time. Detailed descriptions, line drawings and microscopic photographs are presented.

Open innovation using open source tools : a case study at Sony Mobile

Despite growing interest of Open Innovation (OI) in Software Engineering (SE), little is known about what triggers software organizations to adopt it and how this affects SE practices. OI can be realized in numerous of ways, including Open Source Software (OSS) involvement. Outcomes from OI are not restricted to product innovation but also include process innovation, e.g. improved SE practices and

Consumer Contextual Learning : The Case of Fast Fashion Consumption

Den ständiga jakten på de allra senaste trenderna är en tidskrävande och intensiv aktivitet bland konsumenter som vill hålla sig uppdaterade inom det snabba modet. Fast fashion konsumtion ger möjligheter för konsumenter att hitta och prova nya trender, skapa de senaste klädkombinationerna, och leka med olika stilar. Att hänga med i tempot av nya trender är populärt bland fast fashion konsumenter, Consumers are dedicated and committed to figuring out ways and creating investigative activities to keep up with a fast-moving retail market. These ways and activities are in this study seen as learning activities, which focus on getting to know the marketplace. The context is the fast fashion marketplace in which offerings are desirable because of their limited availability. This temporary charac

Risk factors for lymph node metastases in women with endometrial cancer : A population-based, nation-wide register study—On behalf of the Swedish Gynecological Cancer Group

The role of lymphadenectomy in the management of early endometrial cancer remains controversial. In the recent ESMO-ESGO-ESTRO guidelines, lymphadenectomy is recommended for patients with endometrioid adenocarcinoma Grade 3 with deep myometrial invasion, but complete agreement was not achieved. In Sweden, DNA aneuploidy has been included as a high-risk factor. The aim of our study was to evaluate

Efficacy and safety of once-weekly semaglutide versus once-daily sitagliptin as an add-on to metformin, thiazolidinediones, or both, in patients with type 2 diabetes (SUSTAIN 2) : a 56-week, double-blind, phase 3a, randomised trial

Background Semaglutide is a novel glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue, suitable for once-weekly subcutaneous administration, in development for treatment of type 2 diabetes. We assessed the efficacy and safety of semaglutide versus the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor sitagliptin in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on metformin, thiazolidinediones, or both. Method

The Nav1.2 channel is regulated by GSK3

BACKGROUND: Phosphorylation plays an essential role in regulating voltage-gated sodium (Na(v)) channels and excitability. Yet, a surprisingly limited number of kinases have been identified as regulators of Na(v) channels. We posited that glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), a critical kinase found associated with numerous brain disorders, might directly regulate neuronal Na(v) channels.METHODS: We u

Sound symbolism : The role of word sound in meaning

The question whether there is a natural connection between sound and meaning or if they are related only by convention has been debated since antiquity. In linguistics, it is usually taken for granted that 'the linguistic sign is arbitrary,' and exceptions like onomatopoeia have been regarded as marginal phenomena. However, it is becoming more and more clear that motivated relations between sound

'Census Towns' in India and what it means to be 'urban' : Competing epistemologies and potential new approaches

The classification of 2 532 new settlements in the Census of India 2011 as 'urban', and specifically as 'Census Towns', has brought small and emerging urban centres back into the purview of urban studies and urban development in India. Taking this to be a point of entry, this article seeks to explore how the urban has been framed and approached from different and competing epistemological standpoi