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Your search for "*" yielded 525551 hits

Comparison of two methods in deriving aquatic predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) for α-Amylcinnamaldehyde, 1-Tridecanol and Paracetamol

This study is evaluating two methods in order to calculate predicted no effect concentrations (PNECs) used in environmental risk assessment for three chemicals (α-Amylcinnamaldehyde, 1-tridecanol and paracetamol). The methods used are Species Sensitivity Distributions (SSD) and the guideline from European Chemicals Agency (ECHA): “Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment

Predicting Bank Insolvency with Random Forest Classification

The aim of this paper is to evaluate a machine learning technique, Random Forest, to predict default rates for banks in the United States. This study extends the findings of a Random Forest model first introduced by Petropoulos et al. (2017) by extending their model by evaluating a longer sample period and adding macroeconomic variables to analyze how current market conditions impact the predictio

En liten röst som säger ”vad fan vet du om det”. En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnliga psykologers perspektiv på makt i psykologisk behandling

Syftet med uppsatsen var att utifrån en transformativ och kritisk realistisk ansats bidra till kunskap om hur en kan tänka kring makt i psykologiskt behandlingsarbete genom att undersöka unga kvinnliga psykologers tankar kring, och sätt att hantera, makt i sitt arbete med patienter. Data genererades via nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med psykologer med erfarenhet av psykologisk behandling av vuxThe purpose of the study was to, from a transformative and critical realistic approach, generate knowledge about perspectives of power in psychological treatment. This was examined through interviews with young female psychologists and their thoughts on and how to deal with power in their therapeutic work. Data was collected through nine semi-structured interviews with psychologists based on their

Sustainable Urban Development and the Urban Waterfront: A Case study of Western Harbor, Malmö

Increasing urbanization and the commodification of housing have contributed to limited availability of affordable housing in many cities worldwide. Marked-based rent regulations and the redevelop-ment of post-industrial harbor districts have given rise to the emergence of new-build gentrification in many cities. Sweden, formerly known for its social democratic and welfare state policies, has under

The mediating role of organizational capabilities between environmental regulations and environmental innovation

Title: The mediating role of Organizational Capabilities between Environmental Regulations and Environmental Innovation. Keywords: Environmental Innovation, Organizational Capabilities, Environmental Regulations. Research question: How do environmental regulations impact environmental innovation through organizational capabilities? Methodology: This research has been conducted through a singl


Plastic is harming life below the water surface as well as land-living animals, including ourselves. It is now a part of our food chain and it’s in our drinking water. Instead of saying: ”The Blue Planet” we will soon be saying: ”The Plastic Planet”. In this project you will see my artistic interpretation of the problems with plastic pollution. The inspiration and understanding of the worl

Datalogger för system på vattennätet

I dagens industri finns en önskan om att samla in data från många typer av anläggningar och installationer. Denna data används generellt för att övervaka och utveckla, men det är inte alltid lätt att hitta system som erbjuder precis vad som önskas. Detta examensarbete har undersökt en skräddarsydd lösning för att samla och presentera data, i samarbete med “Hässleholms Vatten AB”. Det har ingått t

Flerspråkighet i film - Om översättningsstrategier i två italienska dubbningar av Gudfadern.

I denna uppsats undersöks vilka strategier som används vid dubbningen av filmtrilogin Gudfadern från dess amerikanska källtextsammanhang till ett italienskt måltextsammanhang. Syftet är dels att få mer information om hur översättning av flerspråkighet ser ut, dels hur det kan se ut när språkvarieteten som ska översättas är tillgänglig på det språk som det ska översättas till samt om förändringar ö

The complex spirals of engagement and communication: A case study about the communicative roles of co-workers in a corporate incubator

Recently, engagement and communication have started to be researched from a coworker-perspective. Yet, this study problematizes that most research in strategic communication and employee engagement still takes a managerial perspective and lacks critical and complex assessments. This case study therefore aims to analyze coworkers' perceptions of their communicative roles as team members, co-lea

En Pie de Marcha - Commoning in Times of Crisis

The continuous and on-going enclosure of the commons has been identified as critical for the expansion of capitalism, through processes of dispossession, expropriation and commodification. In the light of the rapid erosion of our cultural and environmental common pool resources, the concept of the commons is increasingly gaining interest, since it presents new political and cultural perspectives a

En villkorad sexualitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om personalens förståelse och bemötande kring sexualitet hos människor med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar på serviceboenden

The purpose of this study was to examine how residential care staff, comprehend and address sexuality among people with intellectual disabilities through communication and action. This study was performed with a qualitative method and seven semi-structured interviews was carried out with staff from different disability homes in Skåne. The interviews were transcribed, and analyzed according to cent

The spill-over effects of Germany’s first federal minimum wage

This paper investigates whether individuals who earn marginally above a minimum wage are experiencing spill-over effects as a result of its implementation, adjustment and existence. It focuses on Germany’s federal statutory minimum wage regime that was introduces in 2015 and later adjusted in 2017, through the experiences of individuals who earned 100% to 110% of the new wage floor in 2014. Using

Between the Plentifulness and the Void: Historical Anthropology on The Uyghur People's Environmental Perception in Southern Xinjiang

This thesis is a historical anthropology of Uyghur people’s environmental perception, exploring the Uyghur people’s dwelling experiences in the oasis-desert landscape of southern Xinjiang during the early 20th century. Through the insights derived from historical anthropology and local knowledge, this study applies field visit and documents research. Multiple materials are covered in this study, i

Depleted or defeated. How the Bosnia and Herzegovina example should teach us for the future

The Former Repairing Tank Facility at the area Hadzici in Bosnia and Herzegovina was targeted by the NATO forces at the end of 1995. As a result, residues of depleted uranium (DU) ammunition have penetrated to the ground polluting the environment to some great extent. Succeeding the war, several people established to the area which has been thereafter transformed into a growing industrial site. T

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av kommunikation med patienter som vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning - En intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Att kommunicera och att vårda personcentrerat på en intensivvårdsavdelning ställer höga krav på sjuksköterskan då patienten ofta har begränsade möjligheter att förmedla sig och att ta in information på grund av respiratorbehandling och läkemedel. Syfte: Att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av kommunikation med patienter som vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: En kv

Rohingya Refugee and Humanitarian Crisis: Synergies within Bangladesh Government and Humanitarian community (Case study: WASH for Rohingya Refugees)

Humanitarian Crisis is an alarming problem throughout the world. Bangladesh also is undergoing Rohingya refugee crisis with grave severity and challenges. Over 1 million Rohingya people have been settled over the top of hills, living without inadequate WASH facilities. This study tried to analyse the humanitarian crisis by Pressures-States-Responses framework depicting the factors exacerbating the

”Det handlar också om att du lämnar en hel tankevärld”: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om utträdesprocessen ur Jehovas vittnen

För många är religion en trygghet som förknippas med tillhörighet och gemenskap. Det har funktionen av en moralisk kompass man kan ta hjälp av vid uppstått tvivel eller när man känner sig vilsen. En religiös tro kan för vissa utgöra hela deras livs-och världsuppfattning och påverkar såväl deras medvetande och tänkande som vardagliga liv. Det finns dock de som inte har valt att inträda i en religiö

Servitization in Manufacturing Firms: Exploring Possible Relations Between the Product-Service Systems Offered by Highly Servitized Manufacturing Firms and the Market Environments in which they Operate

Title Servitization in Manufacturing Firms: Exploring Possible Relations Between the Product-Service Systems Offered by Highly Servitized Manufacturing Firms and the Market Environments in which they Operate Authors Edvin Magneteg Max Parkosidis Supervisors Ola Alexanderson, Faculty of Engineering (LTH), Lund University Stefan Calling, ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems Background In recent years, an

"Om vi kan jobba här, så kan vi jobba var som helst" -En intervjustudie om upplevelsen av förvärvsarbete för personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar

Bakgrund: Förvärvsarbete fyller en viktig funktion i en persons liv och kan ses som en meningsfull aktivitet. Arbetsterapeuter har fokus på meningsfulla aktiviteter och har därför en viktig roll inom arbetsrehabilitering. Det är få personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar som har ett förvärvsarbete och det saknas forskning om hur denna persongrupp upplever sitt arbete. Därför görs denna studi