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The "kER" effect in the double photoionization of H 2

Recent experimental and theoretical work examining the double photoionization of H 2 has uncovered surprising changes in the fully differential cross sections as a function of the kinetic energy released to the protons (which is equivalent to different internuclear separations of the molecule). We describe the recent joint theoretical and experimental investigations which have uncovered the physic

Photo-double ionization of H2

The Coulomb explosion of the hydrogen molecule, after absorption of a 76 eV photon, has been studied by momentum imaging the two electrons and the two protons. Absolute fully differential cross sections (FDCS) are compared with Time Dependent Close Coupling (TDCC) calculations and the first-order helium-like model in the coplanar geometry for equal electron energy sharing. While the helium-like mo

Circulation of Knowledge : Explorations in the History of Knowledge

Historians have long been interested in know­ledge—its nature and origin, and the circum­stances under which it was created—but it has only been in recent years that the history of knowledge has emerged as an academic field in its own right.In "Circulation of Knowledge", a group of Nordic scholars explore a range of theoretical and methodological approaches to this new and exciting area of histori

Cortical thickness of planum temporale and pars opercularis in native language tone processing

The present study investigated the relationship between linguistic tone processing and cortical thickness of bilateral planum temporale (PT) and pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFGpo). Swedish tones on word stems function as cues to upcoming endings. Correlating structural brain imaging data with participants’ response time patterns for suffixes, we found that thicker cortex in the

Comparison of the FMEA and STPA safety analysis methods–a case study

As our society becomes more and more dependent on IT systems, failures of these systems can harm more and more people and organizations. Diligently performing risk and hazard analysis helps to minimize the potential harm of IT system failures on the society and increases the probability of their undisturbed operation. Risk and hazard analysis is an important activity for the development and operat

In vivo evaluation of electron mediators for the reduction of methemoglobin encapsulated in liposomes using electron energies produced by red blood cell glycolysis

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group Earlier studies have clarified that NADH and NADPH, re-energized repeatedly by red blood cell (RBC) glycolysis, can be used in extracellular chemical reactions, where electron energies are extracted by electron mediators, such as methylene blue (MB). The electron mediators, which are reduced by NAD(P)H, permeate both the membranes of

Inflammation and chronic colonization of Haemophilus influenzae in sputum in COPD patients related to the degree of emphysema and bronchiectasis in high-resolution computed tomography

The presence of bacteria in the lower airways in COPD results in inflammation, further airway structural damage, and might lead to repeated exacerbations. We have previously shown that chronic colonization of Haemophilus influenzae during stable disease is related to increased inflammation, and we now aimed to relate previous findings of bacterial colonization and inflammation to the degree of rad

Somatic Genetic Variation in Children: from Mosaicism to Cancer

This thesis concerns various aspects of somatic mosaicism and genetic intratumor heterogeneity in childhood cancer.In paper I, I show that aneuploidy in itself does not lead to the level of chromosomal instability that is typically seen in malignant cells. This finding strongly argues against the so called autocatalytic theory of carcinogenesis.Paper II illustrates that, in rare cases, low-level s

Long-term Safety and Efficacy of Reslizumab in Patients with Eosinophilic Asthma

Background In placebo-controlled trials, reslizumab, an anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibody, significantly reduced asthma exacerbations and improved lung function and asthma control in patients with eosinophilic asthma. Objective This open-label extension study evaluated safety and efficacy of reslizumab for up to 24 months. Methods After participation in 1 of 3 placebo-controlled, phase III trials in m

Conformational Aspects of High Content Packing of Antimicrobial Peptides in Polymer Microgels

Successful use of microgels as delivery systems of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) requires control of factors determining peptide loading and release to/from the microgels as well as of membrane interactions of both microgel particles and released peptides. Addressing these, we here investigate effects of microgel charge density and conformationally induced peptide amphiphilicity on AMP loading and

The triolein/aqueous interface and lipase activity studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and coarse grained simulations

In spite of the importance of the triglyceride aqueous interface for processes like emulsification, surfactant interactions and lipase activity, relatively little is known about this interface compared to that between alkanes and water. Here, the contact between triolein and water was investigated in terms of water inclusion in the oil phase and orientation of the molecules at the interface. Coars

Coulomb-explosion imaging of concurrent CH2 BrI photodissociation dynamics

The dynamics following laser-induced molecular photodissociation of gas-phase CH2BrI at 271.6 nm were investigated by time-resolved Coulomb-explosion imaging using intense near-IR femtosecond laser pulses. The observed delay-dependent photofragment momenta reveal that CH2BrI undergoes C-I cleavage, depositing 65.6% of the available energy into internal product states, and that absorption of a seco

The usefulness of appetite and energy intake-based algorithms to assess treatment effect of a bacterial infection : An observational prospective study

Background: The diagnosis of infectious diseases and the duration of antibiotic therapies are generally based on empirical rules. Studies implicate that the use biological markers can be used as a reliable method to shorten antibiotic therapies. The return of appetite is a clinical aspect of recovery from an infection that may be used to guide antibiotic therapies. Objective: To compare changes in