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Your search for "*" yielded 529197 hits

From Data to Action: Neuroepidemiology Informs Implementation Research for Global Stroke Prevention and Treatment

As a scientific field of study, neuroepidemiology encompasses more than just the descriptive study of the frequency, distribution, determinants and outcomes of neurologic diseases in populations. It also includes experimental aspects that span the full spectrum of clinical and population science research. As such, neuroepidemiology has a strong potential to inform implementation research for globa

Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands

The Tibetan Plateau has a significant role with regard to atmospheric circulation and the monsoon in particular. Changes between a closed plant cover and open bare soil are one of the striking effects of land use degradation observed with unsustainable range management or climate change, but experiments investigating changes of surface properties and processes together with atmospheric feedbacks a

How do nurses in palliative care perceive the concept of self-image?

Nursing research indicates that serious illness and impending death influence the individual's self-image. Few studies define what self-image means. Thus it seems to be urgent to explore how nurses in palliative care perceive the concept of self-image, to get a deeper insight into the concept's applicability in palliative care.

Invited Commentary: Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity-A Fundamental Critique of the Current Probabilistic Risk Factor Epidemiology

In this issue of the Journal, Dundas et al. (Am J Epidemiol. 2014;180(2):197-207) apply a hitherto infrequent multilevel analytical approach: multiple membership multiple classification (MMMC) models. Specifically, by adopting a life-course approach, they use a multilevel regression with individuals cross-classified in different contexts (i.e., families, early schools, and neighborhoods) to invest

Breath Figure Patterns Made Easy

In this work, a simple breath figure method was proposed to directly fabricate large-area and ordered honeycomb structures on commercial PMMA substrates or PS Petri dishes without the use of an external polymer solution. The obtained honeycomb structure is indeed part of the substrate, providing the honeycomb layer with enough mechanical stability. The breath figure method in this work for the syn

Dynamics of the echolocation beam during prey pursuit in aerial hawking bats.

In the evolutionary arms race between prey and predator, measures and countermeasures continuously evolve to increase survival on both sides. Bats and moths are prime examples. When exposed to intense ultrasound, eared moths perform dramatic escape behaviors. Vespertilionid and rhinolophid bats broaden their echolocation beam in the final stage of pursuit, presumably as a countermeasure to keep ev

Hidden acidosis: an explanation of acid-base and lactate changes occurring in umbilical cord blood after delayed sampling.

OBJECTIVE: To explore the 'hidden acidosis' phenomenon, in which there is a washout of acid metabolites from peripheral tissues in both vaginal and abdominal deliveries, by investigating temporal umbilical cord blood acid-base and lactate changes after delayed blood sampling. DESIGN: Prospective comparative study. SETTING: University hospital. SAMPLE: Umbilical cord blood from 124 newborns. METHOD

Effects of mating system on adaptive potential for leaf morphology in Crepis tectorum (Asteraceae).

Background and Aims A shift from outcrossing to selfing is thought to reduce the long-term survival of populations by decreasing the genetic variation necessary for adaptation to novel ecological conditions. However, theory also predicts an increase in adaptive potential as more of the existing variation becomes expressed as homozygous genotypes. So far, relatively few studies have examined how a

The ideology of neuroscience and intellectual disability: reconstituting the 'disordered' brain

During the last two or three decades, neuroscience has changed how we understand brain functioning. This shift, which is re-conceptualizing the relationship between the materiality of the brain and consciousness, is bound to have implications for intellectual disability, which is commonly seen as a condition of the brain. At present, examinations of intellectual disability that deploy techniques a

Change in Cartilage Thickness, Posttraumatic Bone Marrow Lesions, and Joint Fluid Volumes After Acute ACL Disruption A Two-Year Prospective MRI Study of Sixty-one Subjects

Background: Little is known about early morphologic change occurring with an acute injury of the anterior cruciate ligament. Magnetic resonance imaging was used in this study to investigate the two-year change in cartilage thickness, bone marrow lesions, and joint fluid of knees with acute anterior cruciate ligament injury treated surgically or nonsurgically and to identify factors associated with

Optimization of multi-channel neutron focusing guides for extreme sample environments

In this work, we present and discuss simulation results for the design of multi-channel neutron focusing guides for extreme sample environments. A single focusing guide consists of any number of supermirror-coated curved outer channels surrounding a central channel. Furthermore, a guide is separated into two sections in order to allow for extension into a sample environment. The performance of a g

Measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry parameter ab and the helicity amplitudes for the decay Lambda(0)(b) -> J/psi Lambda(0) with the ATLAS detector

A measurement of the parity-violating decay asymmetry parameter, ab, and the helicity amplitudes for the decay.Lambda(0)(b) -> J/psi(mu(+) mu(-)) Lambda(0)(p pi(-)) is reported. The analysis is based on 1400 Lambda(0)(b)and (Lambda) over bar (0)(b) baryons selected in 4.6 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. By co

Gap metrics for time-varying linear systems in a continuous-time setting

A recently proposed time-varying generalisation of Vinnicombe's v-gap is shown to have the properties of a metric on a class of causal linear continuous-time systems that admit normalised strong graph representations. An alternative time-varying gap metric is then defined in more general terms and a corresponding robust stability result is derived for linear feedback interconnections. Finally, it

Topical non-peptide antagonists of sensory neurotransmitters substance P and CGRP do not modify patch test and prick test reactions: a vehicle-controlled, double-blind pilot study.

Immunologic responses in the skin can be modulated by such neurotransmitters of sensory nerve fibers as substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). The first-generation receptor antagonists were peptides with large molecules and had to be injected intracutaneously. The aim of this study was to examine the topical effects of non-peptide antagonists to substance P (aprepitant) and C

Multiplexed MALDI-MS arrays for screening of MIP solid phase extraction materials.

Technology that facilitates rapid investigation of solid phase extraction protocols using very small amounts of sorbent can save both time and money. The microfabricated ISET (Integrated Selective Enrichment Target) interfaced with MALDI mass spectrometry is able to provide an efficient, economic and generic optimization process for SPE sample preparation. The SPE is performed in a rapid and paral