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Azerbaijani women, online mediatized activism and offline mass mobilization

Despite its post-Soviet history, Azerbaijan is an under-investigated country in academic research - compared with the other former constituencies, such as the Baltic countries or Russia, of the USSR-and gender questions of the contemporary Azerbaijani society are even less touched on. Within the current context of the post-"Arab Spring" era of mediatized connectivity and collective political engag

Anticipating the Zombie Apocalypse: Using Improbability to Teach Intelligence Analysis

Some of the most important challenges in teaching Intelligence Analysis in anacademic context are to make the students reflect on their own biases and toconvey how group dynamics shape the analytical process. Only by learningthis can they understand the ease with which an individual or group slips intofamiliar patterns of thinking and thus fails to identify new, unexpecteddevelopments. According t

Cause-specific mortality in osteoarthritis of peripheral joints

PURPOSE: To estimate cause-specific mortality in osteoarthritis patients compared to the general population.METHODS: We identified all residents in southern Sweden aged 45-84 years in 2003. Through the Skåne Healthcare Register we identified those diagnosed with osteoarthritis in peripheral joints between 1998-2003. We followed all residents from 2004 until relocation outside of the region, death,

Come together-the development of Swedish energy communities

Community energy (CE) and grassroots innovations have been widely studied in recent years, especially in the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands, but very little focus has been placed on Sweden. This paper describes and analyses the development and present state of several types of community energy initiatives in Sweden. The methodology uses interviews, document studies, analysis of previous studies,

Inga minskade utsläpp utan marknadsekonomi

Planekonomi kommer aldrig att kunna lösa klimatproblemen. Statens roll i att bidra till en klimatomställning handlar enbart om att skapa incitament för marknaden att lösa problemen. ”Lösningar” som beskattning av utsläpp är inte relevanta förrän marknaden kan erbjuda verkliga alternativ till fossila bränslen.

Experimental transition probabilities for 4p - 4d spectral lines in V II

Aims. We aim to measure lifetimes of levels belonging to the 3d 3 ( 4 F)4d subconfiguration in Va II, and derive absolute transition probabilities by combining the lifetimes with experimental branching fractions. Methods. The lifetimes were measured using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence in a two-photon excitation scheme. The branching fractions were measured in intensity calibrated spe

A Variance-Reduced Multilevel Monte Carlo Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Inference in Multivariate Diffusions

We introduce a Multilevel Monte Carlo method for approximating the transitiondensity for discretely observed multivariate diffusion processes. These areused within a Pseudo-marginal Metropolis-Hastings (PMMH) algorithm to do Bayesianinference on the parameters.The Pedersen representation shows how the transition density can be representedas a conditional expectation, but the corresponding Monte Ca

Early oral contraceptive use as a prognostic factor in breast cancer

The survival of 193 premenopausal breast cancer patients was investigated in relation to their history of early use of oral contraceptives. The women were born in 1939 or later and diagnosed in the southern health care region of Sweden. Women, who had started their oral contraceptive use (OC-use) before 20 years of age had a significantly lower survival rate as compared with those who had never us

Bayesian argumentation : The practical side of probability

Relevant to, and drawing from, a range of disciplines, the chapters in this collection show the diversity, and applicability, of research in Bayesian argumentation. Together, they form a challenge to philosophers versed in both the use and criticism of Bayesian models who have largely overlooked their potential in argumentation. Selected from contributions to a multidisciplinary workshop on the to