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Radome diagnostics - source reconstruction of phase objects with an equivalent currents approach
Radome diagnostics are acquired in the design process, the delivery control and in performance verification of repaired and newly developed radomes. A measured near or far field may indicate deviations, e.g., increased side lobe levels, but the origin of the flaws are not revealed. In this paper, radome diagnostic is performed by visualizing equivalent currents on a radome surface. We localize pha
Improvement of the metabolic features of bread by use of organic acids
Bridging children's contexts with online photo diaries
Globalisation, language contact and historical change: a case of Slavic languages and beyond
In recent years, contact-induced language changes have been hotly discussed (e.g. Heine 2003; Heine and Kuteva 2005), and in this paper, a similar line of argument is presented concerning the Slavic languages, and a similar developmental path is applied to minority languages. Based on analogy, future state of minority languages is predicted. Some languages in the Indo-European family are known to
Disability, Coping and Quality of Life in Individuals with Muscular Dystrophy: A Prospective Study over Five-Years.
The fleas of Fennoscandia and Denmark.
Skål för nit och redlighet
High-valent Ruthenium-Manganese Complexes for Solar Energy Production.
We present progress in the development of artificial photosynthesis, as a means to harvesting and storage of solar energy. The plan is to compose molecular systems that combine known photochemistry with emerging functional model compounds. A photochemical device for solar energy conversion contains a photosensitizer, an electron acceptor system and a donor system that prevents charge recombination
Brott, makt och korruption i Kina
Phonetic correlates of the ‘‘new/given’’ parameter
Two sides of the same coin? Local and global knowledge flows in Medicon Valley
Predictions of Temperature and Pressure Fields Due to Collapse of a Bubble in Sulfuric Acid Solution Under Ultrasound
Från alpromantik till hembygdsromantik. Natursynen i Sverige från 1885 till 1915, speglad i Svenska Turistföreningens årsskrifter och Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the changing views of nature from 1885 to 1915 as Sweden experienced possibly the greatest transformation in its history. An examination of the Swedish Touring Club's Annual Review serves to illustrate these changes. These reviews have under the slogan 'Know Your Country', been published since 1886. A parallel comparison can be traced through interpre
Kungamaktens förändring
Varför sitter "brassen" på bänken? Eller varför har invandrarna så svårt att få jobb?
Being-in-the-World: the Phenomenology of Indigenousness
Japanese Universities’ High Policy Implementability: The Introduction of Law Schools
In Japan, education has often been used by the government as a means of introducing social changes, due to its high policy implementability. The Japanese law school system is a good example to illustrate Japanese universities' high policy implementability because it was introduced when Japan needs numerous talented lawyers to operate a rule-of-law society. The idea of introducing a law school syst
Folket, yxan och orättvisans rot. Betydelsebildning kring demokrati i den svenska rösträttsrörelsens diskursgemenskap, 1887-1902.
Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen presenteras en analys av den svenska rösträttsrörelsens diskursgemenskap mellan åren 1887 och 1902. Studien fokuserar huvudsakligen på rörelsens kärna; Sveriges allmänna rösträttsförbund. Denna organisation, ledd av en överstyrelse och ett verkställande utskott i Stockholm, fungerade som rörelsens nationella ramverk under perioden 1890-1900. TraditionelltThe People, the Axe and the Root of Injustice: the Swedish Suffrage Movement's Discourse Community 1887?1902, its Production of Meaning and the Concept of Democracy In this thesis, I present a study of the Swedish suffrage movement's discourse community. The analyses focus primarily on the core of this movement, the Swedish Public Suffrage Association (Sveriges allmänna rösträttsförbund). This as