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Undersköterskans upplevelser av sjuksköterskans ledarskap i hemtjänst

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskans ledarskap är väsentligt för att främja evidensbaserad omvårdnad när det gäller kvalitén i omvårdnaden kring patienten. Sjuksköterskans ledarskap syftar till att ta vara på undersköterskornas kompetens och tillsammans arbeta mot ett gemensamt mål. Detta genom att informera, handleda och undervisa undersköterskorna när de saknar omvårdnadskompetens. Syfte: Var att undersöka

Distriktssköterskors upplevelser av compliance till läkemedelsförskrivning

Bakgrund: Patientens compliance till läkemedelsförskrivning är viktig kunskap för distriktssköterskor. Non-compliance kan leda till försämring av ett sjukdomstillstånd, komplikationer eller sjukhusinläggningar. Syfte: Att studera distriktssköterskors upplevelser av patienters compliance till läkemedelsförskrivning. Metod: Data samlades in med kvalitativ metod genom intervjuer med distriktssköters

Investment Readiness Programmes for New Technology-based Firms: Theory and Practice

This study gives an insight how new technology-based-firms (NTBFs) take part in investment readiness programmes (IRP) in practice and how this differs from the theoretical model by Mason and Harrison (2001). The first part of this study focuses on NTBFs, the role the play in the economy, the challenges they face and their need for financial resources. Furthermore, this paper explains the theoretic

Planting Trees in a Forest: Frictions and Resistance in Puerto Princesa, The Philippines

The expansion of ecotourism around the world brings about certain structural transformations as it moves. When ecotourism is conceptualized as frictions, the transformations open up the analytical perspective for a broader understanding. Seemingly dispersed acts can be connected to wider structural shifts in the social reproduction. Studying global process like ecotourism ethnographically requir

Measuring credit risk: The relation between CDS Spreads, the modified Merton model and credit ratings

Prior articles and reports have named Credit Default Swap (CDS) spreads as a plausible indicator of default risk. In this report, the authors present a significant correlation between CDS spreads and two other more acknowledged methods of measuring default risk probabilities; the modified Merton model and credit ratings from the rating institute Moody’s. The tests are implemented by Spearman’s ran

Modelling and Visualization of the Geometry of Fibre Materials

A geometry model for three dimensional fibre networks is proposed. The geometry model is intended to be a part of a system, where data from a computer tomography of a fibre material can be fitted to the geometry model and from there, be evaluated according to key parameters such as fibre length, fibre orientation angles and radii of curvature. The model is also intended to give the geometry foundation

Personalens inställning till och tillämpning av kängurumetoden på nyföddhetsavdelning

Närhet beskrivs som ett basalt biologisk behov för det nyfödda barnet och kängurumetoden betonar detta samspel mellan förälder och barn. Tiden som personalen har att interagera med föräldrar på nyföddhetsavdelning är kort och vad de väljer att förmedla till familjen är därför viktigt. Syftet med studien var att belysa personalens inställning till och tillämpning av kängurumetoden på nyföddhetsavde

Mexican Trade with the US - A Study of the Impact of Chinese Competition

The world market changed quite dramatically when China joined the WTO in 2001 and fully entered the world market. It had implications for both importing and exporting countries, as China’s entrance on the world market increased the supply of cheap manufactured goods. This is thought to have caused US consumers to replace Mexican products with Chinese, and to have slowed down or decreased Mexican e

Privatization of elderly care in Sweden: a comparison between quality of public and private home care services

The privatization of elderly care system occurred in response to an economical crisis as well as political decisions made in the early 1990‘s. Since the economic crisis was supposed to have a negative impact on quality of elderly care services, the government adopted different policies such as New Public Management strategies, the introduction of a unit price for all care services, and the law imp

Degree Prediction using Markoc Chains

This report explores the possibilities of modelling a student at Lund University Engineering Faculty, and their road to graduation, using the theory of Markov chains. Different divisions of the populations are tested to find the best precision while avoiding bias. The appropriateness of using these models to predict the number of diplomas issued by the university in the future is also investigated

Fiollärarens utmaningar - En studie av fiolundervisning i ett segregerat område

Syftet med denna studie är att utöka kunskapen om fiolundervisning i grupp jämfört med enskild undervisning. Studien bygger på tidigare forskning inom instrumentalundervisning och erfarenheter som olika instrumentalpedagoger har av de två olika undervisningsmetoderna. I denna studie används aktionsforskning som metod. För att samla data har jag filmat fiollektionerna och gjort strukturerade reflekTitle: Violin teacher challenges - A study of violin teaching in a segregated area The purpose of this study is to expand the knowledge of violin teaching in groups versus one to one teaching. The study builds on previous research on instrumental teaching and experiences that different instrumental teachers have from the two different teaching methods.In this study I have used action research as m