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In good times and in bad Immigrants, Self-employment and Social insurances.

This thesis analyses self-employment, sickness absence and early retirement pension among immigrants in Sweden. The empirical analysis investigate a period, 1981-2003, characterized by a transformation from high employment and expansion of the welfare state in the 1980s into a state with high unemployment and tightening social insurance systems during in the 1990s, This thesis goes beyond most pre

Engagerad fixare eller ytterligare en person som ”bara pratar”? Mödrars röster om samordnare i ungdomsvården

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån mitt empiriska material kartlägga och beskriva hur föräldrar till barn intagna på särskilda ungdomshemmen tolkar, definierar och upplever ett behandlingsprojekt, som involverade olika myndigheter, benämnt Motverka Våld och Gäng. Dessutom uppmärksammas hur de anställda samordnarna uppfattades och kategoriserades av föräldrarna. ”Föräldrar” blir i undersökninThe aim of this study is to analyze how mothers with children placed in Swedish juvenile homes interpret, define and perceive, on the one hand, the project “Motverka Våld och Gäng” meaning “Counteract Violence and Gangs”, and on the other hand the role of the Coordinators employed in this project. The mothers who were interviewed spoke about some Coordinators that they appreciated. They then pain

Time-varying generalisations of the gap and ν-gap metrics induce the same topology in continuous time

Recent robust stability analysis results for linear time-varying feedback interconnections are based on a time-varying generalisation of the nu-gap metric. The causality of closed-loop mappings is dealt with explicitly, rather than via well-posedness assumptions as is common in the literature. Here, an alternative time-varying gap metric is defined. It is shown that this gives rise to correspondin

Hope and Otherness : Christian Eschatology in an Interreligious Context

This study explores the question of the place and role of the religious Other in contemporary eschatology. It has three basic aims. First, to investigate how and to what extent ‘theological integrity’ of the religious Other is articulated in the eschatologies of some influential contemporary Christian theologians. Second, to compare the analyses of Christian eschatologies with contemporary eschato

Automatic Tuning and Adaptation for PID Controllers : A Survey

Adaptive techniques such as gain scheduling, automatic tuning and continuous adaptation have been used in industrial single-loop controllers for about ten years. This paper gives a survey of the different adaptive techniques, the underlying process models and control designs. An overview of industrial products is also presented, which includes a fairly detailed investigation of four different adap

Cystatin C and cathepsin B in human colon carcinoma: Expression in cell lines and matrix degradation

Expression of the cysteine proteinase cathepsin B and its physiological inhibitor cystatin C was analyzed in vitro in I human fibrosarcoma and 4 human colon carcinoma cell lines. Cystatin C antigen as well as cathepsin B activity were detected in the conditioned media of the 5 cell lines. The corresponding cell extracts expressed high levels of cathepsin B activity, whereas only trace amounts of c

Romer på film

Hur har romer visats på film under 1900-talet? Finns det några stereotyper som lever kvar än idag? Vilka är dessa i så fall och var härstämmar de ifrån?