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Turbo Decoder with early stopping criteria

The turbo code used in the 3GPP Long Term Evolution(LTE) standard have been chosen specifically to simplify parallel turbo decoding and thus achieving higher throughputs. The higher data rates however leads to an increased computational complexity and thus a higher power and energy consumption of the decoder. This report presents a turbo decoder for the LTE standard with a stopping crite- ria aime

The impact of meal timing of amino acids and chromium picolinate on postprandial glucose and insulin levels

One of the most pressing present day health concern is the constantly growing increase of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. In fact the WHO estimates that as much as 300 million individuals could suffer from diabetes by 2025. While genetic factors do contribute to these issues the more common cause is modern day environmental factors like diets rich in fat or highly processed food, low levels oCan meal order influence blood glucose and insulin levels? When carbohydrates like white bread, rice etc. are consumed, glucose levels in the blood start to rise.Depending on how fast this rise in blood glucose levels occurs carbohydrates can be divided into high GI and low GI foods. High GI foods like bread, potatoes etc. cause a rapid spike in blood glucose levels while low GI foods like pasta c

Coating of Additive Manufactured Dental Suprastructures and its Interaction with Veneering Resin

This study has investigated the possibilities of coating additive manufactured titanium dental prosthesis structures. Different coating alternatives were evaluated with the regards of esthetics, function and implementation possibilities. The coatings were applied on test samples and the adhesion between the printed titanium structures and the coating as well as to resin veneering applied on top wa

The story of a post-feminist in post-patriarchy : the consequences of customary laws and practices on rural women’s land rights and livelihoods in Tanzania

In rural Tanzania, customary laws and practices have for over 50 years been the major constraints of women’s land rights and livelihood. According to customs, a man has inherent powers to own and control land, and he is considered to be the rightful heir of such resource, and a woman is not. In most cases, women get to experience such disposition in matters of inheritance, succession, and division

Characterization of direct conversion of astroglia into neurons in the hippocampus

Epilepsy is a disorder in the brain indicated by the occurrence of uncontrollable seizures. The current approaches in treatment of the disease are unsuccessful for 30% of the patients. People suffering from drug resistant epilepsy usually have to remove the part of the brain causing the seizures, which is often the temporal lobe, so novel treatments are urgently needed. Our approach aims at regene

Performance- and Cost-efficient Cloud Architectures

Molnet är ett begrepp som används mer och mer och allt eftersom företagen bekantar sig med de relaterade begreppen och vad de innebär och de tjänster som erbjuds av leverantörerna mognar så vänder sig fler och fler företag till molntjänster för att tillgodose sina behov. I det här examensarbetet undersöks vilka problem man stöter på vid en migrering av en existerande serverlösning samt hur man bäsThe Cloud is becoming a more and more popular expression and as companies learn what it is and the cloud services offered by cloud providers mature, more companies are looking towards The Cloud to satisfy their needs. This master thesis examines issues that can arise when moving an existing server solution to The Cloud and how to utilise the possibilities offered by cloud services with a cost-effe

The Crime of Fiscal Neglect and Punishment of High Rates – A Panel Study for EMU

This paper examines long-term interest rates and fiscal liabilities within EMU in the context of the recent sovereign debt crisis; where Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain faced rising interest rates in contrast to the rest of the EMU. An assessment of the short and long-run properties of long rates, fiscal deficits and government debt are estimated for 11 EMU countries in the time span 19

CRYPTOSPORIDIUM I DRICKSVATTEN - En studie om arbetet med att förhindra fekala patogener i Örnsköldsviks och Umeås kommun

In November 2010 the largest outbreak in Sweden, and the second largest worldwide, of the parasite Cryptosporidium in public water supplies happened. The cause is still unknown, but the effects of the outbreak were that 27 000 inhabitants in the city of Östersund got infected. This study is a research of how other municipalities in Sweden are working with, preserving healthy drinking water, and ho

Försvaret av den svenska datalagringen: En koherensanalys av den fortsatta datalagringens rättfärdigande

The Swedish implementation of the EU's Data Retention Directive, entailing mandatory retention of electronic communications data concerning all individuals for the purpose of law enforcement, was passed in 2012. In 2014 the directive was ruled invalid by the Court of Justice of the European Union on the basis of its alleged infringements on fundamental rights. Implementations of the directive

Ansvarsutkrävande i privatisering av fred - Privata militär- och säkerhetsföretag i FN:s fredsoperationer

Private military and security companies are part of an expanding global industry for security and is now performing services within UN peacekeeping missions. This thesis aims to study the use of private military and security companies in UN peacekeeping in the light of accountability. It does so by asking how accountable is UN in their use of private military and security companies in UN peacekeep

Är det att kriminalisera livet genom att kriminalisera eutanasi?

Att det i svensk rätt inte finns någon uttrycklig reglering gällande eutanasi behöver man inte lägga ner stor möda på för att få fram ett svar på. Men trots avsaknaden av gällande lagstiftning på eutanasiområdet är det ändå ett område som ger individen rättigheter att själv bestämma över sitt liv och hur det skall avslutas. Individen själv får ta sitt liv och man får även agera medhjälpare därtill

Challenges with the implementation of sustainable consumption. A Case Study of the Municipality of Malmö and clothing consumption

In the city of Malmö urban sustainability has been a front figure in municipality development strategies. Despite this, large shopping malls are approved by the municipality and sustain patterns of consumerism. This lead into the question of how the municipality is working for sustainability within consumption, and particularly within one of the worlds most polluting industries, the clothing indus

Identifiering av och insatser mot ofrivillig ensamhet bland äldre

Flertalet studier visar på att ofrivillig ensamhet leder till försämrad hälsa. Samband kan även ses mellan ökad ofrivillig ensamhet och åldrande. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter från identifiering av och insatser mot ofrivillig ensamhet inom kommunal äldreomsorg. Åtta arbetsterapeuter inom kommunal verksamhet intervjuades med en egenkonstruerad intervjuguide

Orderprocessens förbättringsmöjligheter med utgångspunkt i färdigvarulagret

Ständiga förbättringar är viktiga för att upprätthålla ett företags konkurrenskraft inom sin bransch. Kunderna vill ha en hög leveranssäkerhet och flexibilitet för sina ordrar, men utförande från tillverkningsföretagens sida riskerar att vara bristande. Därför kan utförandet av kartläggningar och mätningar av orderprocessen, i kombination med förbättringar, stärka ett företags vidare konkurrenskraContinuous improvement is important for maintaining a company’s competitive position in its own industry. Customers want a high delivery reliability and flexibility for their orders, but the performance of the manufacturers is likely to be deficient. Therefore, the execution of mapping and measurements of the order process, combined with improvements, enhance corporate competitiveness further. An

Energilagring -En kunskapssammanställning om energilagringstekniker & en fallstudie om energilagring i ett flerbostadshus

Sammanfattning Detta arbete har delats in i två delar. Den första delen handlar om olika energilagringstekniker. Den andra delen handlar om att lagra egenproducerad elenergi i ett flerbostadshus. Syftet med första delen har varit att samla information om olika energilagringstekniker i en kunskapssammanställning genom att studera dess funktion, aktuella status och framtidsutsikter. Den andra delen Abstract This master thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with a general study of different energy storage systems. The second part deals with the possibility to store own-produced electricity from solar panels in a multifamily residential area. The purpose of the first part was to collect information about different energy storage systems in a general study, and examine their di

A Sustainable Bredäng - Sustainable Densification of a Million Program Area in Stockholm, Sweden

Bredäng, a housing area in southwest Stockholm, was built between 1963 and 1965 as part of The Million Program, a Swedish government program to fix the housing shortage in the country. Bredäng is characterized by its green and blue qualities, but also by its many parking lots, poor public spaces, monotone architecture and storm water issues. Today, the housing shortage is once again an issue, esp

Effects of phosphorylation on oligomerisation and localisation of the Streptomyces coelicolor protein DivIVA in vitro

Streptomyces is the largest genus in the phylum Actinobacteria, known for their complex life cycle and secondary metabolite production. The model bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor grows _lamentously by tip extension and hyphal branching. The hyphal tip is highly organised, with various structural proteins forming a large assembly termed the polarisome. An essential protein, DivIVA, localises to th

Female Representation In Trade Unions: The Case Of The Cambodian Garment Industry

The textile and garment industry is one of Cambodia’s economic ‘growth pillars’ and it plays a key role in the country’s economic development. Foreign enterprises contract Cambodian factories to manufacture goods, which will then be sold worldwide. International buyers include H&M, GAP, Marks & Spencer, Levi’s, Adidas and Inditex. The demands required to suppliers are challenging and there

Gemla Museum

This project is about creating a concept for a historical museum for the swedish furniture company Gemla AB. It will be a permanent exhibition located in connection to their factory. The reason Gemla wants to put up this museum is to give clients, students or the interested public a deeper understanding of the company and their history. My work will beto gather the parts in history that I think Ge