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Att inte kunna representera den svenska husmanskosten - En diskursanalys av vardagsrasism ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv

Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är att synliggöra erfarenheter av rasifiering som de upplevs i vardagen. Uppsatsen erbjuder en vidare förståelse av rasismens mekanismer och låter sig inte begränsas av den vedertagna definitionen av vad rasism innebär. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av tre reflexiva intervjuer med tre unga kvinnor i Skåne som kretsar kring deras personliga erfarenheter av vardagsrasi

Sustainable Management of Plastic Bag Waste. The Case of Nairobi, Kenya

This research discusses the adverse environmental impacts of plastic bag waste in Nairobi, Kenya, their root causes and remedial policy and technical packages for the short and long term. The need for such a study is justified as it is desirable to change the unsustainable pattern of consumption and production associated with these materials. Plastic bag waste appears in very high proportion in th

Outlawing Hamas - An Illustration of the High Stakes of Legalisation

ABSTRACT In this paper, the political implications of the EU's listing of the political branch of Hamas as a terrorist organisation are examined. The terrorist lists are perceived as a case of legalisation of a previously unregulated field in international politics, were power in two steps has been moved from the table of democratically accountable politicians: first from the level of the nat

Samspel mellan programmerare och designers: I ett danskt dataspelföretag

Syftet med denna uppsats var att analysera hur samspelet såg ut mellan speldesigners och spelprogrammerare samt att analysera hur konflikter hanterades. Denna uppsats var av kvalitativ art och baserades på fyra intervjuer med två designers och två programmerare. Det visade sig att det rådde bra kommunikation på företaget mellan designers och programmerare, men att det är vissa konflikter som änd

Under konstruktion? Om likabehandlingsarbete och heteronormativitet i Malmös högstadieskolor

Denna uppsats undersöker hur Malmös högstadieskolor arbetar mot homofobi och heteronormativitet. Uppsatsen utgår från ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv och materialet består av två enkäter bland lärare och skolledare på sammanlagt tretton skolor. Resultaten tyder bl a på att kränkningar pga sexuell läggning och kön är vanliga på skolorna samt att lärarna nästan helt saknar utbildning och kompetensutv

Structural Links for the detection of Collective Dominance:Analysis of Case Law under the EC Merger Regulation

Adoption of ECMR 4064/89 filled a lacuna in European Merger Control. One of the key objectives behind the ECMR is to prevent a concentration leading to the creation or strengthening of a dominant position which may lead to the prohibition in Article 2 (3).The Commission of the European Communities gained some significant powers in order to protect the competitive structure of Common Market. But, A

The unsustainable policy choice: China's dilemma of rapid population ageing

Anyone following trends in international business and economics is aware of the rise of China as an economic giant. As a part of its development strategy China, in the late 1970s, adopted a strict birthing policy to curb population growth. This has resulted in China having become an ageing society. In this thesis a case study of China's political economy was used to try and explain in what way

Berusningens funktion på krogen utifrån fyra olika perspektiv

This study elucidates the perceptions of twelve people at an age between 35 and 50 years, on what influence intoxication and drunkenness in the bar environment. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of the effect the intoxication has on the visitor in the bar environment and this is done through qualitative method interviews. The theoretical frame we use to analyse the empirical

Jesu Kristi sinnelag : om konsensusmodellen i Kyrkornas Världsråd

This essay examines the using of consensus method for decision making within the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the process that led to the decision to adopt its usage. The main question of my essay is why the method was introduced to the WCC and what motives lay behind its introduction. Other questions are how the consensus method works; both in theory and in practice, and what the predecess

På egna ben? En kvalitativ studie om gymnasieelevers framtidssyn.

Abstract The purpose of this essay was to examine how young people who are about to graduate from high school define and value their future. We also wanted to se which emotions they associate with their future and what or who influences them in their choices in life. The questions for our study were: What does it mean for these youths to become an adult? What images do they have of future educ

Att delta och förändra, trots kaos! - En studie om Försäkringskassans organisationsförändringar.

Earlier the regional social insurance office was exposed to critisism because of bad administration and a lack of providing public service. Among other things the regional social insurance office was attacked because of long investigation hours and indinstinct working methods and was blamed for not being able to solve the unhealth in the society. This lead to the reformation of the previous region

"Det som står i Internet kan också stå i en bok, så då måste det ju vara sant": En undersökning av Komvuxelevers informationskompetens

The information flow of today is endless and the advances in information technology astounding. In today's information society it is of utmost importance not only to be able to find the right information but also to evaluate the information. The expression ?information literacy? is not a new one but it has never been as pertinent and essential as today. Information literacy is however not some

Manlig lusta eller tabu? En undersökande uppföljning av sexköpslagen. Lag (1998:408).

January 1, 1999, a new sex purchase law was introduced in Sweden, Lag (1998: 408). The law implies that in a sex trade a crime is committed only by the consumer in the sex trade. The majority of consumers in prostitution are men and the suppliers are women. When prostitution is problematized it's usually from the woman's point of view and the perspective of the man is often overlooked. The

Kär och galen eller sansad och professionell - en granskning av TV-serierna House och Grey's Anatomy

Då media spelar en allt större roll i våra vardagliga liv, med förebilder och yrkesval som inspirerar och influerar oss är det viktigt att se hur dessa framställs. Vi har valt att närmare granska två populära serier i tv som båda delar sjukhustema. Dessa är Grey's Anatomy och House, båda amerikanska produktioner med mångmiljonpublik i hemlandet och som just nu visas i svensk tv. Serierna behan

Prospective Automotive Financing in China : Concepts and Problems

This Master thesis deals with prospective automotive financing in China. It is supposed to give a clear overview of the many confusing fragments existing on car finance in China in innumerable press articles and magazines. The paper thus answers who the competitors in the market are and what their aims are, how the actual market situation looks like, what the legal requirements are for automotive

Transition to Chemical Management Services. Opportunities, barriers & drawbacks in a European context

Chemical Management Services (CMS), an application of Product Service Systems (PSS) in the chemical sector, attempts to optimise chemical consumption patterns. CMS works by changing the fundamental relationship between chemical suppliers and chemical customers and providing incentives to both to reduce the quantity of chemicals used. CMS is gaining increasing popularity as a tool for cost savings

Etnisk diskriminering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

This thesis examines the Swedish labour market with a focus on the immigrant part off the population. There are big differences between the immigrant and particular non-European immigrant part off the population and native Swedes. In the first part off this thesis I will show that immigrants in Sweden have a higher rate of unemployment, lower rate off employment, lower wage incomes, higher risk of