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A Component Mode Synthesis Approach for Vibration Analysis in a Multi-Storey Wood Building
n exact ab initio theory of quantum transport using TDDFT and nonequilibrium Green’s functions
We present an exact ab initio theory for describing the motion of interacting electrons through nanoscopic constrictions. Our theory is based on time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and nonequilibrium Green functions. We consider the system electrode-device-electrode initially contacted and in equilibrium, therefore the scheme is thermodynamically consistent. Besides the steady-state r
Conditions for Efficient Tax Rates
Religiös ickerealism och referens till Gud
An objection against religious nonrealism is that it cannot account for the reference to God, since God is seen to be a human construction, and not a metaphysically existing entity. However, as traditional theories of reference are insufficient in explaining everyday language references to so-called non-existing entities, the criticism is not valid.
Voltage and frequency control for island operated induction generators
Using DVS processors to achieve energy efficiency in hard real-time systems
Bullying and Educational Practice
Almakramat almalakiyya, An Informal Tool for Rent Distribution in the Gulf Oil Monarchies.
Radon Transforms for Vector Fields with Applications to Ultrasound Doppler Measurements
Trade preferences from a policy perspective
Educational Homogamy and Income Differentiation Across Europe.
“Crime fiction at the service of society – on some perils in the making of a Scandinavian film town”
Crime fiction at the service of society – on some perils in the making of a Scandinavian film town During the last decades, regional film funds and tax breaks have altered the geography of European film production. Film and other forms of audiovisual media are increasingly produced in places far from where such activities customarily occurred. Sweden may be among the countries where the tendency
On the efficiency of MIMO antennas
The efficiency of granulated blast-furnace slag and limestone filler in mortars - strength and chloride penetration
Primärvårdens möte med invandrare
Speglingar av en förvaltning i förändring: Reformeringen av Försäkringskassan
Svensk statsförvaltning genomgår, precis som privat sektor, ständigt förändringar och omstruktureringar, drivna av olika samhällstrender, ledarskapsidéer och politiska styrfilosofier. Vid dessa förändringar ställs verksamheten inför vägval som på olika sätt kan påverka dess förmåga att leva upp till omgivningens krav och förväntningar. Samtidigt finns inte utrymme för risktagande, eftersom förvalt
Medicinsk genusforskning – igår, idag och i morgon
Springback prediction and it's usefulness in an industrial perspective
Effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 level on seed lipids and on diurnal leaf lipid composition in Arabidopsis thaliana
While the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 level on starch and sugar metabolism have been extensively studied in different plants, the effect on plant lipid metabolism concerns only a few studies and none of these are on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. This study of the lipid composition in seeds and leaves of A. thaliana is therefore of interest when trying to predict how the future envi