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Den här studien undersöker betydelsen av högre bildkonstnärlig utbildning och social bakgrund för yrkeskarriärer inom det konstnärliga fält som informanterna verkar inom. Utgångspunkten är att professionella banor inom fältet präglas av osäkerhet och studien har som avsikt att diskutera den betydelse skolgången har för deras nuvarande och framtida position som konstnärer och vilka sociala, kulture

Auktoritet genom dåtidens kameralins

I uppsatsen studeras auktoritet i en jämförande semiotisk analys av fotografier av den amerikanska ursprungsbefolkningen mellan tidigt 1900-tal och 1930-talet. Analysen görs utifrån teorierna postkolonialism och representation. Studien tar även upp ackulturation och genom att studera fotografier av den amerikanska ursprungsbefolkningen försöker skribenten ta reda på hur förändringen till följd av The author studies authority in photographs of Native Americans between 1900 and 1930's and compares them using a semiotic analysis. The theories that are applied on the analysis is post colonialism and repesentation. The author studies the photos of the Native Americans to see how the changes brought on them by the acculturation is shown in the photos.

Företrädesrättens ställning på en föränderlig arbetsmarknad – Hur inhyrning av arbetskraft påverkar företrädesrätt till återanställning

Denna uppsats behandlar företrädesrätt till återanställning och hur den påverkas av möjligheten att hyra in arbetskraft. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur företrädesrätten regleras, huruvida inhyrning av arbetskraft kan vara ett kringgående av lagen samt hur företrädesrätten påverkas av inhyrning av arbetskraft. För att uppnå detta används en rättsdogmatisk metod. Företrädesrätt till återaThis paper examines the priority right to re-employment and how it is affected by the possibility to hire temporary workers. The purpose is to investigate the regulation of the priority right to re-employment; whether hiring of temporary workers can be considered a circumvention of the law; and how the practice of hiring temporary workers impacts the priority right. This is achieved by using a leg

Barnet i främsta rummet : En kvalitativ analys av tingsrättens domslut gällande vårdnadsöverflyttningar

The aim of this study was to understand how the Swedish district court makes decisions concerning transfer of custody based on the best interest of the child, child’s will and parents rights of their child. The method for this study was a qualitative content analysis of 17 verdicts from the Swedish district courts when a child has been placed in a family home and the child custody case begins. The

A Dignified Life: How poverty fosters loneliness and how people manage to engage in alternative forms of socialization in an urban landscape

Loneliness as a social issue has been gaining extensive interest in recent years, but the subject has lacked results stemming from qualitative research and the link between loneliness and low income has been understudied. This thesis is one minor part in covering these both gaps. I have aimed at using previous quantitative findings on loneliness among low income earners in order to expand on the l

Smartphone-based shade analysis using hemispherical fisheye imaging for local solar energy potential

In the emerging trend of smartphone use and a rising demand for solar photovoltaic (PV) power worldwide, this master thesis project explores the potential to utilize commercially available fisheye lens optics in combination with a smartphone camera to capture and analyze local shading conditions. Photogrammetric studies involving hemispherical sky photos have since long been used for environmental

How digitalization affects elderly care. - Is digitalization the holy grail solution to the issue of increasing costs in Sweden's elderly care?

This thesis analyzes how digitalization in elderly care affects cost-efficiency and quality of care. More specifically, digitalization in elderly care is divided into welfare technologies and E-services. The study goes into how well digitalization meets its promises of solving many of our society's future problems regarding elderly care, such as an aging population. In order to analyze this, I

En diskursanalys av problemet med mäns våld mot kvinnor

Mäns våld mot kvinnor har på senaste tiden uppmärksammats, men har sedan lång tid tillbaka varit ett stort problem. Tidigare sågs det som en privat angelägenhet inom familjen medan det idag förstås som ett offentligt problem som berör flera i samhället samt flera samhällsområden. Avvikelseförklaringar till våldet har tidigare präglat förståelsen kring mäns våld mot kvinnor och frågan om våld har sMen's violence against women has recently attracted a lot of attention but has been a major problem for a long time. Previously, it was seen as a private matter within the family, while today it is understood as a public problem that affects many and several areas of society. Explanations of deviations in individuals to violence have previously characterized the understanding of men's viol

Pushing the Limits of Externalisation Policy: A case study on Danish migration policy examined in light of European core values

Danish migration policy became extremely restrictive after the 2015 migration crisis, with the most striking measure being the amendment of the Aliens Act in June 2021. This law allows the Danish government to negotiate a deal with a third country to process asylum applications outside of Denmark. During the 1980s, migration policy in Europe was securitised, portraying migration as a threat to the

Ordning och reda i välfärden. En beskrivande idéanalys av Välfärdsutredningen (SOU 2016:78).

The Swedish public sector has experienced an extensive change towards a more market-oriented structure since the latter part of the 20th century. This essay examines how ideas regarding welfare production in modern day Sweden can be linked to three different principles: a communitarian principle, an autonomous principle and an economic principle . By applying a theoretical framework in a descripti

Fri, förvirrad eller övergiven? En kvalitativ studie av prästers personliga böneliv

In the Church of Sweden, priests do not have a specific vow concerning their personal prayer life, which some other church traditions in the world do have. Concerning this, the purpose of this paper is to give a picture of how newly ordained priests in the Church of Sweden, more specifically the diocese of Lund, describes their personal prayer and whether the priests feel that they have received t

UngDOK - stödjande eller styrande? Socialarbetares erfarenhet av att använda bedömningsinstrumentet UngDOK

The aim of this study was to explore social workers’ experiences with the assessment tool UngDOK at Maria clinics in Skane. The past 30 years has seen a rise in popularity of evidence based practices and increased requirements for scientific evidence of the effects of various treatments. Several manual based evaluation and assessment instruments have been implemented in the field of social work in

The value of traditional travel agency in the digital age

In contemporary tourism, technology enables travelers to make travel arrangements in various ways, for example they can reserve tickets directly from airlines company’s website or purchase products from online travel agencies. Considering that travelers have many alternatives but insist in making transactions with traditional travel agencies, there must be something that makes traditional travel a

Upplevelsen av elektrokonvulsiv terapi hos personer med djup depression

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva personers upplevelse av att genomgå elektrokonvulsiv terapi i samband med djup depression. Metod: En litteraturstudie där relevanta artiklar inom området söktes i databaserna PsycInfo, PubMed samt CINAHL. Elva artiklar analyserades och lades till grund för litteraturstudiens resultatdel. Artiklarna analyserades med hjälp av integrerad analys och två huvud

Modersmålsundervisningens status i den svenska politiken

Mother tongue tuition (MTT) has been part of the Swedish educational system since 1977, with now almost 30 per cent of elementary school students eligible for the subject. With an increasingly globalized world, as well as expectations from the EU of all their member states’ citizens learning at least three languages, MTT could work as a means to meet the goal of a more linguistically knowledgeable

Borders, Boundaries and Identity in a Divided Europe - A Sociology of Europeanisation

Based on qualitative data, I explore notions of collective identities within Europe – in particular, whether and how the EU and Europe evoke a sense of belonging. The main data comprises 12 semi-structured interviews with Europeans living in two different border regions, Lampedusa and the Danish-German borderland, together with pro- and anti-European movements and communities. The interviews are c

The discourse of danger in Denmark (2001-2006), discourse analysis of the Danish cartoon crisis

The Danish cartoon crisis was triggered by the publication of twelve cartoons of the prophet Muhammad by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005 and had a significant impact on world politics. This paper tries to understand this crisis using a post-positivist approach to social reality. It asserts that the crisis can be understood discursively by applying the theory of discourse of danger to

Terrorism i tidningarna - En kvantitativ studie om terrorattentats representation i svensk media

In this essay, our aim was to investigate the correlation between deaths due to a terrorist attack an the medial attention of the attack. We do this to test and further expand Virgil Hawkins’ theory about stealth conflicts, where he emphasizes that the most violent conflicts of the world are underreported and in some cases ignored in favor of so-called chosen conflicts, which are on the medial age

Omedelbarhetsprincipen - Ett hinder mot en effektiv brottmålsprocess eller en nödvändighet för upprätthållandet av rättssäkerheten?

Den rådande rättspolitiska debatten avseende omedelbarhetsprincipen och dess behov av reform har lett till ett flertal offentliga utredningar och propositioner. Dessa förslag har under uppsatsskrivandets gång resulterat i lagändringar medförande att tidiga förhör får åberopas som bevis i domstol. Syftet med denna framställning är att med avstamp i förarbetena till 1948 års rättegångsbalk göra en jThe current legal policy debate regarding the principle of immediacy and its needs for reform has led to several Swedish Government Official Reports and government bills. During the writing of this essay, these proposals have resulted in amendment of an act; early non-public hearings may now be plead as evidence in court. The purpose of this thesis is to make a comparison between corresponding arg

Tiggeriförbud - när, var, hur och varför? - En undersökning av kommuners utrymme att utfärda tiggeriförbud och de rådande tiggeriförbuden

År 2018 fastslog Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen att det är tillåtet för kommuner att utfärda lokala tiggeriförbud. Sedan dess har femton kommuner i Sverige utfärdat tiggeriförbud, med hänvisning till att tiggare stör den allmänna ordningen. Tiggeriförbuds vara eller icke-vara är dock omdiskuterad. I januari 2021 meddelade Europadomstolen en dom i vilken den konstaterade att det är en mänsklig rättigIn 2018, the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court ruled that it is permitted for municipalities to issue local bans on begging. Since then, fifteen municipalities in Sweden have issued bans on begging, with reference to beggars disturbing the public order. The bans on begging have however been disputed. In January 2021, the ECHR issued a ruling in which it stated that it is a human right to beg ac