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The Sustainability Potential of Upcycling

The upcycling trend has received renewed attention in the past few years due to growing concerns for the environment related to increased resource consumption and waste volumes. Indeed, cities across the world are supporting resource upcycling initiatives by establishing do-it-yourself (DIY) repair cafes and makerspaces as a means to transform societies towards sustainable develop-ment. However, t

The Long and Short Arms of the State : Swedish Multidirectional Controls of Afghan Asylum Seekers during the Cold War

Drawing on unique sources from the Swedish Migration Agency Archive, this article examines how Afghan asylum seekers and refugees fared in their encounter with Swedish internal and external controls of people seeking protection from persecution during the Cold War. Within a theoretical framework that draws on the concept of statist logic, the history of refugeehood, interactionist sociology and cr

Through light and darkness: A literature review of children's independent mobility after dark

Background and objectivesDarkness is a significant barrier to children’s independent mobility (Shaw et al., 2015) affecting the perception and use of outdoor environments, making them less attractive, and increasing social fears (Cele, 2019). This literature review addresses the question of how artificial outdoor lighting may serve to provide children independent mobility after dark.Process and meBackground and objectivesDarkness is a significant barrier to children’s independent mobility (Shaw et al., 2015) affecting the perception and use of outdoor environments, making them less attractive, and increasing social fears (Cele, 2019). This literature review addresses the question of how artificial outdoor lighting may serve to provide children independent mobilityafter dark.Process and met

Associations Between Addictive Behaviors, Individual Characteristics, and the Use of Gambling Services Within the World of Gaming : Cross-sectional Survey Study

Background: Gambling within the world of gaming is an emerging phenomenon that may share common conceptual characteristics with traditional forms of gambling. The current literature suggests a higher degree of problematic behaviors in this gambling pattern, but studies are few, prompting for further research regarding individual characteristics and comorbid conditions associated with this activity

Structural evolution of iron forming iron oxide in a deep eutectic-solvothermal reaction

Deep eutectic solvents (DES) and their hydrated mixtures are used for solvothermal routes towards greener functional nanomaterials. Here we present the first static structural and in situ studies of the formation of iron oxide (hematite) nanoparticles in a DES of choline chloride : urea where xurea = 0.67 (aka. reline) as an exemplar solvothermal reaction, and observe the effects of water on the r

Structural and chemical heterogeneity in ancient glass probed using gas overcondensation, X-ray tomography, and solid-state NMR

Rare ancient glasses have complex, multi-scale structures requiring more sophisticated and non-destructive pore characterisation techniques than usual. Homotattic patch models for nitrogen adsorption gave better fits to the isotherm data, more accurate void space descriptors, and also greater understanding of the underlying physical factors affecting adsorption, than standard BET. These homotattic

Bacterial and fungal communities in tracheal aspirates of intubated COVID-19 patients : a pilot study

Co-infections with bacterial or fungal pathogens could be associated with severity and outcome of disease in COVID-19 patients. We, therefore, used a 16S and ITS-based sequencing approach to assess the biomass and composition of the bacterial and fungal communities in endotracheal aspirates of intubated COVID-19 patients. Our method combines information on bacterial and fungal biomass with communi

Pollen richness : a reflection of vegetation diversity or pollen-specific parameters?

Our study aims to increase the understanding about the impacts of potential drivers of pollen richness by using a pollen-vegetation modelling approach. We used the Sutton-Prentice dispersal model implemented in the HUMPOL software suite to explore the effects of factors commonly associated with pollen richness: vegetation diversity (plant richness and evenness), land-cover characteristics (patch r

Poverty, labour law and human rights : A necessary connection

There is an obvious connection between income generation and emergence from poverty, and the way in which this is promoted must respect human rights. Access to decent work in fair conditions and with just incomes is fundamental to the fight against poverty and social exclusion. These outcomes cannot be achieved without the intervention of adequate law. The rights related to work are developed most

Electrophysiological evaluation of fleck retina and temporal macular thinning in X-Linked alport's syndrome

We report a 39-year-old with Alport's syndrome. The patient presented with anterior lenticonus, cataract, and a corrected distance visual acuity of 20/25 and 20/60 in the right and left eyes, respectively. Fundus examination revealed generalized retinal flecks sparing the fovea in both eyes. Optical coherence topography showed temporal macular thinning. Normal fundus autofluorescence was observed


The European Spallation Source, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, will be the world's most powerful neutron source. It is driven by a proton linac with a current of 62.5 mA, 2.86 ms long pulses at 14 Hz. The final section of its normal-conducting front-end consists of a 39 m long drift tube linac (DTL) divided into five tanks, designed to accelerate the proton beam from 3.6 MeV to 90 M