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Telefonsjuksköterskans tillgång till utbildning enligt kompetensbeskrivningen för telefonsjuksköterskor

Abstract Bakgrund Telefonsjuksköterskan i primärvården i Region Skåne huvudsakliga arbetsuppgift är att triagera patienten till rätt vårdnivå. 2010 utformandes kompetensbeskrivningen för telefonsjuksköterskor i ett steg för att belysa telefonsjuksköterskans behov av kompetens och kompetensutveckling. Trots att kompetensbeskrivningen har funnits i 12 år visar forskning på att telefonsjuksköterskan

Hälsosamtalet mellan skolsköterskan och elever i årskurs fyra utifrån skolsköterskans perspektiv

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Ohälsa bland barn och unga har ökat under de senaste åren och skolan är en betydelsefull plattform med möjlighet att identifiera elevers ohälsa i ett tidigt skede. Hälsosamtalet mellan skolsköterskan och eleven syftar till att främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa hos eleven. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hälsosamtalet mellan eleven och skolsköterskan i årskurs fyra ur s

Examining multiple-contact miscibility in reservoir drainage using a rock-on-a-chip

A series of experiments are carried out to exam the effect of multiple-contact miscibility on drainage using a rock-on-a-chip. The result shows the distinct behaviors depending on the composition and injection flow rate. The observations are compared with the classical parameter regime diagram for drainage displacement of R. Lenormand et al[1].

Atrial fibrillation in cryptogenic stroke and TIA patients in the nordic atrial fibrillation and stroke The Nordic Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke (NOR-FIB) Study : Main results

Introduction: Secondary stroke prevention depends on proper identification of the underlying etiology and initiation of optimal treatment after the index event. The aim of the NOR-FIB study was to detect and quantify underlying atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with cryptogenic stroke (CS) or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) using insertable cardiac monitor (ICM), to optimise secondary preventi

Decomposing the spatial and temporal effects of climate on bird populations in northern European mountains

The relationships between species abundance or occurrence versus spatial variation in climate are commonly used in species distribution models to forecast future distributions. Under “space-for-time substitution”, the effects of climate variation on species are assumed to be equivalent in both space and time. Two unresolved issues of space-for-time substitution are the time period for species' res

Motiverande samtal i primärvården- Distriktssköterskans och sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att arbeta med livsstilsförändringar

Abstrakt. Bakgrund: Ohälsosamma levnadsvanor utgör en stor risk för att utveckla folksjukdomar. Folksjukdomar utgör den ledande dödsorsaken i världen och är en av de största hälsoutmaningarna under 2000-talet. Studier har visat att motiverande samtal (motivational interviewing, MI) är effektivt för att hjälpa människor att bryta ohälsosamma levnadsvanor. Samtidigt belyser en studie att endast häl

The role of retail establishments for perceived safety in deprived urban environments

Safety, perceived and real, is essential for the attractiveness of urban environments (Avraham & Ketter, 2008, Coaffee & van Ham, 2008, Avraham, 2009). A high degree of perceived safety of a place plays a large role in attracting retail businesses, personnel, and customers. However, perceived safety is not an isolated issue, but related to many aspects, such as the planning of city space,

Organic matter composition and greenhouse gas production of thawing subsea permafrost in the Laptev Sea

Subsea permafrost represents a large carbon pool that might be or become a significant greenhouse gas source. Scarcity of observational data causes large uncertainties. We here use five 21-56 m long subsea permafrost cores from the Laptev Sea to constrain organic carbon (OC) storage and sources, degradation state and potential greenhouse gas production upon thaw. Grain sizes, optically-stimulated

Mixed Reality in resuscitation and acute homecare scenarios : a proof of concept study

- Specialist supervision of junior health care providers was feasible via the HoloLens 2- Some clinical procedures could potentially be performed with virtual supervision- Mixed reality has the potential to improve specialist involvement and senior decision making, particularly in out of office hours and in the prehospital setting.- A feasibility study using HoloLens 2 in a clinical setting is a r

Immunobiology of T helper cells and antigen-presenting cells in autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (AITP) is a bleeding disease in which autoantibodies are directed against the individual's own platelets, resulting in enhanced Fc-mediated platelet destruction by macrophages in the reticuloendothelial system. Most research in AITP has focused on characterization of the autoantibodies, while little has been devoted to the cellular immune mechanisms leading to a