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Your search for "*" yielded 530143 hits

A self-sustaining layer of early-life-origin B cells drives steady-state IgA responses in the adult gut

The adult immune system consists of cells that emerged at various times during ontogeny. We aimed to define the relationship between developmental origin and composition of the adult B cell pool during unperturbed hematopoiesis. Lineage tracing stratified murine adult B cells based on the timing of output, revealing that a substantial portion originated within a restricted neonatal window. In addi

PERson-centredness in Hypertension management using Information Technology : a randomized controlled trial in primary care

OBJECTIVES: To increase the proportion of individuals with hypertension obtaining a blood pressure (BP) of less than 140/90 mmHg by improving the management of hypertension in daily life from a person-centred perspective.METHODS: In this unblinded randomized controlled trial, we tested an interactive web-based self-management system for hypertension. A total of 949 patients with hypertension from

Ethical dilemmas of listening through and with costume.

‘Responsibility begins from the acknowledgement that we are all part of the world. And that we cannot distance ourselves from it or assume a stance of innocence in our relationship with others’ (Bozalek & Zembylas 2017, 68).In this paper I will discuss the ethical dilemmas of listening through and with costume and the ambiguity of temporal and spatial collaborative entanglements. As a costume

Musiklärares arbete med bedömning och betygsättning : yttre och personliga omständigheter som påverkar praktiker samt möjliga subjektspositioner

I Sveriges grundskolor använder musiklärare en stor del av sin arbetstid till arbete som rör bedömning och betygsättning. Fem musiklärare har i denna studie intervjuats med syftet att ta reda på hur de konstruerar sina bedömnings- och betygsättningspraktiker genom att undersöka vilka omständigheter som inverkar på dessa. Studiens vetenskapsteoretiska förankring finns i socialkonstruktionismen; teaMusic teachers in Swedish compulsory schools spend much of their time with work concerning assessment and grading. In this study, five music teachers have been interviewed with the purpose of finding out how they construct their assessment and grading practices by inquiring into by what circumstances their practices are affected. The study’s theoretical foundation lies within social constructionis

Failure Analysis of ±45° Off-Axis Woven Fabric Composite Specimens

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the mechanical response of eight harness satin woven graphite/polyimide composite specimens using the ±45 ° test. A series of tensile tests have been conducted at room temperature to evaluate the effect of specimen width as well as monotonie, progressive, and multiple loadings on the response of the composite specimens. Acoustic emission techniques have

OSL dating of the Mesolithic site Nilsvikdalen 7, Bjorøy, Norway.

Luminiscensdatering är en väletablerad dateringsmetod inom geologisk och arkeologisk forskning. Dock är användandet av luminiscensdatering, mer specifikt optiskt stimulerad luminiscens (OSL), fortfarande underrepresenterat inom norsk arkeologi. Denna studie ämnar utreda lämpligheten av denna dateringsmetod som ett användbart alternativ för utgrävningar av Stenålderslokaler på den norska kusten. DeLuminescence dating is a well-established dating method within geological and archaeological research. However, the use of luminescence dating, and more specifically optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), is currently underutilised in Norwegian archaeology. This study set about determining the suitability of this dating method as a viable option for excavations of Norwegian coastal Stone Age sit

A facile process for adipic acid production in high yield by oxidation of 1,6-hexanediol using the resting cells of Gluconobacter oxydans

Background: Adipic acid (AA) is one of the most important industrial chemicals used mainly for the production of Nylon 6,6 but also for making polyurethanes, plasticizers, and unsaturated polyester resins, and more recently as a component in the biodegradable polyester poly(butylene adipate terephthalate) (PBAT). The main route for AA production utilizes benzene as feedstock and generates copious

Mechanical behavior of a woven graphite/PMR-15 composite at room and elevated temperatures determined from the ±45° tensile, and Iosipescu shear tests

Failure and stiffness properties of a woven 8 harness satin (8HS) graphite/PMR-15 composite have been investigated at room temperature and at 315°C by performing the ±45° tensile and Iosipescu tests. Acoustic emission has been monitored during testing. The critical loads for the initiation of damage in the composite have been determined. In particular, the specimen width effect has been investigat

The use of X-ray diffraction measurements to determine the effect of bending loads on internal stresses in aluminum inclusions embedded in unidirectional graphite-fibre/PMR-15 composite

A testing methodology for the determination of residual thermal stresses in the polymer-matrix of unidirectional polymer-matrix composites has been proposed in Ref. [1] [Benedikt B, Kumosa M, Predecki PK, Kumosa L, Castelli MG, Sutter JK. An analysis of residual thermal stresses in a unidirectional graphite/PMR-15 composite based on the X-ray diffraction measurements. Composites Science and Techno

The T-type calcium channel CaV3.2 regulates insulin secretion in the pancreatic β-cell

Voltage-gated Ca2+ (CaV) channel dysfunction leads to impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells and contributes to the development of type-2 diabetes (T2D). The role of the low-voltage gated T-type CaV channels in β-cells remains obscure. Here we have measured the global expression of T-type CaV3.2 channels in human islets and found that gene expression of CACNA1H, encodi

Dating Business Cycles in the United Kingdom, 1700–2010

This paper constructs a new chronology of the business cycle in the United Kingdom from 1700 on an annual basis and from 1920 on a quarterly basis to 2010. The new chronology points to several observations about the business cycle. First, the cycle has significantly increased in duration and amplitude over time. Second, contractions have become less frequent but are as persistent and costly as at

Development and validation of language and visuospatial composite scores in ADNI

Introduction: Composite scores may be useful to summarize overall language or visuospatial functioning in studies of older adults. Methods:We used item response theory to derive composite measures for language (ADNI-Lan) and visuospatial functioning (ADNI-VS) from the cognitive battery administered in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). We evaluated the scores among groups of p

Nuclear spin interactions and coherent control in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals for quantum computing

This thesis work concerns studies of two rare-earth-ions, praseodymium (Pr3+) and europium (Eu3+), doped into a yttrium orthosilicate (Y2SiO5) crystal for applications in quantum computing. The nuclear spin levels of these ions can have very long coherence times, up to several hours. Coherence can also be effectively transferred between the optical and hyperfine levels. These systems, therefore, h

Negotiating organisational and professional feeling rules: : On digital documentation and emotions in child protection social work

This article explores the emotional challenges of digital documentation practices in child protection social work. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in Swedish social services, it explores how social workers negotiate organisational and professional feeling rules when performing child protection investigations using a digital documentation-based structure. Theoretically informed by Arlie HochschilThis article explores the emotional challenges of digital documentation practices in child protection social work. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in Swedish social services, it explores how social workers negotiate organisational and professional feeling rules when performing child protection investigations using a digital documentation-based structure. Theoretically informed by Arlie Hochschil

QM/MM Study of Partial Dissociation of S2B for the E2 Intermediate of Nitrogenase

Nitrogenase is the only enzyme that can cleave the triple bond in N2, making nitrogen available for all lifeforms. Previous computational studies have given widely diverging results regarding the reaction mechanism of the enzyme. For example, some recent studies have suggested that one of the μ2-bridging sulfide ligands (S2B) may dissociate from one of the Fe ions when protonated in the doubly r