Får jag se dig åter ansigte mot ansigte? De Blomstrandksa familjebreven1830-1952
Missionärsfamiljen Blomstrands arbete i Indien under 1800-talet och tidigt 1900-tal, och familjekorrespondensen mellan Indien och Sverige.
Missionärsfamiljen Blomstrands arbete i Indien under 1800-talet och tidigt 1900-tal, och familjekorrespondensen mellan Indien och Sverige.
This article investigates and discusses a football chant, a riff from a popular rock song entitled “Seven Nation Army” by the rock group The White Stripes from Detroit, USA. The chant is sung by supporters at football matches even in Sweden but also in corresponding social contexts, as when high school students graduate or at the pub. The survey, which was to by a reduction method compare the riff
Isomeric states in the semimagic Sn128-130 isotopes were populated in the fragmentation of a Xe-136 beam on a Be-9 target at an energy of 750 A.MeV. The decay of an isomeric state in Sn-128 at an excitation energy of 4098 keV has been observed. Its half live has been determined to be T-1/2 = 220(30) ns from the time distributions of the delayed gamma rays emitted in its decay. gamma gamma coincide
This paper investigates the application of sharpening knives using a force controlled industrial robot, for an arbitrary knife shape and orientation. The problem is divided into different parts: calibration of the knife by identifying its unknown orientation, identification of the knife blade contour and estimation of its position in the robot frame through force control, and grinding of the knife
Popular Abstract in Swedish Människans immunförsvar ska hjälpa oss att bekämpa infektioner från bakterier och virus. Immunförsvaret kan delas in i två delar; det adaptiva immunförsvaret, som utvecklas hela tiden under livets gång, samt det medfödda immunförsvaret. De flesta känner kanske till att kroppen kan utveckla antikroppar mot bakterier. Antikroppar känner igen och markerar ut främmande struAbstract: The joint diseases osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are characterized by destructive inflammatory processes that result in pathological changes of the joint tissues, including proteolytic degradation of cartilage and release of extracellular matrix proteins or fragments to the synovial fluid. The complement system, which is a part of the innate immune system, plays a central role
Abstract Health studies have repeatedly used air temperature (Ta), sometimes adjusted for humidity, when analyzing the impact of weather on mortality. The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of mean radiant temperature (Tmrt) and its impact on heat related mortality. Tmrt is an essential meteorological parameter that influences the thermal comfort (heat load) of humans. It is useful w
Recent years have seen increasing interest in indirect genetic effects, i.e. influences on the phenotype that depend on the genotype of other conspecific individuals; however, the empirical evidence for such effects is still limited, especially in wild plant species. The present study of the clonal herb Sedum album assessed direct and indirect genetic effects on performance-related traits in a 4-y
Cationic vinylpyridine based molecularly imprinted polymer monoliths were, for the first time, applied to enantiomer separation using capillary electrochromatography. In order to map the synthesis conditions under which superporous monoliths are obtained, capillary columns were prepared by an in situ polymerization technique using varying monomer and porogen compositions. Both electrolyte pH and p
Recent years have witnessed regained political momentum on energy efficiency and interest in establishing markets is growing. As a result, Tradable White Certificate (TWC) schemes of differing design have been implemented in Great Britain, Italy and France. Much attention is being paid to justifying and evaluating such schemes. In this paper, we develop and apply a multi-criteria framework for eva
Objectives: To investigate the proposed synergistic teratogenic effect of use of selective serotonin receptor inhibitors (SSRI) together with sedatives or hypnotics, primarily benzodiazepines, during pregnancy. Design: Cohort study of congenital malformations after maternal use of SSRI, sedatives/hypnotics or the combination of the two drug categories. Setting: Swedish national health registers. P
Our aim is to provide as clean and as complete a sample as possible of red giant branch stars that are members of the Hercules dSph galaxy. With this sample we explore the velocity dispersion and the metallicity of the system. Stromgren photometry and multi-fibre spectroscopy are combined to provide information about the evolutionary state of the stars (via the Stromgren c_1 index) and their radia
The standardization of work processes is a common feature of the public administration, aiming at both efficiency and equal treatment of citizens. Combining this standardization with employee motivation is considered a challenge. This challenge is explored, based on a survey to 261 social insurance officers (SIOs) at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Results reveal that, contrary to expectation
Using data for the period 1968–2001, this article assesses the influence of partner choice and origin country characteristics on the propensity of immigrants to naturalize in Sweden. Marriage to a foreign-born Swedish citizen increases the naturalization propensity, and its effect increases strongly when the spouse naturalizes during the same year. The analysis suggests that a lower level of civic
A simple and accurate method of differentiating ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is potentially useful to facilitate acute therapeutic management. Blood measurements of biomarkers of brain damage and activation of the coagulation system may potentially serve as novel diagnostic tools for stroke subtypes. Ninety-seven stroke patients were prospectively investigated in a multicente
Rättsfallskommentar - EU-domstolens domar under år 2010 på den direkta beskattningens område
This report contains several case studies where trade-offs have been made between prescriptive code requirements and the installation of fire sprinklers. The case studies cover design situations as use of combustible wall and façade materials, extended travel distance to exits, reduced requirements on fire ratings as well as the combination of trade-offs. The report uses verifications methods pres