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“Weighing my options” Clients experience of occupational therapy in obesity rehabilitation

Obesity is rising at an alarming rate. The aim of this study was to ask clients in obesity rehabilitation how they experience the role of occupational therapy in the program. A focus group was used and the obesity rehabilitation at Reykjalundur Rehabilitation was chosen as a scene for this study. It is a group program and clients are expected to view their opinions during the diverse sessions of t

Strategier personer med multipel skleros använder sig av i sin vardag

Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka strategier personer med multiple skleros använder sig av för att handskas med sjukdomen då den innebär skiftande dagsform. Sju personer deltog i studien, två män och fem kvinnor. Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och datainsamlingen skedde genom intervju med hjälp av en egengjord intervjuguide. Efter innehållsanalys identifierades tre kategorier och ett f

Pensioneringen – en nyckel till frihet och möjligheter?

Att pensionera sig innebär att man lämnar förvärvslivet. Detta medför en stor förändring i de dagliga aktiviteterna. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa den förändring i aktivitet som blev i och med pensioneringen samt hur deltagarna upplevde förändringen. I studien ingick åtta personer, sex kvinnor och två män. Som metod användes en semistrukturerad intervju baserad på Canadian Model of Occupa

Arbetsterapeutisk intervention i LSS-gruppbostaden med ett strukturerat arbetssätt för skapande fritidsaktiviteter i aktivitetsgrupp för personer med utvecklingsstörning

Syftet var att undersöka grupphandledande omvårdnadspersonals upplevelser av att i sin specifika LSS-gruppbostadsmiljö arbeta med ett strukturerat arbetssätt för skapande fritidsaktiviteter i aktivitetsgrupp för personer med utvecklingsstörning. Insamlandet av information har skett genom intervjuer med nio undersökningspersoner. Resultatet har strukturerats i två teman; Ett krävande samarbete, och

Subjektiva upplevelsen av miljön i Health

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka den subjektiva upplevelsen av användbarheten i Health Sciences Center Lund [HSC]. Att en miljö är tillgänglig behöver inte vara samma sak som att den är användbar. Efter en studie gjord vintern 2009 där fysiska miljöhinder listades i HSC avsåg författarna undersöka hur studenter med funktionella begränsningar upplevde användbarheten i sin skolmiljö. För att

Drag och motdrag - Strategisk interaktion i Afghanistan 2001-2007

Det amerikanska anfallet mot Afghanistan 2001 lyckades på relativt kort tid tvinga den rådande talibanregimen från makten. Sju år senare vållar en revitaliserad och svårdefinierad upprorsrörelse den afghanska regeringen betydande problem. Denna uppsats syftar till att belysa denna problematik ur ett strategiskt perspektiv. I uppsatsen analyseras den strategiska interaktion som präglat konflikten å

Aid Policy in the Post 9/11 Era- An Analysis of New Frameworks & Definitions, Design & Concequences

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of 2000 stands out as one of the greatest manifestation of international consensus. Since then, more than half of the time that was set out has elapsed, and we still find ourselves struggling to join the efforts of the given objectives. This paper suggests that contemporary Aid Policy to a high degree are determined by external factors, such as perceived thr

John Rawls princip om lika möjligheter

In his "A Theory of Justice", the American philosopher John Rawls presented two principles concerning justice. The first of these principles states: "Each person is to have an equal right to the most exstensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all." The latter is dividied into two further principles: "Social and economic

Cumaea Sibylla horrendas canit ambages

Sibyllan i den 6:e sången, hennes uppgift och funktion i Vergilius' diktverk. Den cumaeiska sibyllan i den klassiska litteraturen före, under och efter Vergilius.

Om förändringar, arbetsvillkor och kunskapsbaserandet av socialtjänsten. En kvalitativ studie av hur utredande socialsekreterare upplever Malmö stads satsning på missbruksvård.

ABSTRACT Author: Krista Runersten Title: On change, conditions of work and the evidence-basing of social services. A qualitative study of how investigating social workers experience Malmös concentration on improving the care for heavy substance abusers. [translated title] Supervisor: Anders Giertz Assessor: Hans-Edvard Roos The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers investigatin

Experience of Policy Instruments used to promote renewable energy - Case study of Maharashtra, India

Policy instruments are used to support the introduction and diffusion of renewable energy technologies as the cost of renewable energy is generally higher than fossil-based energy. The commonly used policy instruments for supporting renewable electricity are quota-based system and the price based feed-in system. While quota based systems specify minimum targets for renewable electricity procuremen

E-waste Management Policy in India - Stakeholders perceptions and media attention

E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in India due to an increase in consumption from businesses and domestic users. There is no separate law on e-waste management in India and it is presently interpreted under the Hazardous Waste (HW) rules. In practice, e-waste is largely handled by people in the informal sector. Having recognized the need for a separate policy on e-waste managemen

Nature For Sale But Who s Buying? Biodiversity Banking in Malua, Sabah.

There is a growing shift in environmental management tools from the traditional command and control approach to market mechanisms where environmental goods and services are assigned market values to generate incentives for environmental protection. In November 2007, the Sabah state government announced a joint venture with New Forests Pty. Ltd. to set up a Wildlife Conservation Bank at Malua Fores

Extended Producer Responsibility for the Management of Waste from Mobile Phones

This thesis explores the functionality of Extend Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the management of Electrical and Electronic waste (e-waste) in Kenya using a case study on manufacturer involvement in end-of-life management. To achieve the purpose of the study the analytical framework used incorporates Environmental effectiveness, Economic efficiency, Political acceptability, Administrabilty and I

Energy Crops: Stakeholder Identification and Analysis - A Case of Belarus

Belarus is subject to serious energy security issues due to limited domestic energy resources; a low diversity in the national energy profile, significant depreciation of capital assets in the Belarusian energy system, a high share of energy resources import, and a dominating dependence on one energy importer The Russian Federation. In response to these issues the country is very interested in div

Standard Setting for Technology Procurement - Redesigning an Instrument for the Environment

With the aim of exploring improvement of technology procurement efforts and learning about standard-setting challenges in that context, this study takes up the Swedish implementation of cooperative procurement as an exploratory case. With key interviews, the author gleans the details of the case as implemented over more than a decade and lessons learned in that period. An elaborate explanation app

The Bitter Sweet Promise of Biofuels - Sweet for few, bitter for many: A sudy case of Honduras

Today, biofuel industries are emerging in forms that can offer some unique opportunities to help combating climate change, cope with the emerging energy crisis and also serve to advance rural development for millions of rural poor who could benefit from this new development. Rural opportunities are expected to occur through: a) the generation of new employment and income opportunities and increase

En studie om behandlares uppfattningar kring behandlingsmetoder för sexualbrottsdömda

Abstract Keywords: Sexual offenders, treatment, Kriminalvården, treaters What method of treatment that is the most efficient in order to prevent relapse in sexual crimes is a much discussed subject in today’s society. In science there is a controversy between the psychological perspective and that of bio medicine regarding choice of treatment. But how do the treaters feel about the methods they

Drogfrihetens värderingar - konstruktion av identitet hos personer som blivit drogfria

It may be considered an existential crisis to stop using narcotics and/or alcohol. How does the person move on in order to solve this crisis in a positive way, so that their lives can be transformed? The aim of the essay was to investigate to what extent people who have stopped abusing narcotics and/or alcohol through 12-step programmes have constructed themselves in relation to “strong evaluation

Hantverk i Sverige : beredskap inför framtida behov av låg energikonsumtion

The aim of this bachelor`s thesis is to reflect the ways in which a variety of craftspeople earn a living in contemporary Sweden; how their circumstances have changed because of the tension between economic rationality and social cohesion, and what implications these changes may have for sustainability, with special regards to energy consumption. The selection of craftspeople has been made accord