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Arkitekturens territorialitet : till en diskussion om territoriell makt och gestaltning i stadens offentliga rum

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi har de senaste decennierna sett stora förändringar vad gäller kontroll och tillgänglighet i det offentliga rummet. Både forskning och planering är i starkt behov av begrepp och teori för att klargöra den byggda miljöns roll i detta sammanhang. I avhandlingen utvecklas redskap för att beskriva och belysa arkitekturens roll i upprättandet av olika slags territorier inoThe point of departure of this dissertation is a consideration of the problems in the field of architecture, of conceptualizing and addressing aspects of the complex relationship between architectural form and use. The aim of the thesis is to create conditions for a discussion on architectural design and territorial power relations within the context of everyday life, and more specifically to inve

Studies in building physics : dedicated to professor Lars Erik Nevander on his 60th anniversary, November 11, 1981

Preface: This report has been produced in order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of professor Lars Erik Nevander on the 11th of November, 1981. A number of topics are presented within the field of building physics. They relate to heat transfer in buildings, air infiltration, moisture darnages etc, varying from energy conservation aspects to failures of the building and its design for moisture pro

Separate versus simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of two-step steam pretreated softwood for ethanol production

In two previous studies, optimal conditions were identified for two-step steam pretreatment Of SO2- and H2SO4-impregnated softwood. In the present study the yield of sugar and ethanol was determined in a process development unit where pretreatment was performed in a 10-L reactor and simultaneous sacchatification and fermentation (SSF) or enzymatic hydrolysis (EH) were performed in 30-L reactors. T

Systematic CIV3 and MCDF calculations for the UV0.01 multiplet in O III

We have carried out accurate, systematic calculations for the 2s2p(3 5)S(2)(o)-2s(2)2p(2 3)P(1,2) E1] lines at 1660.807 and 1666.153 Angstrom in O III. Uncertainty estimates for their A values and the lifetime of the S-5(2)o level have been determined from a set of quality criteria. A lifetime of 1.21 +/- 0.06 ms is recommended for this level, in excellent agreement with a recent experiment. The c

Median nerve latency measurement agreement between portable and conventional methods

A portable nerve conduction testing device was compared with a conventional method of measuring median nerve distal latencies. In a population-based study, a health questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of 3000 participants (aged 25 to 74 years). Two hundred and sixty-two responders with numbness and/or tingling in the median nerve distribution, and 125 asymptomatic responders underwent clin

Bovine anti-Helicobacter pylori antibodies for oral immunotherapy

Background: Passive immunization with orally administered antibodies against specific pathogens has previously been successfully used therapeutically in both animal and human studies. We employed a similar strategy for experimental treatment of mice infected with the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori. Methods: An anti-H. pylori bovine colostral hyperimmune immunoglobulin preparation (BIC) was g

The Nationalization of Culture

Review of Bjarne Stoklund (ed.), Kulturens nationalisering. Et etnologisk perspektiv på det nationale, dealing with matters of nationalism.

Nanoscale analysis systems

A review comparing miniaturized and normal anal. systems, gives a theor. background to liq. flows, analyte diffusion, and adsorption in miniaturized channels, describes different sepn. techniques in capillaries and on chips, describes sample pretreatment, and discusses miniaturization in food chem.

Drum sound from floor coverings - objective and subjective assessment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trumljud är det ljud som hörs i ett rum då ett objekt, till exempel en fot, träffar golvytan i samma rum. Ökande användning av tunna och hårda golvbeläggningar, såsom parkett och laminatgolv, kan leda till ljudstarka och skarpa ljud, vilket har ökat intresset av trumljud. En prediktionsmodell för den subjektiva responsen av trumljud vid en parvis jämförelse har tagits fDrum sound is the sound produced when an object, such as a foot, hits the flooring in the room in which the receiving ear is located. Drum sound has attracted interest in recent years, particularly due to an increased use of thin floating floor constructions, such as veneer or laminate flooring, which can produce loud and sharp walking sound. A prediction model of the subjective response, in a pai

CaM kinase II-dependent mobilization of secretory granules underlies acetylcholine-induced stimulation of exocytosis in mouse pancreatic B-cells

1. Measurements of cell capacitance were used to investigate the mechanisms by which acetylcholine (ACh) stimulates Ca2+-induced exocytosis in single insulin-secreting mouse pancreatic B-cells. 2. ACh (250 microM) increased exocytotic responses elicited by voltage-clamp depolarizations 2.3-fold. This effect was mediated by activation of muscarinic receptors and dependent on elevation of the cytopl

Socioeconomic and demographic differences in exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at work: the Scania Public Health Survey 2000

Background: A study was undertaken to investigate the sociodemographic distribution of workplace exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in a Swedish working population sample. Methods: 8,270 individuals were assessed by questionnaire in the Scania Public Health Survey. The influence of sociodemographic factors on ETS exposure at work was investigated by multivariable regression analysis. Re

Responders and non-responders in a study on medical end-of-life decisions in Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland

Objectives: To determine the direction and magnitude of participation bias in end-of-life research. Methods: Within the framework of a European survey on medical end-of-life decisions, a non-response study was conducted among physicians in Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. People were asked about their attitudes and experiences in the area of medial end-of-life decision. The respon

Tachyphylaxis of the ECL-cell response to PACAP: receptor desensitization and/or depletion of secretory products

Background and purpose: Rat stomach ECL cells secrete histamine and pancreastatin in response to gastrin and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide-27 ( PACAP). This study applies microdialysis to explore how ECL cells in situ respond to PACAP and gastrin. Experimental approach: Both peptides were administered by microinfusion into the gastric submucosa. The microdialysate was analysed for

Band Structure of 68Ge

The nucleus Ge-68 has been studied by gamma-ray spectroscopy following its population at high spin in the reaction Ca-40(S-32,4p) Ge-68. The reaction channel was selected with the Microball array and gamma rays were detected with the Gammasphere array. The level scheme is very complex, reflecting the many different, and presumably mixed, excitation modes in this nucleus. Nevertheless, there appear