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Lund Hemodynamic Lab

Lund Hemodynamic Lab was initiated in 2010 by Göran Rådegran in order to provide high quality investigations, essential in risk assessment in guidance of PAH therapies & listing for transplantation & utilizing myocardial biopsies in steering of immunosuppression to prevent rejection after transplantation.Lund Hemodynamic Lab was initiated in 2010 by Göran Rådegran in order to provide high quality investigations, essential in risk assessment in guidance of PAH therapies & listing for transplantation & utilizing myocardial biopsies in steering of immunosuppression to prevent rejection after transplantation.

Translationell neuroendokrinologi

The research group studies the underlying pathogenic mechanisms of the neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric Huntington disease (HD) with the ultimate aim to develop novel effective therapies. HD is a devastating disorder always caused by an expanded CAG triplet repeat mutation in the huntingtin gene. Importantly, individuals with the mutant HD gene suffer from psychiatric symptoms and metabolic

Allmänmedicin och samhällsmedicin

Every citizen lives in a society with its impact, from a status of total isolation with no friends or family to a well-functioning network. What does this do to the citizen? Our research stretches from the new-born to the age old pensioners, from the young and healthy to the old and frail, from natives to immigrants. How do medicine and society help our population and patients? What can we do to i

Wallenberglaboratoriet, Malmö

I Wallenberglaboratoriet i Malmö ingår hela institutionen för klinisk kemi, Malmö (inkl koagulationsforskning) och delar av institutionen för medicin, Malmö

Reproduktionsmedicin, Malmö

Aleksander Giwercman är forskargruppsledare för den här forskargruppenOur research focuses on clinical and epidemiological aspects of gene-environment interaction in relation to human reproductive function. The clinical base of our research is closely linked to the Reproductive Medicine Centre at Skåne University Hospital, Malmö. This enables us to study both male and female reproduction, separately and in combination. Some important subareas of research include spe


Vi studerar funktionen av hjärnans inflammatoriska celler, de så kallade mikrogliacellerna, vid olika hjärnsjukdomar. Vi tror att kunskapen om hur mikrogliaceller kommunicerar och aktiveras genom immunomodulatoriska ämnen och vesiklar är en viktig del i framtida behandlingar av neurodegenerativa sjukdomar. Vi tittar specifikt på hur mikrogliaceller påverkas av Abeta-plack som ansamlas i hjärnan hoWe study the function of the brain inflammatory cells, known as microglial cells, in neurodegenerative diseases. We believe that knowledge about microglial cell communication, e.g. via extracellular vesicles, and how these cells are activated by immunomodulatory molecules will be an important part of future treatments of neurodegenerative diseases. Our goal is to understand the role of microglia

Hjärt- och lungtransplantation

För mer information, se projekten "Hjärttransplantation" och "Lungtransplantation"For more information, please see the projects "Heart Transplantation" and "Lung Transplantation"

Geodetisk mätningsteknik

Forskningsgruppen jobbar med ämnet geodetisk mätningsteknik. Kompetensen omfattar följande forskningsmetoder: Satellit-baserad fjärranalys Satellitgeodesi och InSAR Maskininlärning för jordobservationer Geodetiska positionerings- och kartläggningstekniker Ändringsdetektering och utveckling av tidsseriealgoritmer.The research group deals with the subject of geodetic surveying technology. The research topics include: Satellite remote sensing Satellite geodesy and InSAR Machine Learning for Earth Observations Geodetic positioning and mapping techniques Change detection and time-series algorithm development.

LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum

LUCC samordnar cancerforskning vid Lunds universitet och startade upp under 2019. LUCCs ska ge stöd till universitetsledning, fakultetsledning och Region Skånes ledning till att fatta välinformerade och strategiska beslut som rör cancerområdet inom verksamheterna forskning, utbildning, innovation och samverkan. Uppdraget innebär att man ska samordna olika initiativ som berör cancerforskning och vaLUCC coordinates cancer research at Lund University and is the entry point for cancer research. The organisation started up in 2019. LUCC will support Lund University and Skåne University Hospital managements in strategic decisions in the cancer field and coordinate different initiatives and activities. LUCC will also serve as contact point and strive to strengthen the cancer field at different le


We aim to understand the immunology of inflammatory airway diseases. Specifically, we use cutting edge histological techniques to decode immune cell changes in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and respiratory infections. Our overall goal is to identify novel and clinically relevant immune patterns, paving the way for treatment innovations. We also have interests in immune cell

LTH profilområde: Aerosoler

Profilområdets forskning bidrar till att skapa lösningar och teknologier för ren luft i övergången till ett hållbart samhälle. Detta görs genom att öka förståelsen kring luftburna partiklars källor samt deras påverkan på klimatet och människans hälsa. Inom profilområdet fokuserar man bland annat på hälsosam inomhus- och utomhusmiljö, rena transporter samt hållbara material och städer.Research within this profile area contributes to creating solutions and technologies for clean air in the transition towards a sustainable society. This is done by increasing the understanding of the sources of particulate air pollution as well as its effects on the climate and human health. Focuses of the profile area include healthy indoor and outdoor environments, clean transportation and susta