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Initial Characterization of a Pixelated Thermal-Neutron Detector

The purpose of this project was to develop a better understanding of the re- sponse of a pixelated thermal-neutron detector, which will be used as a thermal- neutron detector at one of the beam lines at the European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden. The detector consists of a thin Lithium6-glass scintillator, a multi-anode photomultiplier tube and associated read-out electronics. Initial characte

State of Denial: Critical Discourse Analysis of the communications issued by a commercial company in a recent premium pension scandal of 2017

Being subject to the accusations of criminal and business wrongdoing, the companies tend to address the public concerns with a help of different communications. The defensive strategies of an investment company Allra, expressed during the recent scandal linked to the Swedish premium pension system, will be analysed in the present study from the stance of the critical approach, combined with the Th

The effect of breastfeeding on educational – and labour market success

Presterar barn som blivit ammade bättre inom utbildning och arbetsmarknad som ungdomar och vuxna? Investeringar i insatser som främjar och stödjer amning kan leda till mer humankapital på lång sikt. Amning har många hälsorelaterade fördelar för både mamma och barn, trots detta byts bröstmjölk allt för ofta ut mot modersmjölksersättning. Denna studie jämför långsiktiga prestationer inom utbildning Does being breastfed as a baby lead to better achievements in education and on the labour market as an adolescent and adult? Investing money on interventions promoting and sustaining breastfeeding might lead to more human capital and be an economic gain in the long-run. Breastfeeding has many health-related benefits for both mother and child, nevertheless breast milk all too often gets substituted

Vem bestämmer vad? En fallstudie om inflytande och styrform inom Statsvetenskapliga institutionen i Lund

Uppsatsen handlar om statsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Lunds universitet, formell respektive informell makt inom institutionen och huruvida den akademiska friheten påverkas av styrformen inom institutionen. Vårt intresse för att studera detta ämne väcktes i samband med en debatt om könskvotering gällande kurslitteratur inom institutionsstyrelsen. Efter granskning av händelsen fick vi ett intres

Corporate Social Responsibility: förhållandet till bolagsstyrning och aktiebolagsrätten

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), ofta översatt till svenska som företagens samhällsansvar, är något som diskuterats flitigt under de senaste åren. Utvecklingen av CSR har dock pågått sedan 1950-talet och fortsätter att utvecklas än idag. Majoriteten av denna utveckling har skett inom den ekonomiska vetenskapen och inom ramen för företagens arbete med CSR. Det är först under de senaste 20 åreCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is something that has been discussed heavily in recent years. The development of CSR has been evolving since the 1950s and continues to evolve today. The majority of this development has taken place in economic science and within the framework of the companies work with CSR. It is only in the last 20 years that lawyers have seriously interested themselves in t

I got 40 million in my pocket: A functional idea analysis on a selection of President Donald J. Trump’s Tweets in relation to political populist theories

Through a functional idea analysis, this study explores and discuss what possible strategies President Donald J. Trump has on Twitter based on a selection of Mr. Trump’s tweets. The material is based on six tweets within three policy categories (Healthcare, the U.S./Mexican Border Wall and the Media) with two tweets in each category. The tweets were selected from the highest respectively lowest am

Metrics for Integrated Modular Avionics Architecture

Integrated modular avionics (IMA) architecture is an emerging concept in the military aerospace industry after being successfully implemented in the commercial domain. The highly modular architecture allows multiple aviation applications to execute on the same hardware thanks to defined standards by Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC). System architects are responsible for designing and takin

A comparison of FDML and GMM for estimation of dynamic panel models with roots near unity

This thesis compares the performance of the first-differenced maximum likelihood estimator (FDML) and the Blundell-Bond continuously-updating system GMM estimator of the autoregressive parameter in an AR(1) dynamic panel model without exogenous covariates, particularly focusing on the close-to-non-stationary case. This case is far from trivial, as a high degree of persistence is the norm rather th

”Dags att ta tillbaka det som en gång var vårt och visa fingret till medelklassen” : en netnografisk studie kring Instagramkontot Klasshats förhållande till second hand-fenomenets uppsving

This bachelor thesis “Time to take back what was once ours and give the finger to the middle class’ – A netnographic study focusing on the Instagram account Klasshat and their relationship to the upswing of the second hand-phenomenon” studies the popularization of second hand clothes consumption through a class and fashion perspective. Even though the history of the second hand market is closely c

Som ung kvinna på sociala medier: En kvalitativ studie om unga svenska kvinnors upplevelser och tankar kring sociala normer och privatliv på sociala medier

Författare: Nicole Pilwind Titel: Som ung kvinna på sociala medier: En kvalitativ studie om unga svenska kvinnors upplevelser och tankar kring sociala normer och privatliv på sociala medier Kandidatuppsats: SOCK04, 15 hp Handledare: Magnus Ring Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2017 Sociala medier är en stor del av människors vardag, där man kan hålla kontakt med vänner och hålla sig uppda

Distriktssköterskans förutsättningar för att utföra en god sårvård i hemmiljö

Bakgrund: Sårvård i hemsjukvården är ett ensamarbete för distriktssköterskan som innefattar ett stort ansvar samtidigt som andelen patienter med svårläkta sår ökar. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka förutsättningar distriktssköterskan upplever är viktiga för att kunna utföra en god sårvård i hemmiljö. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ där en semistrukturerad intervjuguide användes. Åtta distriktssköterskor ve

Resilience Uncovered: A review of professional resilience measurement methodologies

Recent policy developments on the global, regional and national levels have materialised strategic goals for building resilience. Implementing resilience fundamentally requires operationalising the concept in order to make it measurable. This thesis scoped for professional resilience measurement methodologies across grey literature and analysed their organisational purposes and specifics of measur

Solar Block

A lot of cities today face serious problems. Some of them are not so harmful but they still have a significant impact to our surroundings. Our role as architects must be to create better environment , a better daily life for people. Mostly all of dense cities are currently facing enormous and rapid urban and population growth ,which is hard to follow in the same speed by suitable architecture shap

Co-pretreatment of spruce and poplar for ethanol production - Effects of mixed feedstocks on pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency

Fossila bränslen är mycket viktiga för dagens samhälle och transportsektorn är nästan helt beroende av dem. Tyvärr påverkar de miljön negativt och bidrar till att växthusgasnivå ökar. Jordens medeltemperatur har ökat med 0.8°C sedan början av industrialiseringen. Den globala uppvärmningen är ett naturligt förlopp, men har under de senaste åren varit en stor del av människors bidrag. Idag har atmosOil is very important for today’s society and the transportation sector is almost completely dependent on this material. Unfortunately, it affects the level of greenhouse gases negatively which in turn contribute to global warming. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially in the sectors that emit the most, as transportation sector. The European Parliament has decid

Characterization of DAT missense mutations in novel mouse models

The dopamine transporter (DAT) is responsible for dopamine (DA) clearance in the synaptic cleft, and thus crucial for maintaining DA homeostasis in the central nervous system (CNS). Mutations in the DAT coding gene have been associated with both movement and psychiatric disorders, such as parkinsonism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the detailed contribution of DAT in

“A little less conversation, a little more action please” - Triggering greener travel behaviour in a music festival context: The case of Fuchsbau Festival, Germany

With growing awareness about their environmental impact, music festivals have increased their efforts to become greener since the 2000s. In line with this trend, the German Fuchsbau Festival developed a transport plan, taking into account that up to 80.0% of a festival’s emissions are produced through audience travel. Aiming at triggering a greener travel behaviour among its visitors, four measure

Greening cities: Assessing the implementation of Nature-based Solutions - A comparative case study between Malmö and Malaga

Today, approximately 55% of the total global population lives in urban areas, while in Europe the number is higher than 70%, and both figures are expected to continue growing during the next decades. At the same time, cities are facing an increasing number of challenges, such as sea level rise, increased temperatures, air quality and more extreme weather events. Nature-based Solutions (NbS), altho

Innovative Business Models for Distributed PV in Brazil

Most of the increase in world electricity demand until 2030 is expected to come from developing countries (IRENA, 2016) and transition to carbon free energy production technologies offers the opportunity to reduce the negative effects of this increase. With majority of the low and middle income countries located in the areas of favourable solar radiation, PV technology is likely to become a key so

Balansen mellan integritet och kontraterrorism - Svensk tillämpning av Dataskyddsdirektivet utifrån ett realistiskt perspektiv

Det europeiska Dataskyddsdirektivet avser bland annat att skydda enskilda individers integritet vid brottsbekämpande och behöriga myndigheters behandling av personuppgifter. Genom att uppmärksamma svensk tillämpning av Dataskyddsdirektivet vill jag belysa balansen mellan integritet och kontraterrorism. Jag har valt realism som teoretisk utgångspunkt då realism kan förklara staters intressen. Det i

About all of Us

About the people is a project that comprises the subjects of immigration and integration and how these topics could be explored and managed through design. Every year tens of thousands of people come to Sweden with the intention and dreams of starting a new life. Most of these people come from countries of war and conflict. Immigration is a hot topic in Sweden and all over the world. There are lot