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One of todays most refined contemporary art institutions resides in a former oil fired turbine plant. Here at Tate Modern, named after the sugar magnate Henry Tate, the activist group Liberate Tate initiates a six year battle over the prerogative concerning a sponsorship deal with the oil giant BP. It is a battle over the discourse of climate change, extraction of natural resources and profit use

”Svår skatterättslig fråga” men inte om det rör skatteflykt? - En undersökning om befrielse från skattetillägg på grund av ”svår skatterättslig fråga” och huruvida skatteflykt bör räknas som en sådan eller ej.

Enligt 51 kap. 1§ 2 st p. 1b skatteförfarandelag (2011:1244) framgår att befrielse från skattetillägg kan medges om felaktig eller otillräcklig information i en skattskyldigs deklaration kan antas ha berott på en felbedömning av en regel eller de faktiska förhållandena. Inom denna befrielsegrund inryms även en möjlighet för skattskyldiga att få befrielse från om denne kommit i kontakt med en ”svårAccording to chapter 51 section 1 point 1b in the Swedish Tax Procedure Act, there is a possibility to be exempt from tax surcharges if incorrect or insufficient information provided in the tax return of a tax payer is due from either a misjudgment of a tax rule or the meaning of the actual conditions. This exemption ground also comprises situations where the incorrect or insufficient information

”Om ett träd bränns utan att någon räknar utsläppen…” En studie av relationen mellan vetenskap och beslutsfattande i EU:s ramverk för förnybar energi; REDII

This study examines the influence of scientific knowledge in rule-making processes aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. Specifically, the paper examines the case of regulation on forest biomass in the revised Renewable Energy Directive from 2018. Through the method of process-tracing, the paper seeks to explain the science-policy interface in the case. The so called “u

Finanskrisen – en katalysator för ideologisk förändring? – En studie av EU:s ideologiska perspektiv på hur kapitalism bör bedrivas

EU som institution har präglats av beskrivningar av att vara ett neo-liberalt projekt. Tidigare forskning anlägger att det dock finns premisser för en ideologisk förändring. Genom konstaterande av samverkan mellan det ekonomiska systemets utfall och dess konstruktion är det möjligt att hypotetisera att finanskrisen som drabbade Europa 2007–2008 kan ha haft en inverkan på den ekonomiska politiken.

Marknadisering i offentlig sektor - En fallstudie kring friskolor i Finland och Sverige

I föreliggande uppsats undersöks de två analysenheterna Finland och Sverige i en fallstudie som berör utbildning. Den huvudsakliga utgångspunkten för studien ligger i observationen att Sverige har ett utbildningssystem med markant fler oberoende skolor och friskolor, medan Finland har ett system som till synes är mer strikt kring detta. Vi har med hjälp av vårt metodval, processpårning, ämnat bely

Variable Selection for Estimating Optimal Sequential Treatment Decisions Using Bayesian Networks

We propose a variable selection method for estimating decision rules of optimal sequential treatment assignments when the decision-relevant variables are unknown. Standard variable selection methods are insufficient in this setting since they choose covariates that are predictive of the outcome, not those that interact with the treatment on the outcome and are therefore relevant for decision-makin

"Vi är för mänskliga rättigheter och vi är mot förtryck".

The purpose of this study is to examine how the Swedish parliament legitimizes Swedish participation in military interventions. By comparing two different cases, Sweden's participation in the NATO-led intervention in Libya 2011 and Sweden's participation in the UN-led mission in Mali 2014, we aim to identify the legitimating factors. By picking interventions led by different organizations,

Krisberedskap i tider utan direkt hot?

This paper aims to answer whether a country with a history of war leads to a thoughtful crisis preparation even in peaceful times. To do this, I will utilize the crisis management theory which is based on the concept of there being two important steps to take to prevent a disaster and to deal with a crisis. These are preparation and response. The government needs to have a good preparation plan, a

Alfvén & Enescu: Ett folkligt receptionsresultat. Den traditionella kulturen i dagens Västeuropa

Romanian political and musical history is a complex and intense story that has undergone a major change during the 20th century with composers such as George Enescu and political events such as Romanian Revolution, 1989. Folk traditions and songs have for a long time been an essential part of the country’s identity, and through Enescu’s two rhapsodies and a music-pedagogical children’s book - “Alf

Implementation of a Deep Learning Inference Accelerator on the FPGA.

Today, Artificial Intelligence is one of the most important technologies, ubiquitous in our daily lives. Deep Neural Networks (DNN's) have come up as state of art for various machine intelligence applications such as object detection, image classification, face recognition and performs myriad of activities with exceptional prediction accuracy. AI in this contemporary world is moving towards em

På skilda breddgrader - USA:s interventionspolitik i Korea och Vietnam på 1960-talet

This comparative case study examines American foreign policy in Korea and Vietnam after the agreements of armistice in 1953 and 1954. During the 1960’s the United States increased its military presence in Vietnam. In Korea however, the US did not intervene after the agreement of armistice. The study aims to explain why the US chose two different approaches from a neoclassical realist perspective.

” Det bästa blir det normala ”

This essay examines the core ideas behind the Swedish private school reform 1992, to test the New Public Management theory as explanation for the reform. In contrast to the historical analysis, the essay also examines contemporary discourse to compare ideas. The method used is the discourse method for idea analysis as well as a source-critical approach. I the empirical analysis presents the argume

Welcoming Strangers : a study about digitalized hospitality visuals of Airbnb and Couchsurfing dwellings

We live in a digitalized world where visuals are as essential to us as they have never been. Tourism and hospitality are not an exception here but rather examples of huge dependence on visual culture. Due to the fast spread of digital technologies, new forms of virtual mobilities have been intensified including services for choosing accommodation on digitalized platforms. and Couchsurfi

Syrien - Från en folkrevolution till ett inbördeskrig

Det syriska inbördeskriget har pågått i nio år. De första demonstrationerna innehöll till stora delar fredliga budskap och en önskan om demokrati och reformering. Det som orsakade den sociala mobiliseringen tycks dock innehålla mer än en önskan demokratisering. Mot denna bakgrund var vårt syfte att undersöka vilken relation regimens och oppositionens framing har med den sociala mobilisering som ut

Setting the stage for news engagement : a case study of news audiences in Sweden

How audiences engage with news has not always gotten a lot of attention in academic and industry research; and, even then, it is often studied in terms of exposure and interaction. This does not fully capture the dynamism and multidimensionality of this phenomenon; and industry attempts to apply market principles to engagement risks depoliticizing and reducing it to economic values. Rather than po

Image formation of the place via Instagram photographs

Images hide the meaning that words cannot convey. With increased interest in addressing place branding in social media setting, the importance of photographs in image making of the place beforehand from consumers point of view seem to lack interest. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore Instagram photography in image formation of the place. We love Lithuania serves as a case where ZMET te

Sex allocation and sex-specific offspring performance under variable food conditions in the color polymorphic tawny owl (Strix aluco)

Previous research into variation in sex allocation strategies in birds has provided evidence for sex ratio adjustments by parents to maximize fitness, based on differences in the costs of producing males and females. Additionally, studies of melanin-based color polymorphism indicate that life history strategies, physiology, and behavior may vary among color variants of the same species. This study

Investigating the use of radiative heat panels to enhance perceived threat of fire in VR

The purpose of this report was to develop and evaluate new solutions to improve the perception of fire threat in virtual reality experiments. Thermal heat have been identified as a stimulus that modern day virtual reality experiments don’t take into account that would likely affect a person in a real life fire evacuation scenario. The objective of this report was to successfully implement thermal