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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Enhanced G-protein coupled receptors-mediated contraction and reduced endothelium-dependent relaxation in hypertension

The present study was designed to demonstrate a hypothesis that some G-protein coupled receptors are up-regulated and a dysfunction of endothelium occurs in hypertension. The arteries from hypertensive patients and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were tested. An in vitro myograph system was used to obtain concentration-contraction curves mediated by endothelin ETA, endothelin ETB, 5-hydroxyt

Quality assessment for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in relation to ERSPC: report of the PSA Committee

Objective To assess the application of a quality control scheme for total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) as used for participants of the European Randomized Study for Screening of Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) during 1996-2002. Methods From 1996, the first complete year being 1997, an external scheme was organized by the Dutch Quality Assessment Foundation especially for the ERSPC. This scheme consists

Echocardiographic and electrocardiographic predictors for atrial fibrillation recurrence following cardioversion

Introduction: Identification of suitable candidates for cardioversion currently is not based on individual electrical and mechanical atrial remodeling. Therefore, this study analyzed the meaning of atrial fibrillatory rate obtained from the surface ECG (as a measure of electrical remodeling) and left atrial size (as measure of mechanical remodeling) for prediction of early atrial fibrillation (AF)

Adsorption of hydrophobically modified starch at oil/water interfaces during emulsification

The adsorption of starch that had been hydrophobically modified with octenyl succinate anhydride (OSA) at the oil/water interface during emulsification was studied. The starch samples were of waxy barley origin and were varied in molar mass and degree of substitution (DS). The particle size of the emulsions was measured and the adsorbed amount of starch was determined through serum depletion. The

Similitude of permeabilities for Ficoll, pullulan, charge-modified albumin and native albumin across the rat peritoneal membrane.

Abstract Aim: Compared to neutral globular proteins, neutral polysaccharides, such as dextran, pullulan and Ficoll, appear hyperpermeable across the glomerular filtration barrier. This has been attributed to an increased flexibility and/or asymmetry of polysaccharides. The present study investigates whether polysaccharides are hyperpermeable also across the continuous capillaries in the rat perito

Coping after trans-femoral amputation due to trauma or tumour--a phenomenological approach.

Purpose: To describe, by use of a phenomenological approach, how relatively young trans-femoral amputees experienced their amputation and their coping strategies in the acute phase and over time. Method: Eleven trans-femoral amputees, median age 33.5 years, were interviewed. The amputation was caused by tumour, motorcycle accidents or work-related traumas. Amputation was made in median 7.5 years

Obstetric adversity and age at first presentation with schizophrenia: Evidence of a dose-response relationship

Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine if a dose-response relationship exists between obstetric adversity and age at first presentation with schizophrenia. Method: The Dublin Psychiatric Case Register was used to identify subjects with schizophrenia. Data on obstetric complications, social class of origin, and family history of psychiatric illness were obtained for those subjects. Re

Space-saving advantage of an inverted retina.

Vertebrate eyes are of the simple or camera type with a single optical system that creates an image on the retina in the back of the eye. There, the visual information is encoded as nervous signals by photoreceptors, processed by retinal neurons, and then sent to the brain via the optic nerve. Surprisingly at first sight, the retinal neurons are located between the lens and the light-sensitive par

Modelling meristem development in plants

Meristems continually supply new cells for post-embryonic plant development and coordinate the initiation of new organs, such as leaves and flowers. Meristem function is regulated by a large and interconnected dynamic system that includes transcription networks, intercellular protein signalling, polarized transport of hormones and a constantly changing cellular topology. Mathematical modelling, in

Do adult and juvenile dunlins Calidris alpina form randomly mixed flocks during fall migration?

Many northerly breeding shorebird species show a separation in timing of adult and juvenile migration. If, in addition to genetic control of migration, learning from experienced conspecifics is advantageous, juveniles should join adult birds during their first fall migration when possible. We here present a method to test if juveniles mix with adults during the period of overlap during southward m

Field effect studies on rubrene and impurities of rubrene

Rubrene single crystals have been grown by a vapor-phase process. Two additional compounds that contaminate rubrene have been identified and their structures determined. Single crystals of rubrene show excellent crystallinity and very small rocking curve width. Field effect transistors based on pure rubrene single crystals with colloidal graphite electrodes and Parylene as a dielectric demonstrate

Coalitional strategy-proofness and fairness

This paper considers the problem of assigning a finite number of indivisible objects, like jobs, houses, positions, etc., to the same number of individuals. There is also a divisible good (money) and the individuals consume money and one object each. The class of fair allocation rules that are strategy-proof in the strong sense that no coalition of individuals can improve the allocation for all of

Mixed Protein Carriers for Modulating DNA Release

Aqueous mixtures of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes undergo associative phase separation, resulting in coacervation, gelation, or precipitation. This phenomenon has been exploited in forming DNA gel particles by interfacial diffusion. We report here the formation of DNA gel particles by mixing solutions of double-stranded DNA with aqueous solutions containing two cationic proteins, lysozyme an

Stenting of the biliary tract in children.

We report on the technique and results of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) in children with obstructive jaundice. Three patients aged 8 - 15 years were treated, two of them for a benign and one for a malignant stricture. Endoscopic treatment was not possible and all the PTBD procedures were done under general anaesthesia. One of the children was treated with external-internal drai

Measurements of collisional broadening coefficients by infrared polarization spectroscopy

We present measurements of collisional broadening coefficients, obtained at atmospheric pressure, by polarization spectroscopy. Using tunable single mode laser radiation at similar to 2 pro, high-resolution infrared polarization spectra were recorded for CO2-Ar and CO2-He binary mixtures. The recorded polarization spectra were fitted with a Lorentzian cubed function form to obtain the broadening c

On Lions and adolescents: Affective temperaments and the influence of negative stimuli on memory.

Abstract in UndeterminedThe present study investigated the relation between reaction to negative stimuli and memory for stimuli. The relation was further investigated using as a framework individuals’ affective temperaments (AFTs). Eighty adolescents participated in the study. The AFTs are based on selfreported affect and categorizes individuals in four temperaments: self-actualizing, high affecti