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Method to assess the drying performance of water vapour-permeable membrane pouches for fruit juice preservation

The aim of this work was to develop a method for assessing the drying performance of a hygienic, small-scale fruit juice preservation process called Solar Assisted Pervaporation (SAP). SAP is a batch process that allows for fruit juices or purées to be solar dried in water vapour-permeable membrane pouches in rural and remote areas. Traditional methods for measuring water vapour flux through membr

Domestic revenue mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America: A comparative analysis since 1980

Domestic revenue mobilization continues to feature on the agendas of international development agents and academic communities. There is, however, a strong focus on comparing the developed and developing countries with the aim of finding transferable lessons to the latter. Thus, most comparative studies default to comparing tax performances of developing countries with OECD averages. Interregional

Evaluating the Effect of Minimizing Screws on Stabilization of Symphysis Mandibular Fracture by 3D Finite Element Analysis

Purpose: The objective of this work is to integrate structural optimization and reliability concepts into mini-plate fixation strategy used in symphysis mandibular fractures. The structural reliability levels are next estimated when considering a single failure mode and multiple failure modes. Patients and Methods: A 3-dimensional finite element model is developed in order to evaluate the ability

Maternal age and risk of cesarean section in women with induced labor at term—A Nordic register-based study

Introduction: Over the last decades, induction of labor has increased in many countries along with increasing maternal age. We assessed the effects of maternal age and labor induction on cesarean section at term among nulliparous and multiparous women without previous cesarean section. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective national registry-based study from Denmark, Finland, Iceland,

Innovation policy : Rationales, lessons and challenges

Innovation policy has emerged as a new field of economic policy during the last few decades. This paper explores the rationales for national innovation policies, as laid out in the existing literature on the subject, and considers what the lessons and challenges for theory and practice in this area are. Innovation policy attempts to influence innovation activity, often with the purpose of increasi

Should immediate breast reconstruction be performed in the setting of radiotherapy? An ethical analysis

mmediate breast reconstruction (IBR) combined with post-mastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) is associated with an increased risk for complications. Here, we analyse whether IBR combined with PMRT is ethically acceptable. We employ normative analysis following reflective equilibrium and the principles of Beauchamp and Childress: non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy, and justice. From the perspective oImmediate breast reconstruction (IBR) combined with post-mastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) is associated with an increased risk for complications. Here, we analyse whether IBR combined with PMRT is ethically acceptable. We employ normative analysis following reflective equilibrium and the principles of Beauchamp and Childress: non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy, and justice. From the perspective

Students making sense of motion in a vertical roller coaster loop

Describing the motion in a vertical roller coaster loop requires a good understanding of Newton's laws, vectors and energy transformation. This paper describes how first-year students try to make sense of force and acceleration in this example of non-uniform circular motion, which was part of a written exam. In addition to an analysis of the exam solutions by about 60 students, a group interview w

Improving dialogue among researchers, local and indigenous peoples and decision-makers to address issues of climate change in the North

The Circumpolar North has been changing rapidly within the last decades, and the socioeconomic systems of the Eurasian Arctic and Siberia in particular have displayed the most dramatic changes. Here, anthropogenic drivers of environmental change such as migration and industrialization are added to climate-induced changes in the natural environment such as permafrost thawing and increased frequency

PERson-centredness in hypertension management using information technology (PERHIT) : a protocol for a randomised controlled trial in primary health care

Purpose: For primary health care (PHC), hypertension is the number one diagnosis for planned health care visits. The treatment of high blood pressure (BP) and its consequences constitutes a substantial economic burden. In spite of efficient antihypertensive medications, a low percentage of patients reach a well-controlled BP. The PERson-centredness in Hypertension management using Information Tech

Properties and fungal decomposition of iron oxide-associated organic matter

Soil organic matter (SOM) stores the largest quantity of C in terrestrial ecosystems. Most SOM can be decomposed by microorganisms and released as CO2 into the atmosphere. The remaining fraction of SOM can be resistant against microbial decomposition over centuries to millennia. Changes in the magnitude of this stable SOM pool can have a substantial effect on the atmospheric CO2 concentration and

The Emotional Community of Social Science Teaching

Some of the most pressing concerns of our time, such as crises connected to migration, the welfare state, international law and terrorism, are part of the Swedish upper secondary school subject Social Science. This means that Social Science teaching easily generates intense emotions, sparks of which are lit in the encounter between the students, the teacher, and the specific content of the school

Evaluation of Regional CO2 Mole Fractions in the ECMWF CAMS Real-Time Atmospheric Analysis and NOAA CarbonTracker Near-Real-Time Reanalysis With Airborne Observations From ACT-America Field Campaigns

This study systematically examines the regional uncertainties and biases in carbon dioxide (CO2) mole fractions from two of the state-of-the-art global CO2 analysis products, namely, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) real-time atmospheric analysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the CarbonTracker Near-Real-Time (CT-NRT) reanalysis from the

Dynamic modelling and controlling strategy of polymer electrolyte fuel cells

A comprehensive dynamic control oriented model of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is developed, considering the mixed effects of temperature, gas flow and capacitance. The fractional relationship between the dynamic output voltage and the capacitance, which escaped the attention in most previous studies is also addressed. Moreover, based on the developed PEFC model, a proportional integral