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Cryostructured and Crosslinked Viable Cells Forming Monoliths Suitable for Bioreactor Applications

Applications of immobilized biocatalysts in both research and industry require highly active catalysts, preferably at a low cost. In this study, cryogels with high catalyst density were produced through cryostructuration of whole Escherichia coli (E.coli) cells. Prepared cryogels are macroporous materials composed of metabolically active cells crosslinked to each other via polymeric structures. Di

Chimney grafts in aortic occlusive disease.

The aim of this article was to present juxtavisceral aortic occlusive disease with particular reference to a novel therapeutic approach, namely protected stenting by means of so called chimney grafts. The juxta renal aortic occlusion is the last aortoiliac occlusive lesion not to be stented routinely because of the risk for trash and/or need for overstenting of vital aortic side branches. The risk

Holocene peatland development and hydrological variability inferred from bog-pine dendrochronology and peat stratigraphy - a case study from southern Sweden

Dendrochronological analysis was applied to subfossil remains of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) buried in a South Swedish peat deposit. In combination with peat stratigraphy, this approach was explored for its potential to provide information on the local hydrological and depositional history at the site, forming the basis for a regional palaeohydrological analysis. A 726-year ring-width chronol

Storage ring at HIE-ISOLDE Technical design report

We propose to install a storage ring at an ISOL-type radioactive beam facility for the first time. Specifically, we intend to setup the heavy-ion, low-energy ring TSR at the HIE-ISOLDE facility in CERN, Geneva. Such a facility will provide a capability for experiments with stored secondary beams that is unique in the world. The envisaged physics programme is rich and varied, spanning from investig

European consensus statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD: The European Network Adult ADHD

Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood that persists into adulthood in the majority of cases. The evidence on persistence poses several difficulties for adult psychiatry considering the lack of expertise for diagnostic assessment, limited treatment options and patient facilities across Europe. Methods: The European Ne

The evolution of catalytic residues and enzyme mechanism within the bacterial nucleoside phosphorylase superfamily 1

Nucleoside phosphorylases are essential for the salvage and catabolism of nucleotides in bacteria and other organisms, and members of this enzyme superfamily have been of interest for the development of antimicrobial and cancer therapies. The nucleotide phosphorylase superfamily 1 encompasses a number of different enzymes which share a general superfold and catalytic mechanism, while they differ i


Centrum för Öresundsstudiers tidskrift "Gränslös. Tidskrift för studier av Öresundsregionens historia, kultur och samhällsliv" ger ut ett specialnummer som fokuserar på ett bortglömt perspektiv i visioner om och analyser av Öresundsregionen – funktionsförmåga. I visionen om Öresundsregionen är det i regel ett friktionsfritt, transnationellt flöde av kroppar som lyfts fram. Visionerna utgår från en

Vibrational Contributions to Indirect Spin-Spin Coupling Constants Calculated via Variational Anharmonic Approaches.

Zero-point vibrational contributions to indirect spin-spin coupling constants for N 2, CO, HF, H 2O, C 2H 2, and CH 4 are calculated via explicitly anharmonic approaches. Thermal averages of indirect spin-spin coupling constants are calculated for the same set of molecules and for C 2X 4, X = H, F, Cl. Potential energy surfaces have been calculated on a grid of points and analytic representations

New insight into the Auger decay process in O-2: The coincidence perspective

Photoelectron-Auger electron coincidence spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the investigation of Auger decay processes with different core-ionized intermediate states. In this paper we describe an investigation into the Auger decay of the O-2 molecule, with the purpose of bringing new insight into the dynamics of the core hole decay mechanism. Using a novel experimental approach to measuring such

Behovet av en effektivare toleranshantering i byggprocessen

Toleranser är de mått som visar hur mycket konstruktionen får avvika från ritning till tillverkning, utsättning och montering och ändå nå de krav som ställts på slutprodukten. Allt byggande då olika komponenter ska monteras ihop kräver noggrannhet och precision. Detta så att de olika byggdelarna passar ihop då de ska monteras på byggarbetsplatsen. Passar inte de olika delarna så blir det korrigeri

Postembryonic developmental changes in photoreceptors of the stick insect Carausius morosus enhance the shift to an adult nocturnal life-style

Optimization of sensory processing during development can be studied by using photoreceptors of hemimetabolous insects (with incomplete metamorphosis) as a research model. We have addressed this topic in the stick insect Carausius morosus, where retinal growth after hatching is accompanied by a diurnal-to-nocturnal shift in behavior, by recording from photoreceptors of first instar nymphs and adul

Phylogeography of a Habitat Specialist with High Dispersal Capability: The Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides

In order to describe the influence of Pleistocene glaciations on the genetic structure and demography of a highly mobile, but specialized, passerine, the Savi’s Warbler (Locustella luscinioides), mitochondrial DNA sequences (ND2) and microsatellites were analysed in c.330 individuals of 17 breeding and two wintering populations. Phylogenetic, population genetics and coalescent methods were used to

Coprolite morphotypes from the Upper Cretaceous of Sweden: novel views on an ancient ecosystem and implications for coprolite taphonomy

Coprolites (fossilized faeces) are common, yet previously unreported, elements in the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) shallow-marine strata of Asen, southern Sweden. They are associated with a diverse vertebrate fauna and comprise at least seven different morphotypes that suggest a variety of source animals. Their faecal origin is corroborated by several lines of evidence, including chemical composit

No evidence that GATA3 rs570613 SNP modifies breast cancer risk

GATA-binding protein 3 (GATA3) is a transcription factor that is crucial to mammary gland morphogenesis and differentiation of progenitor cells, and has been suggested to have a tumor suppressor function. The rs570613 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in intron 4 of GATA3 was previously found to be associated with a reduction in breast cancer risk in the Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility

Onset of cellular flame instability in adiabatic CH4/O-2/CO2 and CH4/air laminar premixed flames stabilized on a flat-flame burner

This paper presents numerical and experimental studies on the onset and evolution of laminar cellular flames of CH4/O-2/CO2 (oxy-fuel) and CH4/air mixtures under adiabatic conditions, stabilized in the proximity of a flat-flame burner at atmospheric pressure. In the numerical simulations, a two-dimensional domain with periodicity at the transverse far field boundaries is resolved using a high accu