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A compact six-port dielectric resonator antenna array: MIMO channel measurements and performance analysis

MIMO systems ideally achieve linear capacity gain proportional to the number of antennas. However, the compactness of terminal devices limits the number of spatial degrees of freedom (DOFs) in such systems, which motivates efficientantenna design techniques to exploit all available DOFs. In this contribution, we present a compact six-port dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) array which utilizes spa

Ultrafast Dynamics of Long Homologues of Carotenoid Zeaxanthin

Three zeaxanthin homologues with conjugation lengths N of 15, 19, and 23 denoted as Z15, Z19, and Z23 were studied by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, and the results were compared to those obtained for zeaxanthin (Z11). The energies of S2 decrease from 20 450 cm(-1) (Z11) to 18 280 cm(-1) (Z15), 17?095 cm(-1) (Z19), and 16?560 cm(-1) (Z23). Fitting the N dependence of the S-2 energi

Protein Flexibility and Conformational Entropy in Ligand Design Targeting the Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of Galectin-3.

Rational drug design is predicated on knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the protein-ligand complex and the thermodynamics of ligand binding. Despite the fundamental importance of both enthalpy and entropy in driving ligand binding, the role of conformational entropy is rarely addressed in drug design. In this work, we have probed the conformational entropy and its relative contributi

ERBB3 is a marker of a ganglioneuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma-like expression profile in neuroblastic tumours

Background: Neuroblastoma (NB) tumours are commonly divided into three cytogenetic subgroups. However, by unsupervised principal components analysis of gene expression profiles we recently identified four distinct subgroups, r1-r4. In the current study we characterized these different subgroups in more detail, with a specific focus on the fourth divergent tumour subgroup (r4). Methods: Expression

Characterization of Border Traps in III-V MOSFETs Using an RF Transconductance Method

The significant defect-induced increase in transconductance at high frequencies in some III-V MOSFETs is utilized to reveal the spatial distribution and energy profile of traps in the gate dielectric. The frequency response of the border traps is modeled as a distributed RC network inserted in the small signal model. Surface-channel InGaAs MOSFETs with Al2O3/HfO2 high-k gate dielectric are evaluat

Regime shift in a coastal marine ecosystem

We demonstrate changes in ecosystem stable states in a coastal lagoon that are consistent with what a regime shift would hypothesize. In the nutrient-stressed Ringkobing Fjord, Denmark, a small change in one variable (salinity) facilitated by a change in sluice management, caused a sudden regime shift from a bottom-up controlled turbid state, into a top-down controlled clear-water state. The chang

Contributions in Sociology of Law. Remarks from a Swedish Horizon.

Lund University, Sweden, is the only seat of learning having Sociology of Law (hereafter SoL) at all levels in Europe. SoL was initiated in 1972 as a department at the Social Science Faculty, with professor Per Stjernquist as chair. Later on, for some 10 years, SoL was a division within the department of Sociology but from January 2006, SoL is an autonomous department at the Social Science Faculty

On Modeling and Nonlinear Model Reduction in Automotive Systems

The current control design development process in automotive industry and elsewhere involves many expensive experiments and hand-tuning of control parameters. Model based control design is a promising approach to reduce costs and development time. In this process low complexity models are essential and model reduction methods are very useful tools. This thesis combines the areas of modeling and mo

Strong Schottky barrier reduction at Au-catalyst/GaAs-nanowire interfaces by electric dipole formation and Fermi-level unpinning

Nanoscale contacts between metals and semiconductors are critical for further downscaling of electronic and optoelectronic devices. However, realizing nanocontacts poses significant challenges since conventional approaches to achieve ohmic contacts through Schottky barrier suppression are often inadequate. Here we report the realization and characterization of low n-type Schottky barriers (~0.35 e

Plasma procalcitonin is associated with all-cause and cancer mortality in apparently healthy men: a prospective population-based study.

The inflammatory mediator procalcitonin (PCT) has previously been associated with prognosis in myocardial infarction, cancer and sepsis patients. The importance of PCT in the general population is currently unknown. Our aim was to assess the relationship between plasma PCT and the risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in apparently healthy individuals with no previous history of cardiovas

Quantitative Neutron Dark-field Imaging through Spin-Echo Interferometry.

Neutron dark-field imaging constitutes a seminal progress in the field of neutron imaging as it combines real space resolution capability with information provided by one of the most significant neutron scattering techniques, namely small angle scattering. The success of structural characterizations bridging the gap between macroscopic and microscopic features has been enabled by the introduction

Experimental and theoretical study of oxygen adsorption structures on Ag(111)

The oxidized Ag(111) surface has been studied by a combination of experimental and theoretical methods, scanning tunneling microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and density functional theory. A large variety of different surface structures is found, depending on the detailed preparation conditions. The observed structures fall into four classes: (a) individually chemisorbed atomic oxygen a

Mortality in Oxygen-Dependent Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Possibilities for Pharmacological Interventions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en vanlig orsak till död världen över och dödligheten ökar främst bland kvinnor. Patienter med kronisk syrebrist på grund av KOL behandlas med hemsyrgas (LTOT), men har mycket hög dödlighet. Kunskapen är idag bristfällig kring könsskillnader och tidstrender i dödlighet och dödsorsaker, betydelsen av andra sjukdomar (samsBackground Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major and rising cause of mortality worldwide, especially in women. Patients with chronic hypoxia owing to COPD are treated with long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) but have high morbidity and mortality. Knowledge is limited on sex-related differences and time trends in mortality, effects of comorbidity on mortality and whether cardiovascula

Om betydelsen av böckers utseende : det svenska förlagsbandets framväxt och etablering under perioden 1840–1914 med särskild hänsyn till dekorerade klotband : en studie av bokbandens formgivning, teknik och relation till frågor om modernitet och materiell kultur.

This study traces the history of publishers’ cloth-bindings in Sweden, and places them in relation to the emergence of modernity. The interaction between techno-logy, economics and aesthetics is central to the analysis, in which a sociological approach is combined with per-spectives of book history and material culture studies. • The study consists of two parts: Book culture in transit-ion, mainly

Danska spår i syd- och västsvenskt kyrkoliv - kan LUKA ge svar?

Traces of Danish-Norwegian Church life in South and Western Sweden did not disappear after 1658. Rather the nineteenth and twentieth century changes of Church structure and services weakened or dispersed of the Danish traces. But then they were not any more interpreted as Danish. The ongoing, frequent amalgamation of parishes means a final break with the original, Danish Church structure in the co