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Health economics and its measures in rheumatoid arthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Reumatoid artrit Reumatoid artrit (RA), på svenska ledgångsreumatism, är den vanligaste kroniska, inflammatoriska ledsjukdomen (artriten) bland människor. I Sverige är förekomsten i befolkningen omkring 0,7%, och bland 100 000 personer insjuknar ca. 50 årligen med denna diagnos. Könsfördelningen är dock ojämn, med en mer än dubbelt så stor risk för kvinnor att utvecklaObjectives: To study: (I) the impact on cost-utility analyses of applying different national EuroQol 5-Dimensions (EQ-5D) preference sets; (II and III) whether, in methotrexate-refractory, early rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the addition of infliximab results in superior health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and may be considered cost-effective, as compared to adding sulfasalazine and hydroxychloroq

Validation of cytoplasmic-to-nuclear ratio of survivin as an indicator of improved prognosis in breast cancer

Background: Conflicting data exist regarding the prognostic and predictive impact of survivin (BIRC5) in breast cancer. We previously reported survivin cytoplasmic-to-nuclear ratio (CNR) as an independent prognostic indicator in breast cancer. Here, we validate survivin CNR in a separate and extended cohort. Furthermore, we present new data suggesting that a low CNR may predict outcome in tamoxife

Produced Consciousness: Shapes of the Machiavellian Snake

Consciousness, in the beginning of its scientific use, was considered to be material, i.e., to represent an attribute of substance or matter. During later periods, it was associated with learning processes. Based on questionnaires and interviews, a number of different definitions have made its learned content dependent on statistical measures of what people consciously know. However, statically an

Semiosis and the elusive final interpretant of understanding

While the conceptual history of the sign, as recounted by John Deely in Four ages of understanding, is immensely enlightening, history is never enough. If, before Augustine, it had occurred to no one that such diverse phenomena as are covered by this term had something in common, and if, in the time of Aquinas, Fonseca, and Poinsot, different usages of the term were in competition, the reason is n

Multiple Interactions, Saturation, and Final States in pp Collisions and DIS

In high energy collisions saturation and multiple collisions are most easily accounted for in transverse coordinate space, while analyses in momentum space have been more suitable for calculating properties of exclusive final states. In this paper I describe an extension of Mueller's dipole cascade model, which attempts to combine the good features of both these descriptions. Besides saturation it

Nod-like receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Conclusion: The capability of Nod1 to recognize bacteria along with its altered expression and ability to cause an immunological response in head and neck cancer suggest a novel pathway for bacteria to interfere with ongoing cancer inflammation. Objective: Nucleotide oligomerization domain (Nod)-like receptors (NLRs) comprise a recently discovered family of pattern-recognition receptors. In additi

High-Fat Diet Reduces the Formation of Butyrate, but Increases Succinate, Inflammation, Liver Fat and Cholesterol in Rats, while Dietary Fibre Counteracts These Effects.

Obesity is linked to type 2 diabetes and risk factors associated to the metabolic syndrome. Consumption of dietary fibres has been shown to have positive metabolic health effects, such as by increasing satiety, lowering blood glucose and cholesterol levels. These effects may be associated with short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), particularly propionic and butyric acids, formed by microbial degradatio

Properties: Qualities, Powers, or Both?

Powers are popularly assumed to be distinct from, and dependent upon, inert qualities, mainly because it is believed that qualities have their nature independently of other properties while powers have their nature in virtue of a relation to distinct manifestation property. George Molnar and Alexander Bird, on the other hand, characterise powers as intrinsic and relational. The difficulties of rec

Nu når vi äntligen Pluto

I juli 2015 når NASA-rymdsonden New Horizons till solsystemets mest kända dvärgplanet Pluto. Denna artikel diskuterar vad Pluto egentligen är och vad rymdsonden kommer att hitta.

Improved In Vitro Culture of Plasmodium falciparum Permits Establishment of Clinical Isolates with Preserved Multiplication, Invasion and Rosetting Phenotypes

To be able to robustly propagate P. falciparum at optimal conditions in vitro is of fundamental importance for genotypic and phenotypic studies of both established and fresh clinical isolates. Cryo-preserved P. falciparum isolates from Ugandan children with severe or uncomplicated malaria were investigated for parasite phenotypes under different in vitro growth conditions or studied directly from

Dietary fat and breast cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Background: Epidemiologic studies have produced conflicting results with respect to an association of dietary fat with breast cancer. Objective: We aimed to investigate the association between fat consumption and breast cancer. Design: We prospectively investigated fat consumption in a large (n = 319 826), geographically and culturally heterogeneous cohort of European women enrolled in the Europea

A comparison of two micro-beam X-ray emission techniques for actinide elemental distribution in microscopic particles originating from the hydrogen bombs involved in the Palomares (Spain) and Thule (Greenland) accidents

In order to validate and to gain confidence in two micro-beam techniques: particle induced X-ray emission with nuclear microprobe technique (mu-PIXE) and synchrotron radiation induced X-ray fluorescence in a confocal alignment (confocal SR mu-XRF) for characterization of microscopic particles containing actinide elements (mixed plutonium and uranium) a comparative study has been performed. Inter-c

Ett stycke pompejansk receptionshistoria

The article presents the reception of Pompeian interior design in Sweden and Stockholm. It follows the settings chosen for this kind of art from the late 18th century up to the 1920s. The difference between models available (aquarelles made by Swedish architects in Pompeii in the 19th century) and models used (preferably from the house of the Vettii) is touched upon. The decorated spaces and the c

Rod-Shaped Monocytes Patrol the Brain Vasculature and Give Rise to Perivascular Macrophages under the Influence of Proinflammatory Cytokines and Angiopoietin-2

The nervous system is constantly infiltrated by blood-derived sentinels known as perivascular macrophages. Their immediate precursors have not yet been identified in situ and the mechanism that governs their recruitment is mostly unknown. Here, we provide evidence that CD68 (+)GR(-) monocytes can give rise to perivascular macrophages in mice suffering from endotoxemia. After adhesion to the endoth

Gene expression in the brain of a migratory songbird during breeding and migration.

We still have limited knowledge about the underlying genetic mechanisms that enable migrating species of birds to navigate the globe. Here we make an attempt to get insight into the genetic architecture controlling this complex innate behaviour. We contrast the gene expression profiles of two closely related songbird subspecies with divergent migratory phenotypes. In addition to comparing differen