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Utvärdering av systemet med regionala kulturpedagogiska uppdrag i Skåne 2009-2011. Struktur, måluppfyllelse och effekter

Under en rad år har kulturnämnden satsat betydande resurser på det kulturpedagogiska fältet, med särskild inriktning barn och unga. I september 2008 beslöt kulturnämnden om andra fördelningsprinciper. Kulturpedagogiska medel som tidigare knutits till tjänster blev särskilda uppdragsöverens-kommelser som skulle styra verksamheten. Bidraget reducerades till 75 % av tidigare nivåer, resterande belopp

Expression of Ig genes. Regulation of transcription and production of human antibodies

During B lymphocyte development, the transcriptional activity of the IgH locus is subject to spatial and temporal changes. The 3' enhancer (3'E) has been suggested to play an important role in regulation of immunoglobulin gene expression late in B cell development. We have investigated, using transgenic mice, the role of the 3'E in regulating Ig gene expression. Mice harbouring a rearranged IgH ge

Transformation of Information Systems: Relevance of Expectations

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the influence of expectations of professionals towards a greater role in decision-taking at all levels. This includes an expectation of collaboration in the development of organizational information systems. To this end we drew upon Claudio Ciborra's Mood, represented by his discussion of bricolage, hacking and improvisation and their philosophical foundati

The Molecular Chaperone DNAJB6 - A Suppressor of Disease Related Amyloid Fibril Formation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner är en av kroppens viktigaste beståndsdelar. Proteiner bygger upp stabila nätverk för att cellerna ska ha sin rätta form, de transporterar in vatten, salt och andra molekyler in i cellerna så att vi kan ta upp näring och de katalyserar kemiska reaktioner. Proteiner är uppbyggda av aminosyror som binds ihop till en kedja och som sedan veckar ihop sig så att protSeveral neurodegenerative diseases are caused by peptides or proteins forming amyloid fibrils such as the Aβ peptide involved in Alzheimer’s disease and the huntingtin exon-1 with a prolonged polyglutamine (polyQ) stretch involved in Huntington’s disease. The ability to form amyloid fibrils is an intrinsic feature in all proteins. The fibrils are built up of monomers to form elongated structures w

Young drivers´ accident patterns

The present study is concerned with the impact of psychological factors, particularly character traits and attitudes, on the traffic accident patterns of young drivers. 101 drivers completed a questionnaire consisting of 206 questions and statements. Factor analysis was used to identify and eliminate non-significant test items, leaving 70 statements defining 14 distinct traits. Age and sex were sh

Tillvaratagna effekter. Om Jan Håfströms konstnärskap och konstnärsroll

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling presenteras för första gången den svenske konstnären Jan Håfströms (född 1937) konstnärskap från debuten 1966 fram till 2002 på ett omfattande sätt. Koncept knutna till modernism och postmodernism används som en ram och den komparativa diskussionen placerar konstverken i en internationell kontext. Tidigare forskning och teorier kring materialikonografIn this thesis the oeuvre of the Swedish artist Jan Håfström (born 1937), from his debut in 1966 until 2002, is presented for the first time in a comprehensive approach. Concepts linked to modernism and postmodernism are used as a frame and the art works are discussed in a comparative way, placing the artist in an international context. Previous research and theories dealing with material iconogra

Integrating the “dead capital” in models of cadastral systems

Cadastral Systems have developed during the latest decades, impelled by improved information technology. Cadastral projects have become more strategic in a development perspective, with expected long-term returns in economic growth. An improvement of an existent information system requires an understanding of the basis of the current model, its coverage and the processes of change. The land unit

Researching Collocations in Another Language - Multiple Interpretations

'Researching Collocations in Another Language' helps us understand more deeply why collocation knowledge and performance are one of the most fascinating (and at times frustrating) challenges that second language users face. This volume brings together 12 studies from Asia, Europe and North America, divided into four sets: (i) using learner corpora to identify patterns of L2 collocation use, (ii) d

Quantum behavior as well as room-temperature and 50 GHz operations of novel nonlinear devices and nanomaterials

Novel nano-rectifiers based on ballistic electron transport have been fabricated from a high electron-mobility InGaAs/InP wafer. Because of the sufficiently small device size, operations at room temperature are achieved. Furthermore, the devices are shown to work not only up to at least 50 GHz but also with sensitivity to microwave reaching that of the commercial microwave diodes. Based on a simil

Why Trading with Dictators May Nevertheless Help the People: On the Interplay between Trade, Political Regimes and Economic Institutions

Recent empirical studies confirm a positive relationship between trade liberalization or trade openness and the quality of domestic economic institutions. An isolated analysis of trade openness per se, however, may grossly simplify the mechanisms at work, as the linkage between open trade and quality of economic institutions is likely to vary for different political regimes. This study examines th

The Dynamics of Innovation in Eastern Europe -Lessons from Estonia

Popular Abstract in Swedish The overall interest pursued in this thesis is how the former socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe can build strong and dynamic systems of innovation. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the dynamics and evolution of the telecommunications system of innovation in Estonia from the late Soviet period to Estonia's EU accession, and to provide an in-depThe overall interest pursued in this thesis is how the former socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe can build strong and dynamic systems of innovation. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the dynamics and evolution of the telecommunications system of innovation in Estonia from the late Soviet period to Estonia's EU accession, and to provide an in-depth explanation of how innova