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Knölen fick en boom - resten är historia
Hur påverkar tomträttsstatusen betalningsviljan för småhus?
Tomträtter har varit ett omdiskuterat ämne sen avgälderna började sättas till ett mer marknadsmässigt pris. De ökande avgälderna gör att möjligheten att friköpa tomträtter blir intressant för de som har sin bostad på en tomträtt. I vissa kommuner utgör tomträtter en betydande andel av småhusfastighetsutbudet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur tomträttsstatusen påverkar betalningsviljan för sThis study aims to examine the effect of leasehold status on the selling price for houses. The study focuses on houses sold in Stockholm and Gothenburg during 2018 and 2019. Municipalities in Sweden have since 1907 offered leased land as an alternative to owned land to facilitate for more people to build homes. The leasehold holders pay a yearly rent to the owner of the land. The payment contracts
Legacies of Socialist Solidarity: East Germany in Mozambique by Tanja R. Müller Lanham, Lexington Books, 2014
Identification of the ca. 720 Ma Irkutsk LIP and its plume centre in southern Siberia : The initiation of Laurentia-Siberia separation
Widespread 720 Ma magmatism has been linked with the break-up of Rodinia and the onset of the Sturtian ‘Snowball Earth’ event. We report a new U-Pb baddeleyite age from the Baikal dyke subswarm in southern Siberia which increases the known extent of the 720 Ma Irkutsk LIP and confirms a previous hypothesis that the Baikal and Sayan subswarms converge at the southern tip of the Irkutsk promontory.
Zwitterionic poly(terphenylene piperidinium) membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries
Over recent years, non-fluorinated ion exchange membranes based on poly(terphenylene) backbones carrying different functional groups have shown potential application for vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs). Generally, the ion exchange membrane in VRFBs is a critical component in terms of the output power, long-term stability and cost. Yet, the shortcomings of commercial membranes (e.g., Nafion)
From Hatchling to Adulthood: Exploring the Effects of Developmental Temperature on Mitochondrial Function in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and cold spells, are predicted to increase under climate change, which can have significant negative effects on fitness and survival of wildlife. If such variations are timed during development, they can affect growth and subsequent performance in birds, with influence over long-term temperature tolerance. Developmental temperature can also have direct eff
Meteorological Data Policies Needed to Support Biodiversity Monitoring with Weather Radar
Weather radar networks have great potential for continuous and long-term monitoring of aerial biodiversity of birds, bats, and insects. Biological data from weather radars can support ecological research, inform conservation policy development and implementation, and increase the public’s interest in natural phenomena such as migration. Weather radars are already used to study animal migration, qu
Venös tromboembolism
Innovation and inter-city knowledge spillovers : Social, geographical, and technological connectedness and psychological openness
Knowledge spillovers across economic agents are central to the process of technological innovation. Yet, the mechanisms by which spillovers travel and manifest as innovation are poorly understood. To fill that gap, we study how knowledge spillovers emanating from other cities (knowledge pools) diffuse and get absorbed. We refine the notion of connectedness by comparing three mechanisms through whi
Utveckling av spårvägsnätet i Norrköping
Tramways are a sustainable and accessible mode for public transport. They promote urban development and contribute to a more attractive city. Light rail, but also public transport as a whole, is an important part of society as it is accessible to everyone and reduces the amount of cars needed. The two tramlines in Norrköping account for two thirds of public transport travel in the city. The purpos
The potential of salinity gradient energy based on natural and anthropogenic resources in Sweden
This paper presents assessment of natural and anthropogenic sources of blue energy within Swedish territory to identify suitable spots for implementing new projects. The natural energy potential of salinity gradients was found to be higher in southwest Sweden, and a national energy resource potential of 2610.6 MW from seawater/river water mixing will be reduced to a technical potential ranging fro
Russia's Policy towards Donbas Since 2014 : The Nation-Building Process and Its Ideology
This study examines the ideology of the nation-building process in the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. The key features of this process are uncovered through a discourse analysis of school textbooks published in the People's Republics and in Transnistria, and of the 'Russian Donbas' ideology. This is compared to the history and interpretations of the concept of 'Novorossiya'. Thi
Quantification, Negation and Set formation
Exposure to long-term source-specific transportation noise and incident breast cancer : A pooled study of eight Nordic cohorts
Background: Environmental noise is an important environmental exposure that can affect health. An association between transportation noise and breast cancer incidence has been suggested, although current evidence is limited. We investigated the pooled association between long-term exposure to transportation noise and breast cancer incidence. Methods: Pooled data from eight Nordic cohorts provided
Offentliga avgifter och ömsesidigt förpliktande avtal
När en kommun tillhandahåller en tjänst utgår vanligen en avgift som baserar sig på den kommunala självkostnadsprincipen. Frågan om vad som egentligen gäller om en brukare av tjänsten – t.ex. till följd av någon form av bristande (mot)prestation från kommunens sida – inte vill erlägga avgiften är dock inte självklar. Av NJA 1998 s. 656 (I) följer förvisso att tvister rörande barnomsorgsavgifter sk
Rational points close to non-singular algebraic curves
We study the density of solutions to Diophantine inequalities involving non-singular ternary forms, or equivalently, the density of rational points close to non-singular plane algebraic curves.
Geometric control of diffusing elements on InAs semiconductor surfaces via metal contacts
Local geometric control of basic synthesis parameters, such as elemental composition, is important for bottom-up synthesis and top-down device definition on-chip but remains a significant challenge. Here, we propose to use lithographically defined metal stacks for regulating the surface concentrations of freely diffusing synthesis elements on compound semiconductors. This is demonstrated by geomet
Skin permeation studies of chromium species – Evaluation of a reconstructed human epidermis model
A reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) model, the EpiDerm, was investigated and compared to human skin ex vivo regarding tissue penetration and distribution of two chromium species, relevant in both occupational and general exposure in the population. Imaging mass spectrometry was used in analysis of the sectioned tissue. The RHE model gave similar results compared to human skin ex vivo for skin pe
Drying intensity and acidity slow down microbial growth recovery after rewetting dry soils
Soil microbes perceive drying and rewetting (DRW) events as more or less harsh depending on the previous soil moisture history. If a DRW event is not perceived as harsh, microbial growth recovers rapidly after rewetting (referred to as ‘type 1’ response), while a harsh DRW will be followed by a delayed growth recovery (‘type 2’ response). Predicting these responses based on pedoclimatic factors is