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Conclusion: A Research and Policy Agenda for Addressing Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change

This chapter suggests ways forward in both policy and research. It establishes that legal and policy frameworks have little value without implementation, and multiple factors beyond these frameworks affect the extent to which people are protected from and during displacement and whether durable solutions to displacement are ultimately realised. Internationally, UN agencies, treaty monitoring bodie

Revisiting Motivational Reasons

This paper considers a novel way of understanding motivational reasons, and to what extent it challenges a Humean theory of motivation.

Challenging patient communication in a medical education curriculum - Perspectives on learning with simulated patients

En viktig del av en läkares yrkesliv är att hantera svåra patientsamtal. Alla läkarekommer någon gång under yrkeslivet medverka i sådana samtal. Brister ipatientkommunikation har visat sig vara en bidragande orsak till att patienter fårsämre vård. Utbildning i patientkommunikation är därför en central del i enläkarutbildning. I följande licentiatavhandling undersöktes hur studenter och lärareser pBeing able to manage challenging patient communication and the associated emotional burden is a vital skill for physicians that is regularly utilized in clinical work. Therefore, it is reasonable that medical students get the opportunity to acquire and develop the relevant knowledge and skills related to challenging patient communication during their education. Simulated patient scenarios are usef

Intraductal papillary neoplasms of the bile duct : a European retrospective multicenter observational study (EUR-IPNB study)

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB) is a rare disease in Western countries. The main aim of this study was to characterize current surgical strategies and outcomes in the mainly European participating centers. METHODS: A multi-institutional retrospective series of patients with a diagnosis of IPNB undergoing surgery between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020

Markers of Atrial Myopathy in the General Population : Prevalence, Predictors, and Inter-Relations

BACKGROUND: Atrial myopathy refers to structural and functional cardiac abnormalities associated with atrial fibrillation and stroke, but appropriate diagnostic criteria are lacking.OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess prevalence, clinical correlates, and overlap between potential atrial myopathy markers.METHODS: The population-based SCAPIS (Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study) prospectively

Low-level HIV viraemia during antiretroviral therapy : Longitudinal patterns and predictors of viral suppression

OBJECTIVES: Our objective was to characterize longitudinal patterns of viraemia and factors associated with viral suppression in people with HIV and low-level viraemia (LLV) during antiretroviral therapy (ART).METHODS: We included people with HIV in the EuResist Integrated Database with LLV following ART initiation after 2005. LLV was defined as two or more consecutive viral load (VL) measurements

Comorbidities in people with hand OA and their associations with pain severity and sensitization : Data from the longitudinal Nor-Hand study

Objective: To determine whether the comorbidity burden and co-existing comorbidities are cross-sectionally and/or longitudinally associated with pain and pain sensitization in a cohort study of people with hand OA. Design: We examined whether comorbidity burden and individual comorbidities based on the self-administered Comorbidity Index (range: 0–42) at baseline were associated with pain outcomes

Alkali-stable polybenzimidazole anion exchange membranes tethered with N,N-dimethylpiperidinium cations for dilute aqueous KOH fed water electrolyzers

Polybenzimidazole (PBI) is currently considered as a membrane material for alkaline water electrolyzers (AWEs), and has to be fed with highly concentrated aqueous KOH electrolytes in order to ensure sufficient electrolyte uptake and conductivity. However, the harsh operating conditions significantly limit the lifetime of PBI membranes. In response, we here report on the synthesis and performance o

Barefooting: A Tool for Environmental Consciousness

Modern human animals’ relationship with Nature is damaged and damaging. An emotional and physical separation is at play in this broken bond, with footwear literally and metaphorically embodying the disunion between spirit and body. This research explores how North Atlantic populations can use barefooting to support the healing of human animal connection with Nature, leading to pro-environmental be

Microstructure in SOFC: electrochemical simulations and experiments

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are highly efficient and environmentally friendly power sources that convert chemical energy directly into electricity and heat, without the need for combustion. Despite their many benefits, the performance and durability of SOFCs heavily depend on the quality of their porous anode and cathode components. There are significant challenges with regard to their commerci

Pedagogisk verksamhet - ett verktyg för framtida kompetensförsörjning?

Kan pedagogiska verksamheter i samhället skapa intresse hos ungdomar så att de väljer att arbeta med vattenfrågor i framtiden? Projektet undersökte utställningen Den hållbara staden på Kretseum i Malmö och Sydvattens kurs Tänk H2O! vid sjön Bolmen i Småland. Bland de positiva effekterna hos eleverna fanns ökad tilltro till den egna kompetensen på området, ökad känsla av att passa in socialt på omr

The Role of National Law and Policy in Addressing Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific

This chapter introduces the analytical framework for the research initiative as a whole. It begins with an overview of what the Guiding Principles offer, and where there are limitations when it comes to addressing displacement in the context of disasters and climate change. The chapter highlights the critical role of national law and policy in addressing internal displacement in the context of dis

Waste Minimization by Inventory Management in High-Volume High-Complexity Manufacturing Organizations

Organizations that manufacture high volumes of complex products (e.g., pharmaceutical, automotive, food) require specific strategies to ensure efficient processing of parts and a sustainable level of inventory by waste minimization. A review of literature sources revealed how inventory is classified and managed amongst organizations and industries and key challenges that current organizations face

Teaching and learning Italian word-formation patterns

A knowledge of word-formation patterns can have considerable benefits on competence in a second language. A dynamic view of the lexicon can reveal recurring patterns in the vocabulary of a language, representing a useful tool to improve receptive fluency. Unfortunately, reflections on wordformation are not often considered an essential part of second language teaching, and grammar books often tend

A Murine Mycobacterium marinum Infection Model for Longitudinal Analyses of Disease Development and the Inflammatory Response

Mycobacterial infections, including tuberculosis, are a major health problem globally. Prevention and treatments of tuberculosis are challenging due to the poor efficacy of the current vaccine and the emergence of drug-resistant strains. Therefore, it is critical to increase our basic understanding of mycobacterial virulence strategies as well as the host immune response during infection in the co

Value assessment of cloud manufacturing for large-scale manufacturing organizations

This master thesis assesses the potential of Cloud Manufacturing applications in large-scale manufacturing. Firstly, this thesis determines the benefits and drawbacks of and the barriers to the implementation of Cloud Manufacturing. Secondly, five interviews were conducted with two companies that had begun implementing Cloud Manufacturing within their organizations. Lastly, Cloud Manufacturing was

New insight into myocardin regulation and function in smooth muscle cells

Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are constituents of hollow inner organs. Their contractile function governs essential physiological functions, such as breathing, eating, blood pressure control, urination, and childbirth. Skeletal and cardiac muscle cells are terminally differentiated cell types, but SMCs are highly plastic and change their phenotype in disease. Cues presented by the microenvironment an