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Writing Rights into Thailand's History with Photography

Photography is a recognized medium to spread information about atrocities and to raise awareness about human rights issues. Photography is also widely used by political actors and social move- ments to construct an image of themselves and their causes. The political potential of photography is closely connected to the role of the visual in the public. The language of photography is at the same tim

Novel Scabies Mite Serpins Inhibit the Three Pathways of the Human Complement System

Scabies is a parasitic infestation of the skin by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei that causes significant morbidity worldwide, in particular within socially disadvantaged populations. In order to identify mechanisms that enable the scabies mite to evade human immune defenses, we have studied molecules associated with proteolytic systems in the mite, including two novel scabies mite serine protease inhi

A Game-Theoretic Resource Manager for RT Applications

The management of resources among competing QoS-aware applications is often solved by a resource manager (RM) that assigns both the resources and the application service levels. However, this approach requires all applications to inform the RM of the available service levels. Then, the RM has to maximize the "overall quality" by comparing service levels of different applications which are not nece

A life cycle approach to the management of household food waste - A Swedish full-scale case study.

Environmental impacts from incineration, decentralised composting and centralised anaerobic digestion of solid organic household waste are compared using the EASEWASTE LCA-tool. The comparison is based on a full scale case study in southern Sweden and used input-data related to aspects such as source-separation behaviour, transport distances, etc. are site-specific. Results show that biological tr

Methods to determine hydration states of minerals and cement hydrates

This paper describes a novel approach to the quantitative investigation of the impact of varying relative humidity (RH) and temperature on the structure and thermodynamic properties of salts and crystalline cement hydrates in different hydration states (i.e. varying molar water contents). The multi-method approach developed here is capable of deriving physico-chemical boundary conditions and the t

Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans and microglia prevent migration and integration of grafted Muller stem cells into degenerating retina

At present, there are severe limitations to the successful migration and integration of stem cells transplanted into the degenerated retina to restore visual function. This study investigated the potential role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) and microglia in the migration of human Muller glia with neural stem cell characteristics following subretinal injection into the Lister hooded

A facile synthesis of branched silver nanowire structures and its applications in surface-enhanced Raman scattering

We report a facile method of preparing novel branched silver nanowire structures such as Y-shaped, K-shaped and other multi-branched nanowires. These branched nanostructures are synthesized by reducing silver nitrate (AgNO3) in polyethylene glycol (PEG) with polyvinglpyrrolidone (PVP) as capping agent. Statistical data indicate that for the "y" typed branched nanowire, the branches grow out from t

Ankle fractures. Outcome and rehabilitation. A physiotherapeutic perspective.

The overall aim of this work was to evaluate symptoms, subjectively scored function and physical outcome in patients with surgically treated ankle fractures. Another aim was also to evaluate the effects of a standardised but individually suited supervised training program. In all, 209 patients with surgically treated ankle fractures were included in three different samples: 54 individuals aged 18-

Adsorption of low-density lipoprotein, its oxidation, and subsequent binding of specific recombinant antibodies-an in situ ellipsometric study.

BACKGROUND: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles accumulate in the arterial wall and become oxidized during atherogenesis, leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The major protein of the LDL particle, apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100), becomes fragmented during oxidation and a target for the immune system. METHODS: In this study we used in situ ellipsometry to monitor the adsorption

Metaphors and Norms - Understanding Copyright Law in a Digital Society

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad är det med upphovsrätten som inte fungerar i det digitala samhället? Vad är det som gör att miljoner människor just i fallet med fildelning tycker att det är okej att bryta mot lagen? Och, sett från det omvända perspektivet, vad är det som gör att lagen inte klarar av att anpassa sig efter de nya digitala praktikerna? Varför denna inlåsning och detta tillbakablickanThis is a compilation thesis in the sociology of law, which analyses copyright law in three steps; the legal norms, the social norms and the underlying conceptions in their metaphorical representation. These three steps assist in answering the overarching question: "How do legal and social norms relate to each other in terms of the conceptions from which they emanate or by which they are construct

Environmental forcing and genetic differentiation in subdivided populations

Questions: How will genetic differentiation and genetic drift in spatially structured populations be affected by different classes of autocorrelated environmental noise? How does dispersal interact with fluctuations generated from the demographic and environmental forcing in shaping the neutral genetic patterns? Model and key assumptions: Populations are regulated locally by density-dependent feed

Polyketide synthesis genes associated with toxin production in two species of Gambierdiscus (Dinophyceae).

Marine microbial protists, in particular, dinoflagellates, produce polyketide toxins with ecosystem-wide and human health impacts. Species of Gambierdiscus produce the polyether ladder compounds ciguatoxins and maitotoxins, which can lead to ciguatera fish poisoning, a serious human illness associated with reef fish consumption. Genes associated with the biosynthesis of polyether ladder compounds

Ethanol production from mixtures of wheat straw and wheat meal

Background: Bioethanol can be produced from sugar-rich, starch-rich (first generation; 1G) or lignocellulosic (second generation; 2G) raw materials. Integration of 2G ethanol with 1G could facilitate the introduction of the 2G technology. The capital cost per ton of fuel produced would be diminished and better utilization of the biomass can be achieved. It would, furthermore, decrease the energy d