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Getting a Spot on the Street: : Street Vendors’ Access to Public Space in Bogotá, Colombia.

Is it truly the "end" of public space? This handbook presents evidence that the answer is "no". In cities in different parts of the world, people still use public space to pursue activities of their choice.The book is divided into seven sections. The first section presents three emerging types of public space. Each of the subsequent five sections focuses on a type of activity: recreation, commerce

Global Norm-maker as China’s New Brand? An Analysis of the Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI)

China’s influence in extractive industry sectors worldwide has expanded in tandem with the rising global demand for the natural resources integral to producing such low carbon products as electric vehicles. Many Chinese-operated mining projects overseas have hence generated broad concern on the ground about their negative environmental and social impacts. Chinese actors, meanwhile, have begun to e

Correlation between ADC, ADC ratio, and Gleason Grade group in prostate cancer patients undergoing radical prostatectomy : Retrospective multicenter study with different MRI scanners

Background: MRI is an important tool in the prostate cancer work-up, with special emphasis on the ADC sequence. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between ADC and ADC ratio compared to tumor aggressiveness determined by a histopathological examination after radical prostatectomy.Methods: Ninety-eight patients with prostate cancer underwent MRI at five different hospitals prior to radi

Group A streptococci induce stronger M protein-fibronectin interaction when specific human antibodies are bound

Group A streptococcus (GAS) is a highly adapted, human-specific pathogen that is known to manipulate the immune system through various mechanisms. GAS’ M protein constitutes a primary target of the immune system due to its spatial configuration and dominance on the bacterial surface. Antibody responses targeting the M protein have been shown to favor the conserved C region. Such antibodies (Abs) c

The Effect of Consumer Values on Engagement and Behavioral Intent : Moderating Role of Age

The rise of online brand communities has transformed consumer/brand interactions, thus affecting consumer engagement and its nomological network. However, scholarly understanding regarding the effect of consumer values on their online engagement remains tenuous. Addressing this gap, we conceptualize a model that attempts to understand the relative effect of consumers’ values (terminal and instrume

On militant democracy’s institutional conservatism

This article critically reconstructs militant democracy’s ‘institutional conservatism’, a theoretical preference for institutions that restrain transformation. It offers two arguments, one historical and one normative. Firstly, it traces a historical development from a substantive to a procedural version of institutional conservatism from the traditional militant democratic thought of Schmitt, Loe

Numerical simulation of flow past a square cylinder

2D and 3D unsteady flow past a rigid prism of a squarecross-section with one side facing the oncoming flow is numerically simulated for Reynolds numbers between 200 to 500. An incompressible code is used employing an implicit fractional step method finite-volume with second-order accuracy in space and time. For 2D flow, it is found that, for Re >300, the time-mean flow patterns are not perfectly s

CSR communication and the use of recycled synthetic fibres in the fashion industry: A content analysis study of two Swedish fashion brands

Fast och slow fashion, skillnader och likheter i användningen av återvunnen syntetisk fiber. Modeindustrin är bland de industrier som bidrar till de största miljömässiga problemen vad gäller utsläpp av växthusgaser, kemikalie- och vattenanvändning samt ohållbara avfall. Nu står de inför en förändring i att bli en mer hållbar industri, pådriven både från statligt håll samt från konsumenters håll.The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to environmental issues and has a significant part of plastic production due to the use of synthetic fibres. Much scientific research indicates that the fast fashion model is a significant part of using synthetic fibres; however, slow fashion brands are also using the fibres. Communicating products' sustainable footprint has become an ess

Stakeholder engagement and business model innovation value

Despite important strides made in the business model literature, substantially less is known regarding its constituent sub-concept of business model innovation (BMI). In particular, the role and dynamics of different stakeholders’ BMI-related engagement remain nebulous, as therefore explored in this paper. Moreover, though business models are recognized to house firm-based value propositions, the

You don’t have to put on that red light – A frame analysis of the European Parliament’s position on prostitution 2014–2021.

Prostitution, a policy issue outside of European Union (EU) competence, has in recent years made its way onto the agenda of the European Parliament (EP). In 2014, the resolution on sexual exploitation and prostitution and its impact on gender equality was published in which the EP stated that prostitution is incompatible with human rights. However, the other EU institutions remain reluctant to men

Terrorist Threats in Scandinavia: A comparative study of the most significant terrorist threats in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway between 2001-2022

The Scandinavian countries have neither been a focus area in terrorism nor intelligence studies, even though the Scandinavian intelligence agencies perceive the terrorist threats as rather present in their countries. This thesis aims to examine the similarities and differences within the assessment of the most significant terrorist threats in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway between 2001-2022 based on

Agonistisk fred i Bosnien och Hercegovina, en möjlighet?

When the Bosnian civil war ended in 1995 by signing the Dayton-peace agreement, the international community imposed so-called liberal peacebuilding, known as the top-down approach. Since this proceeding had brought unsuccessful results, the number of nongovernmental organizations began to increase in order to build a sustainable and more inclusive peace in post-Dayton BiH. This thesis examines th

En diskursanalys över när Ryssland blev uteslutna ur kvalet till fotbolls-VM i Qatar 2022

This report's main interest is in the decision to exclude Russia from participating in the qualifying to the 2022 football World Cup in Qatar. This topic is important because the action that led to the exclusion was Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This was an action in the international- and political relations of the world and it has little to do with sports and the World Cup in football. W

Anhörigmigranters rättsliga skydd i tid och rum : En studie av skydd från våld i förhållande till vistelserätt i Sverige

This doctoral dissertation in public law maps and analyses protection from domestic violence for family migrants in relation to family migrants' right of stay in Sweden from 2000-2022.The thesis covers legal protection from domestic violence in three cases: a denied right of stay before immigration takes place if it can be assumed that the person applying for a residence permit based on family tie

Impact of Central Nodes in Information Propagation over Graphs

Många system kan representeras som grafer, alltifrån neurala nätverk och transportnätverk till något så vardagligt som våra umgängeskretsar. Om exempelvis Andrea är vän med Jona- than, så kan vi rita ut Andrea och Jonathan som var sin prick på ett paper och låta deras vän- skap representeras av en linje. På samma sätt kan vi enkelt lägga till fler personer (prickar) och rita fler linjer till alla There are many systems which can be represented as graphs, to say the least the networks in which we communicate with each other. Thorough understanding of graph structures enables better predictions of the dynamics in real life networks, such as the spreading of a disease in a community or failure propagation in a system. This thesis investigates information propagation over connected undirected

Convergence and stability analysis of stochastic optimization algorithms

Den här uppsatsen handlar om stokastiska optimerings metoder. Inom områdena Artificiell intelligens och Maskininlärning är det vanligt att man vill skatta parametrar i en statistisk modell för att kunna göra prediktioner. Man använder sig då av en kostnadsfunktion som bestraffar prediktioner som ligger långt ifrån det riktiga värdet och minimerar denna med avseende på de statistiska parametrarna. This thesis is concerned with stochastic optimization methods. The pioneering work in the field is the article “A stochastic approximation algorithm” by Robbins and Monro [1], in which they proposed the stochastic gradient descent; a stochastic version of the classical gradient descent algorithm. Since then, many improvements and extensions of the theory have been published, as well as new version

Hemlig dataavläsning – Den tekniska utvecklingen och dess inverkan på hemliga tvångsmedel

The Swedish law enforcement agencies have a wide variety of secret coercive measures in their asset to investigate and counteract criminal activities. But due to the technological development on the communication field some of these measures are becoming obsolete, which results in easier communication between criminals outside the surveillance of these agencies. This stemmed in the development of

“Programming is Not That Hard!”. When a Science Center Visit Increases Young Women’s Programming Ability Beliefs

To increase engagement with science and technology, young people around the world are encouraged to attend activities at science centers. But how effective are these activities? Since women have weaker ability beliefs and interest in technology than men, it is especially important to learn how science center visits affect them. In this study, we tested if programming exercises offered to middle sc