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Your search for "*" yielded 532522 hits

Characterisation of Arteriovenous Fistula’s sound recordings using principal component analysis

In this study, a signal analysis framework based on the Karhunen-Loève expansion and k-means clustering algorithm is proposed for the characterisation of arteriovenous (AV) fistula’s sound recordings. The Karhunen-Loève (KL) coefficients corresponding to the directions of maximum variance were used as classification features, which were clustered applying k-means algorithm. The results showed that

Design and Implementation of Iterative Decoder for Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling Multicarrier systems

Abstract in UndeterminedFaster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling is a method of improving bandwidth efficiency by transmitting information beyond Nyquist's orthogonality limit for interference free transmission. Previously have theoretically established that FTN can provide improved bandwidth efficiency. However, this comes at the cost of higher decoding complexity at the receiver. Our work has evaluat

Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Demonstrates Correlation between Behavioral Recovery and Correction of Dopamine Neurotransmission after Gene Therapy

In vivo gene transfer using viral vectors is an emerging therapy for neurodegenerative diseases with a clinical impact recently demonstrated in Parkinson's disease patients. Recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors, in particular, provide an excellent tool for long-term expression of therapeutic genes in the brain. Here we used the [C-11] raclopride [(S)-(-)-3,5-dichloro-N-((1-ethyl-2-pyr

The use of assistive devices and change in use during the ageing process among very old Swedish people.

Purpose: To investigate the characteristics and change in use among very old Swedish users and non-users of assistive devices (ADs) for mobility and personal care, over a six-year period, and to investigate factors predicting AD use over a six-year period. Method: Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were used to analyse quantitative data from a subsample from the Swedish part of the

Alien invasions and the game of hide and seek in patagonia.

The introduction, establishment and spread of alien species is a major threat to biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services for human wellbeing. In order to reduce further loss of biodiversity and maintain productive and sustainable ecosystems, understanding the ecological mechanisms underlying species invasions and avoiding potentially harmful effects on native communities is urgently n

Development and evaluation of an improved quantitative Y-90 bremsstrahlung SPECT method

Purpose: Yttrium-90 (Y-90) is one of the most commonly used radionuclides in targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT). Since it decays with essentially no gamma photon emissions, surrogate radionuclides (e.g., In-111) or imaging agents (e.g., Tc-99m MAA) are typically used for treatment planning. It would, however, be useful to image Y-90 directly in order to confirm that the distributions measured wit

Fungal and bacterial recolonisation of acid and alkaline forest soils following artificial heat treatments

The direct response and the short-term recolonisation of soil by fungi and bacteria were studied after heat treatments of a humus soil with high carbon content and low pH. and a calcareous soil with lower carbon content and high pH. Heating was administered using a muffle furnace or an autoclave, with different temperatures and times of heat exposure, after which fresh soil (1%) was added as inocu

The influence of parasitic modes on beam dynamics for the European spallation source linac

The European Spallation Source (ESS) linac will consist of three families of superconducting RE cavities to accelerate protons to a final beam energy of 2.5 GeV for collision with the target. Beam induced HOMs in these cavities may drive the beam unstable and increase the cryogenic load, severely limiting the operation of the linac. The effect of these modes on the beam quality is investigated in

Parameter uncertainties in the modelling of vegetation dynamics — effects on tree community structure and ecosystem functioning in European forest biomes

Dynamic vegetation models are useful tools for analysing terrestrial ecosystem processes and their interactions with climate through variations in carbon and water exchange. Long-term changes in structure and composition (vegetation dynamics) caused by altered competitive strength between plant functional types (PFTs) are attracting increasing attention as controls on ecosystem functioning and pot

An analysis of evacuation travel paths on stair landings by means of conditional probabilities

This paper analyses data on occupants׳ movement on stair landings collected during an evacuation drill performed in a six-storey office building in the United States. A total of 215 occupant travel path trajectories were filmed and time on the stair landings and egress behaviours were analysed. Data were analysed using a probabilistic approach, i.e., the probability of different occupant travel pa

Resenärernas värdering av kvalitetsfunktioner vid bytespunkter - Värderingsstudie

Väl fungerande bytespunkter är viktiga för kollektivtrafikens konkurrenskraft. Själva bytet, som är en del av varje resa, kan upplevas som en stor del av reskedjan, varför det är viktigt att bytestiden minimeras men även att bytespunkten erbjuder så hög komfort- och servicenivå som möjligt. Våra kunskaper om vilka kvaliteter som är viktiga i bytespunkter samt hur viktiga dessa är i förhållande til


Popular Abstract in Swedish SVENSK SAMMANFATTNING (SUMMARY IN SWEDISH) Hematopoes och leukemi Hematopoes är benämningen på den process vari alla blodceller genom hela livet kontinuerligt utvecklas i benmärgen, samt vid bildandet av lymfocyter även i lymfkörtlarna. Varje dygn bildas det ca 1012 nya celler i benmärgen för att ersätta uttjänta blodceller som dör och bryts ned. Ett litet antal stamcelWilms’ tumour gene 1 (WT1) encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor functioning as a key regulator in organ development. WT1 was first identified as a tumour suppressor gene due to its inactivation in Wilms’ tumour cases, a childhood kidney cancer. In adult tissues WT1 expression is restricted to few organs, but various forms of cancers express high WT1 levels, suggesting an oncogenic potential

Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture

Bone mineral density (BMD) is the most widely used predictor of fracture risk. We performed the largest meta-analysis to date on lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD, including 17 genome-wide association studies and 32,961 individuals of European and east Asian ancestry. We tested the top BMD-associated markers for replication in 50,933 independent subjects and for association with risk of low-trauma

Use of dietary supplements in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition calibration study

Background: Dietary supplement use is increasing, but there are few comparable data on supplement intakes and how they affect the nutrition and health of European consumers. The aim of this study was to describe the use of dietary supplements in subsamples of the 10 countries participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Methods: Specific questions on di

Haemophilus influenzae Uses the Surface Protein E To Acquire Human Plasminogen and To Evade Innate Immunity

Pathogenic microbes acquire the human plasma protein plasminogen to their surface. In this article, we characterize binding of this important coagulation regulator to the respiratory pathogen nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and identify the Haemophilus surface protein E (PE) as a new plasminogen-binding protein. Plasminogen binds dose dependently to intact bacteria and to purified PE. The plasm

A comparison of different initialization protocols to obtain statistically independent molecular dynamics simulations.

We study how the results of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are affected by various choices during the setup, e.g., the starting velocities, the solvation, the location of protons, the conformation of His, Asn, and Gln residues, the protonation and titration of His residues, and the treatment of alternative conformations. We estimate the binding affinity of ligands to four proteins calculated

A global proficiency study of Human Papillomavirus genotyping.

Internationally comparable quality assurance of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA detection and typing methods is essential for evaluation of HPV vaccines and effective monitoring and implementation of HPV vaccination programs. Therefore, the World Health Organisation (WHO) HPV Laboratory Network (LabNet) designed an international proficiency study. Following announcement at the WHO website, respondi