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Assessment of User satisfaction and Mobility-related Participation Outcomes.
European VET systems in transformation
Epitaxial growth of III-V nanowires on silicon substrates
Standardisation - creativity; Quality Assurance in Swedish Healthcare
Legal analysis of a contract for advanced logistics services
The diversity of mind wandering : The role of individual differences and cognitive factors
Popular Abstract in SwedishMänniskor spenderar en stor del av sin vakna tid åt att tänka på saker som är orelaterade till den uppgift de håller på med eller den omgivning de befinner sig i (dagdrömmar). Under tiden man jobbar, läser en tidning, eller väntar på bussen kan manexempelvis börja tänka på något trevligt man ska göra nästa helg eller en tidigare deprimerande händelse som upprör en. DagdrMany individuals spend a substantial portion of their waking time thinking about topics unrelated to current activities and surroundings (mind wandering). This dissertation sought to contribute to our knowledge of why some people mind wander more than others. Mind wandering in cognitive tasks is more common in individuals with poor executive cognitive control (working memory updating, inhibiting t
Vetenskapligt program för de arkeologiska undersökningarna av fornlämningen raä 5, Stora Uppåkra socken, Staffanstorps kommun, Skåne
Mapping of National Cluster Policies and Programmes in the Baltic Sea Region
Free-standing semiconductor nanowires - materials science, physics and devices
Towards Integration of Product and Packaging Development
Increased efficiency and effectiveness in the product development process can be expected to result from extending the product development process to inciude the concurrent development of product and packaging. In this paper, the findings from three surveys performed in the Swedish mechanical, pharmaceutical and food industries by Bramklev, Bjärnemo and Jönson (2001 and 2003) are complemented wit
Measurement of open heavy flavor production with single muons in p+p and d+Au collisions at RHIC.
Focal lesions to the lateral and orbital prefrontal cortex: Neuropsychological profiles and self reported executive functions in everyday living
An Operational Definition of Emergency Response Capabilities
Well developed emergency response capabilities are crucial in order to keep the risk in a community at low levels. Analysing these capabilities before an emergency occurs is important since it can identify weaknesses and possibilities for improvements. To start off from an operational definition is a possible point of departure in such an analysis. In this paper, therefore, we develop an operation