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Your search for "*" yielded 534238 hits

Cognate effects in intra-sentential codeswitching in trilinguals - evidence from a read-aloud task

This thesis examines the effect of cognates on codeswitching in planned speech production in trilinguals, which has previously been unexplored. Previous studies on cognates and codeswitching have primarily focused on cognate facilitation effects in spontaneous speech in bilinguals. While experimental studies have gradually acknowledged the importance of investigating codeswitching in a sentence co

Gender stereotypes in contemporary Swedish society: Does gender still matter? An investigation of prescriptive stereotypes, self-views in gendered traits and evaluation of role (in)congruity.

The present study aimed to further investigate the current state of gender stereotypes and their function in Swedish population in a two-fold way: Primarily by investigating the content of prescriptive stereotypes (how people should be) in relation to people’s self-views in gendered traits, and secondarily by investigating how people who behave stereotypically and counter-stereotypically are perce

Does Corruption undermine Kenya's FDI Inflows?

This thesis analyses the effect of corruption on Kenya's low and fluctuant FDI inflows. Institutions have increasingly been crucial for all economic aspects, including FDI. As a component of institutions, corruption has been found to 'sand the wheels' of FDI and economic prosperity. To confirm this hypothesis, this paper employed an ARDL model and found that corruption had a negative a

Coastal city of malmö - a blue urbanism approach

Due to climate change, the average global sea level is rising. Consequently, flood protection is being discussed by cities all over the world. Out of all the proposed solutions for this, those that can offer something beyond the construction of high walls are the ones with the most value. We should create coastal protections that offer added value, for us humans as well as for the ecosystem we liv

Determination of antibiotic residues in surface water by solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography with UV/Vis detection

This work aimed to optimize a multiclass reverse-phase HPLC-DAD chromatographic method and SPE method for the quantification of eight antibiotics in wastewater. Cefalexin, Levofloxacin, Nitrofurantoin, Doxycycline, Nalidixic Acid, Oxacillin sodium salt, and Cloxacillin sodium salt were separated with a C6-Phenyl (100 x 2 mm, 3.00 μm particle size) column within 10 minutes. Gradient elution was per

”Den Ultimata Systern” -en dokumentanalys om tandsköterskors feminiserade yrkesroll

The aim of the thesis is to examine the change that the professional role of dental nurses has undergone and to see how a feminization of the profession maintain linguistic notions of gender, power structures and performativity. Since I started working as a dental nurse, I have taken an interest in its professional role and the beliefs that exist. Different power structures and beliefs how dental


Unsustainable use of natural resources has been the basis for economic growth since the industrial revolution. The linear model of extraction, processing, consumption and disposal has brought significant environmental consequences such as resource scarcity, pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change. The use of plastics is one example of unsustainable human behaviour. The use of them has offe

Closing the loop: A study of Brand Activism in the Fashion Industry

Implications: The study provides practical implications for brand managers at fashion companies that wish to improve their branding and sustainable strategy while aligning with consumers’ value. The proposed framework recommends several strategies for handling image-vision gap.Original/Value: This paper contributes to the narrow body of research on a complex phenomenon: brand activism and customers’ perception. It presents a new framework for analysing the relationship between the brand vision and brand image. Furthermore, it compares and contrasts the brand activism of two different fashion companies.

Study of Generalizations of the Discrete Bak-Sneppen Model

In 1993, Per Bak and Kim Sneppen proposed a model of co-evolution between species, where survival of a particular species affects the survival of its neighbouring species. In the discrete case of the model, each species, or an entry in a set with periodic boundary conditions, is an element x_i ∈ {0, 1}, in the set of size N, where x_i represents the fitness. An entry of the least fitness is chosen

Behind Boundary Management: a look into Self-leadership and Autonomy when Working from Home

Working from home, previously framed as the same concept as teleworking, is a practice that had already increased in the past decades, but the current health crisis (SARS-2 COVID19) exacerbated the number of home workers all of a sudden (Popovici & Lavinia, 2020). Thus, many workers were forced to manage the boundaries between work and home without experience nor the physical boundary that is

The Roles of SepF2 and SepF3 in Cell Division in Streptomyces venezuelae

A Tale of Two Proteins: SepF2 and SepF3 You might have heard of antibiotic resistance, which is one of the biggest public health issues of our time. In addition to the measures that should be taken at all levels of society to combat this issue, research to identify new antimicrobial targets to alleviate the rapid emergence of antibiotic resistance has become crucial. Cell division proteins in bac

Exploring the interplay of fungi and bacteria in vaginal microbiota

What does Candida have in common with vaginal microbiota? We share our body with millions of microbes, which share a common space and interact tightly. All the interactions between them are important for keeping a good microenvironment. However, there is always a disruption of what should be otherwise a comfortable place to live. Such changes can be subtle or can affect entire communities of micr

Rethinking Gender in Climate Change: A mixed-method study in two small Char lands in Northern Bangladesh

Research Problem and Objectives: Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change. Over the last years, scholars have discussed that climate change has disproportionate impacts on people as the result of their social, political and economic conditions. Such an argument has led to the inclusion of gender in the climate change debate. However, gender in the climate c

Motivation till bättre källsortering och avfallsminskning - En kvantitativ studie om hur man kan motivera villahushåll till bättre källsortering och minskade avfallsmängder via en mobilapp

Källsortering är en viktig process för att kunna spara på jordens resurser. Genom källsortering kan våra naturresurser komma in i ett kretslopp där de återvinns eller återanvänds. Syftet med denna studie är att genom kvantitativ enkätundersökning ta reda på hur man kan motivera villahushållen i Helsingborg Stad till bättre källsortering och minskade avfallsmängder genom en mobilapp. Som framtida i

Female Empowerment on Instagram: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of Femvertisements Communicated by SMIs

This thesis used Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis to study femvertisements communicated by Social Media Influencers on Instagram. A critical perspective was adopted to study the convergence of advertising and feminism in the context of social media. The aim of the study was to explore the prevalent discourses of female empowerment, the main component in femvertising, and how existing discourse

Pulsed Laser Beam Quality Assessment via Phase Retrieval

Vad är det minsta ni någonsin har mätt? Vad är den snabbaste händelsen ni någonsin observerat? Kanske har ni haft turen att studera naturen omkring er med hjälp av ett mikroskop, kanske har ni sett en "slow motion" film av explosioner som sker på endast en bråkdel av en sekund. Finns det någon begränsning på hur små objekt vi kan mäta, på hur snabba händelseförlopp vi kan observera? På In the search for a better understanding of the fundamental nature of the atom, the development of femtosecond pulsed laser sources has opened up for many applications, in particular in time-resolved physics. For many of those, like the generation of attosecond pulses through high-order harmonic generation, high intensity is needed and the quality of the beam is a critical factor. Most commonly,

Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Industries

Due to the industry 4.0 paradigm shift, manufacturing and pro-duction industries are focusing on Predictive maintenance (PdM) to increase production efficiency and maintenance strategies. Also, adopting data-driven approaches to implement PdM as a result of increased data usage and exchange. However, facing technical and non-technical challenges. Previous studies majorly concentrated on technologi

Subgrid finite volume preconditioner for Discontinuous Galerkin implemented in the DUNE framework

A Jacobian free multigrid preconditioner for linear problems arising from Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretizations is implemented. The preconditioner is based on a multigrid method for a low order Finite volume (FV) discretization on a subcellgrid. L2-projections are introduced as a strategy to translate between the discretizations. Numerical tests on advection dominated linear advecti

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This 30 credits master degree project focused on creating a product design with the aim to expand Arduino’s maker community to reach young girls. The goal was to design a wearable merchandise for Arduino #include, which would inspire girls to explore STEM and learn about technology and programming. Arduino is a open source hardware company and Arduino #include is an inclusivity programme to celebr

Motivation till musiken: Faktorer som har motiverat musikhögskolestudenter till att fortsätta spela musik efter studier på estetiskt gymnasieprogram

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som gymnasieelever från ett estetprogram upplever som viktiga för att skapa eller underhålla motivationen till att fortsätta musicera efter gymnasietiden. Undersökningen har genomförts i form av en kvalitativ metod genom intervjuer av tidigare elever från estetprogram som, på professionell eller amatörnivå, har fortsatt med musiken eftThe purpose of this study is to investigate which factors are perceived as important to high school students with a music profile in order to create or maintain the motivation to continue to play music after high school. The investigation has been carried out using a qualitative method through interviewing former students that have studied a music profile in high school and there after continued p