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Your search for "*" yielded 528169 hits

Comparison of algorithms for classifying Swedish landcover using Landsat TM and ERS-1 SAR data

Sixteen landcover classes in a representative Swedish environment were analyzed and classified using one Landsat TM scene and seven ERS-1 SAR.PRI images acquired during 1993. Spectral and backscattering signature separabilities are analyzed using the Jeffries-Matusita distance measure to determine which combinations of channels/images contained the most information. Maximum likelihood, sequential

On the ground estimation of vegetation cover in Australian rangelands

A number of field techniques were assessed on their reliability for estimating vegetation cover in Australian rangelands. The field sampling was undertaken using visual estimation, line intercepts, a crown cover model, and images acquired from a digital camera. The results from these methods were compared and analysed. The data obtained from these differing methods agree with each other in relativ

Pairing structural reconstruction with catalytic competence to evaluate the mechanisms of key enzymes in the folate-mediated one-carbon pathway

Mammalian metabolism comprises a series of interlinking pathways that include two major cycles: the folate and methionine cycles. The folate-mediated metabolic cycle uses several oxidation states of tetrahydrofolate to carry activated one-carbon units to be readily used and interconverted within the cell, which are required for nucleotide synthesis, methylation and metabolism, particularly for pro

Generalized Holographic Principle, Gauge Invariance and the Emergence of Gravity à la Wilczek

We show that a generalized version of the holographic principle can be derived from the Hamiltonian description of information flow within a quantum system that maintains a separable state. We then show that this generalized holographic principle entails a general principle of gauge invariance. When this is realized in an ambient Lorentzian space-time, gauge invariance under the Poincaré group is

Management and Outcome of Febrile Infants ≤60 days, With Emphasis on Infants ≤21 Days Old, in Swedish Pediatric Emergency Departments

BACKGROUND: Management of febrile infants ≤60 days of age varies, and the age for routine investigations and antibiotic-treatment is debated. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommended age threshold for lumbar puncture (LP) is 21 days and for blood culture 60 days. We describe management and adverse outcome of febrile infants ≤60 days old, in Sweden.METHODS: Retrospective cross-sectional study

BMP signaling is required for postnatal murine hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal

Life-long production of blood from hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) is a process of strict modulation. Intrinsic and extrinsic signals govern fate options like self-renewal – a cardinal feature of HSC. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) have an established role in embryonic hematopoiesis, but less is known about its functions in adulthood. Previously, SMAD-mediated BMP signaling has been proven dispe

NGN2 mmRNA-Based Transcriptional Programming in Microfluidic Guides hiPSCs Toward Neural Fate With Multiple Identities

Recent advancements in cell engineering have succeeded in manipulating cell identity with the targeted overexpression of specific cell fate determining transcription factors in a process named transcriptional programming. Neurogenin2 (NGN2) is sufficient to instruct pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) to acquire a neuronal identity when delivered with an integrating system, which arises some safety conc

Access to Information in the Arab World: Gaining Momentum but Still Lagging Behind

The past three decades have seen a surge in access to information (ATI) legislation at the global level. The right to freely review government information has become a component of political liberalization movements in countries transitioning to democracy as well as reform efforts in already established democracies. ATI is seen as an important measure in fighting corruption and promoting transpare

Stability analysis of transportation networks with multiscale driver decisions

Stability of Wardrop equilibria is analyzed for dynamical transportation networks in which the drivers' route choices are influenced by information at multiple temporal and spatial scales. The considered model involves a continuum of indistinguishable drivers commuting between a common origin/destination pair in an acyclic transportation network. The drivers' route choices are affected by their, r

Electro-mechanically switchable hydrocarbons based on [8]annulenes

Pure hydrocarbons with shape and conjugation properties that can be switched by external stimuli is an intriguing prospect in the design of new responsive materials and single-molecule electronics. Here, we develop an oligomeric [8]annulene-based material that combines a remarkably efficient topological switching upon redox changes with structural simplicity, stability, and straightforward synthes

Serum neurofilament light levels are correlated to long-term neurocognitive outcome measures after cardiac arrest

Objective: To explore associations between four methods assessing long-term neurocognitive outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and early hypoxic-ischemic neuronal brain injury assessed by the biomarker serum neurofilament light (NFL), and to compare the agreement for the outcome methods. Methods: An explorative post-hoc study was conducted on survivor data from the international Target Te

Feminist and LGBTI+ Activism across Russia, Scandinavia and Turkey Transnationalizing Spaces of Resistance

What do struggles for women’s and LGBTI+ rights in Russia, Turkey and the Scandinavian countries have in common? And what can actors who struggle for rights and justice in these contexts learn from each other? Based on a multisited ethnography of feminist and LGBTI+ activisms across Russia, Turkey and the Scandinavian countries, this Open Access book explores transnational struggles on various lev

Field-induced exciton dissociation in PTB7-based organic solar cells

The physics of charge separation in organic semiconductors is a topic of ongoing research of relevance to material and device engineering. Herein, we present experimental observations of the field and temperature dependence of charge separation from singlet excitons in PTB7 and PC71BM, and from charge-transfer states created across interfaces in PTB7/PC71BM bulk heterojunction solar cells. We obta

Development and preclinical assessment of novel therapies for Epilepsy. Exploring the potential of human-derived cell lines and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor for network inhibition.

Epilepsy is one of the leading neurological disorders affecting not only patients who suffer from seizures but also people around them and society in general. The striking one third of patients not responding to pharmacological treatments implies the necessity of developing alternative options for controlling seizures in these individuals. Moreover, the possibility to stop the progression of the d


We present a setup for producing and characterizing picosecond ultraviolet laser pulses for use in the MAX IV photocathode electron gun preinjector. Frequency-tripled laser pulses from a commercial laser system are shaped directly in the ultraviolet domain using a Fourier-domain pulse shaper. The pulses were characterized using a transient grating FROG. We discuss a proposed upgrade of the pulse s

Evolution of Hierarchically Porous Nickel Alumina Catalysts Studied by X-Ray Ptychography

The synthesis of hierarchically porous materials usually requires complex experimental procedures, often based around extensive trial and error approaches. One common synthesis strategy is the sol-gel method, although the relation between synthesis parameters, material structure and function has not been widely explored. Here, in situ 2D hard X-ray ptychography (XRP) and 3D ptychographic X-ray com

Joint RElaxation-Diffusion Imaging Moments to Probe Neurite Microstructure

Joint relaxation-diffusion measurements can provide new insight about the tissue microstructural properties. Most recent methods have focused on inverting the Laplace transform to recover the joint distribution of relaxation-diffusion. However, as is well-known, this problem is notoriously ill-posed and numerically unstable. In this work, we address this issue by directly computing the joint momen