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Your search for "*" yielded 536137 hits

Baryon production in the string fragmentation picture

An improved version of the “pop-corn” model for baryon production in quark and gluon jets is presented. With a reduced number of parameters the model reproduces well both production rates for different baryon species and baryon momentum distributions. Predictions are presented for a set of baryon-antibaryon correlations.

Swiss pendulous hammer for decoupling measurement of service equipment in wooden multi-storey building

The latest Swiss standard SIA181 (6-2006 edition [1]) introduces a new methodology regarding the tests to be performed in new constructions for assessing noise induced by the manipulation of service equipment in bathrooms and kitchens. However, this method has been developed especially for massive constructions. In this study, we are investigating the relevance of such method for timber frame buil

Structure borne sound investigation of a light weight floor with the help of Markov chain walking patterns

Each person has a very individual way of walking, though persons having the same sex and the same height, weight and age are likely to have similarities in the angle of the feet and the length of the stride. To simulate this, a number of Markov chains, that describe the stride, were created from experiments with 150 different males. The Markov chains were then used to create an artificial person f

Semen quality in relation to xenohormone and dioxin-like serum activity among inuits and three european populations

BACKGROUND: Semen quality in humans may be influenced by exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds. OBJECTIVES: We analyzed associations between semen characteristics and serum xenoestrogen receptor (XER), xenoandrogen receptor (XAR), and aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) transactivity. XER and XAR activity were measured in serum samples cleared for endogenous steroid hormones and AhR activity in r

The alpha1-microglobulin/bikunin gene : characterization in mouse and evolution

The 129Sv mouse gene coding for the alpha1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor has been isolated and characterized. The 11kb long gene contains ten exons, including six 5'-exons coding for alpha1-microglobulin and four 3'-exons encoding bikunin. Exon 7 also codes for the tribasic tetrapeptide RARR which connects the alpha1-microglobulin and bikunin parts. The sixth intron, which separates the alpha1-m

The secretome of honey bee-specific lactic acid bacteria inhibits Paenibacillus larvae growth

American Foulbrood (AFB) is a particularly pernicious bacterial disease of honey bees due to the extreme persistence of endospores of the causative agent Paenibacillus larvae. These spores are resistant to harsh environmental conditions, unaffected by antimicrobial agents and can remain viable for decades. The germination of the endospore in the larval midgut is the crucial first step leading to i

Rapid ecological response and intensified knowledge accumulation following a north European mega-fire

Deepened knowledge on response of biota and ecological processes following fire is essential for a future with warmer climate and more disturbances. In 2014 the first mega-fire (13,100 ha) for at least a century in Scandinavia hit south-central Sweden, in a production forest landscape shaped by clearcutting forestry. Ecological dynamics is followed in >20 projects from universities, authorities an

Epigenetics in Human Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

Epigenetic mechanisms control gene activity and the development of an organism. The epigenome includes DNA methylation, histone modifications, and RNA-mediated processes, and disruption of this balance may cause several pathologies and contribute to obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D). This Review summarizes epigenetic signatures obtained from human tissues of relevance for metabolism—i.e., adipose

OS089. Elevated levels of the heme scavenger alpha-1-microglobulin in maternal plasma at the end of first trimester in patients who subsequently develop preeclampsia

INTRODUCTION: Resent research has revealed an increased concentration of free fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in maternal serum from patients who subsequently develops preeclampsia (PE). In a previous study of 96 patients we have shown that HbF in combination with the heme-scavenger alpha-1-microglobulin (A1M) are potential predictive biomarkers of PE.OBJECTIVES: In this validating case-control study we ai

1689 års katekes av Olaus Swebilius

Enfaldig förklaring öfwer Lutheri lilla catechismum, stält genom spörsmåhl och swar / aff Olao Swebilio.Utgåva av Sveriges första riksnormerande katekes (1689) med inledning och noter.

Microfluidic production of snowman-shaped Janus hydrogel particles

We present a simple microfluidic-based synthesis protocol to fabricate snowman like Janus hydrogel particles of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) in micron length scale. Particles are synthesized by emulsifying a hydrogel solution (water (w)/oil (o)) followed by partial solvent evaporation. Solvent evaporation allows the hydrogels to concentrate within the droplet and phase separate into a mono

Impact of Weather Conditions on in Situ Concrete Wall Operations Using a Simulation-Based Approach

The purpose of this research is to study the impact of temperature, precipitation, and wind speed on in situ concrete wall operations, and its combined resulting effect on project duration. The research presented is anchored in the learnings gained through a literature review on weather effects on construction operations, an analysis of weather data with high resolution, and two field studies of i

Membrane opportunities in lignocellulosic biorefineries

The pulp and paper industry is one of the most important industrial sectors worldwide. The focus of current pulp mills is on the production of cellulose pulp fibres and electricity. By converting traditional pulp mills into lignocellulosic biorefineries they can become a keystone in a future bioeconomy. In order to achieve this, pulp mills have to close their loops and focus on the optimal utilisa

Pneumectomy for pulmonary mucormycosis in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukaemia and diabetes mellitus

We present a case of a patient in a severe pulmonary mucormycosis during the neutropenic phase of treatment for acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML), type M2. He had two major risk factors for setting infection; leukaemia and diabetes mellitus. Although he received antimicrobial and antifungal therapy with Amphotericin B in time, it was unable to eradicate infection. We performed a pneumectomy, whic

Double-bunches for two-color soft X-ray free-electron laser at the MAX IV Laboratory

The ability to generate two-color free-electron laser (FEL) radiation enables a wider range of user experiments than just single-color FEL radiation. There are different schemes for generating the two colors, the original being to use a single bunch and two sets of undulators with different K-parameters. An alternative scheme was recently shown, where two separate bunches in the same RF bucket are