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Search for pentaquarks in the hadronic decays of the Z boson with the DELPHI detector at LEP

The quark model does not exclude states composed of more than three quarks, like pentaquark systems. Controversial evidence for such states has been published in the last years, in particular: for a strange pentaquark Theta(1540)(+); for a double-strange state, the Xi(1862)(--), subsequently called Phi(1860)--; and for a charmed state, the Theta(c)(3100)(0). If confirmed, a full pentaquark family

Positioneringsfraser i interaktion. Syntax, prosodi och funktion.

This thesis is an empirical study of how positioning is achieved in interactional Swedish. Positioning has previously been described in terms of epistemic modality, interpersonal positioning, stanceand speech act adverbials. The aims of the study are, firstly, to identify what linguistic resources are used to achieve positioning in interaction. A second aim is to describe where in the turn-con

Experimental hyperthyroidism in man: effects on plasma lipoproteins, lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase

We have studied the effects of triiodothyronine administration (20-40 micrograms three times daily over one week) in six healthy young men, on the activities of lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase and on plasma lipoprotein concentrations. Hepatic lipase activity in post-heparin plasma rose by 46 +/- 25% (p less than 0.025), whereas the activity of lipoprotein lipase did not change significantly.

Past changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate and UV radiation

At the last glacial maximum, vast ice sheets covered many continental areas. The beds of some shallow seas were exposed thereby connecting previously separated landmasses. Although some areas were ice-free and supported a flora and fauna, mean annual temperatures were 10-13degreesC colder than during the Holocene. Within a few millennia of the glacial maximum, deglaciation started, characterized b

Experiencing neonatal death: an ambivalent transition into motherhood

OBJECTIVE: To illuminate the lived experience of women facing the threat of lossing their newborn child and then experiencing the reality of their infant's death. STUDY DESIGN: Sixteen women were interviewed approximately 2 years after the death of their infant using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. FINDINGS: The main theme was ambivalent transition into motherhood. The women went through

Bird orientation: compensation for wind drift in migrating raptors is age dependent

Despite the potentially strong effect of wind on bird orientation, our understanding of how wind drift affects migrating birds is still very limited. Using data from satellite-based radio telemetry, we analysed the effect of changing winds on the variation of the track direction of individual birds. We studied adults and juveniles of two raptor species, osprey Pandion haliaetus and honey buzzard P

Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's disease and essential tremor Outcome and experiences from patients' and spouses' perspectives

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen har behandlingsresultaten av permanent djupelektrod stimulering i hjärnan (Deep Brain Stimulation, DBS) undersökts ur såväl symptomminsknings som patients och närståendes perspektiv. DBS behandling innebär att en elektrod med fyra poler opereras in i hjärnan genom ett litet hål i skallbenet, och den kopplas till pulsgivardosa. Hela systemet är doltThe treatment related effects and personalized goal fulfilment of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) have been assessed in studies with different designs. The brain targets included the thalamus for medically intractable tremor in Parkinson's disease (PD) or essential tremor (ET) and the subthalamicus for reducing hypo-, bradykinesia, tremor, rigidity and dystonia in PD. A Swedish multi-center study sh

The global obesity epidemic: Snacking and obesity may start with free meals during infant feeding.

Feeding is vital for survival. The brain has strong hunger and reward mechanisms that ensure optimal food intake for adequate nutrition. The drive for feeding is particularly strong in humans whose large brains require large energy support. This starts immediately after birth; the newborn child being able to taste sucrose and suck the sweet and fat from its mother's milk. At present, mothers are g

Environmental Management Systems – a Way towards Sustainable Development in Universities

The economic development in the world today makes increased consumption of goods and travelling available for more people around the world than ever before. This results, however, also in increased production and spreading of substances that are hazardous both to human health and to the ecosystem globally. Therefore, education to increase knowledge, awareness, motivation, and action competence on

The dissolution kinetics of major elements in municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash particles

Leaching and tracer experiments in batches at L/S 20 were performed with 3-month-old MSWI bottom ash separated into eight different particle sizes. The time-dependent leaching of major elements (Ca2+, K+ Na+, Cl- and SO4-2) was monitored for up to 747 It. Physical properties of the particles, the specific surface (BET), pore volume and pore volume distribution over pore sizes (BJH) were determined

Modelling LCC for Different Indoor Climate Systems

The indoor climate system, which serves a building with a proper indoor air quality and thermal comfort, has been predominantly designed based on the initial investment costs. A life cycle approach could improve both the economic and environmental performance since the energy use would decrease. Currently, there is a lack of knowledge, models and tools for determining the life cycle cost (LCC) for