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Past and Present Roles of Packages in Logistics and towards the Future
Throughout history packages are used to contain, store and transport goods and products. In early days it was a matter of gathering and storing locally, whereas in today’s global enterprises packaging is an important issue in the operational management in networks of functions and/or divisions, often separated geographically around the world. Packaging has become a part of the process of efficient
Causing Truth
När skarprättaren i Malmö skulle begrava sin hustur. Ära, stånd och socialhistoriens problem
Protein microarrays in tumour diagnosis
Perspective for EU enlargement. Repporteurs summary. Session 3
On the performance of transmitted-reference impulse radio
We consider a time-hopping impulse-radio system that uses transmitted-reference pulses for implicit channel estimation and equalization. A hybrid receiver structure first performs a filtering matched to the hopping sequence, and a subsequent correlation of the data pulses with the reference pulses. We analyze the performance of such a system both in AWGN and in multipath. For the AWGN case, we giv
Samordning av målbeskrivningar och examination i utbildningar som leder till yrkesexamen
Eva Gustavsson: Trädgårdsideal och kunskapssyn.
Innovative solution for heat recovery of ventilation air in older apartment buildings - with low intervention affecting the residents
Buildings today account for 40% of the world’s primary energy use and 24% of the greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing the energy use in buildings is an important measures to reduce energy dependency and greenhouse gas emissions. In Sweden, there are roughly 2 500 000 dwellings in multifamily houses and single family houses. There is a need to address the energy use within the existing dwellings; esp
Proton-proton physics in ALICE.
A Methodology for Operations Planning
The key to successful manufacturing of complicated geometry in numerically controlled machines lies in the control and quality of operations planning. This thesis presents a methodology for automated operations planning for milling with five axes. The goal in this research has been to develop a methodology to achieve complicated machining faster than today. The result is a methodology that uses pl
The Tourist as the Paradigmatic Post-Political Figure.
Design as problem handling – outline of a framework
This paper presents an ongoing work concerning the development of a theoretical framework for design. The framework is intended to be applied to the development of information systems for architectural design. The paper combines ontological and epistemological perspectives using Bunge’s work as a starting point, supplemented with Schön’s studies of the general nature of design, and with examples o
Economic Performance during a Technology Shift Process: The interacting Roles of Producer Services and Manufacturing in Regional Growth Trajectories
Politically intended vulnerabilities: Chinese youth as target of ICT policies in education
Official policies, academic discussions and public debates frequently address the potential risks and dangers of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) among children and youth. At the same time, however, digital policies in education create themselves new vulnerabilities for school children and youth that often go unnoticed as they occur within politically desired frameworks.
Value dimensions, meaning and complexity in human occupation - a tentative structure for analysis.
Texts, Slides, and Performances : Composing Ethnography to Produce Change
On the Bijectivity of Thin-plate Splines
The thin-plate spline (TPS) has been widely used in a number of areas such as image warping, shape analysis and scattered data interpolation. Introduced by Bookstein[1], it is a natural interpolating function in two dimensions, parameterized by a finite numb er of landmarks. However, even though the thin-plate spline has a very elegant intuitive interpretation as well as mathematical formulation i