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Role of cultivation media in the development of yeast strains for large scale industrial use

The composition of cultivation media in relation to strain development for industrial application is reviewed. Heterologous protein production and pentose utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae are used to illustrate the influence of media composition at different stages of strain construction and strain development. The effects of complex, defined and industrial media are compared. Auxotrophic s

Mean value surfaces with prescribed curvature form

The Gaussian curvature of a two-dimensional Riemannian manifold is uniquely determined by the choice of the metric. The formulas for computing the curvature in terms of components of the metric, in isothermal coordinates, involve the Laplacian operator and therefore, the problem of finding a Riemannian metric for a given curvature form may be viewed as a potential theory problem. This problem has,

Topics in Human Gene Mapping

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att försöka lokalisera gener som ger upphov till sjukdomar är ingenting nytt. De första försöken gjordes redan i början av 1900-talet. Idén är ganska enkel. Man undersöker i vilka delar av genomet (arvsmassan) som generna tenderar till att skilja sig åt mellan sjuka och friska individer, men samtidigt delas av de sjuka individerna. Problemet är att det mänskliga genometThis thesis is interdisciplinary between Mathematical Statistics, Genetics, and Medicine. It mainly consists of topics in mathematical modelling of the correlation of inheritance of genes and disease in a family, a method called linkage analysis. It is organized as follows. First, a short introduction with the relevant background is given and then four papers are included. The first paper discuss

Calcium-induced generation of reactive oxygen species in brain mitochondria is mediated by permeability transition.

Mitochondrial uptake of calcium in excitotoxicity is associated with subsequent increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and delayed cellular calcium deregulation in ischemic and neurodegenerative insults. The mechanisms linking mitochondrial calcium uptake and ROS production remain unknown but activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) may be one such mechanism. In

SIX1 protein expression selectively identifies blastemal elements in Wilms tumor.

BACKGROUND: Wilms tumor (WT) is the most common renal neoplasm in children. Histologically, most WTs consist of three tissue elements: blastema, epithelium, and stroma. Some cases also show diffuse or focal anaplastic features. Previous studies have shown that a predominance of blastemal cells in post-chemotherapy WT specimens is associated with a poor clinical course. However, there is currently

WNT-5a-CKIalpha signaling promotes beta -catenin/E-cadherin complex formation and intercellular adhesion in human breast epithelial cells.

Wnt-5a is a non-transforming Wnt protein that is implicated in cell-polarity, adhesion and motility. We have previously shown that low expression of Wnt-5a is a predictor of shorter disease-free survival in human breast cancer. Here, we investigated whether ss-catenin/E-cadherin mediated cell-cell adhesion was affected by loss of Wnt-5a in breast carcinomas, thereby promoting a metastatic behavior

Unpleasant and pleasant memories of intensive care in adult mechanically ventilated patients-Findings from 250 interviews.

AIM: In order to improve the patients' comfort and well-being during and after a stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), the patients' perspective on the intensive care experience in terms of memories is essential. The aim of this study was to describe unpleasant and pleasant memories of the ICU stay in adult mechanically ventilated patients. METHOD: Mechanically ventilated adults admitted for more

Identification and assignment of the absolute configuration of biologically active methyl-branched ketones from limnephilid caddisflies

Glands of the 4th and 5th abdominal sternite of the caddis flies Potamophylax latipennis, Potamophylax cingulatus, and Glyphotaelius pellucidus contain (S)-4-methyl-3-heptanone (4a), (4S,6S)-4,6-dimethyl-3-octanone (4b), and (4S,6S)-4,6-dimethyl-3-nonanone (4c). As shown by gas chromatography coupled with electrophysiological recordings, these ketones elicit a strong response in the insects' anten

Proximal placement of limb electrodes: a potential solution for acquiring standard electrocardiogram waveforms from monitoring electrode positions.

There is currently a challenge to produce an electrocardiogram (ECG) recording of waveforms that are "standard" and also achieve the "noise immunity" required for continuous monitoring. The potential solutions that have been considered are to label each torso-recorded ECG as "nonstandard, torso-recorded," designate torso placement as "standard," or to reconstruct the "equivalent distally recorded

Vitronectin binds to the head region of Moraxella catarrhalis ubiquitous surface protein A2 and confers complement-inhibitory activity.

Summary The serum resistance of the common respiratory pathogen Moraxella catarrhalis is mainly dependent on ubiquitous surface proteins (Usp) A1 and A2 that interact with complement factor 3 (C3) and complement inhibitor C4b binding protein (C4BP) preventing the alternative and classical pathways of the complement system respectively. UspA2 also has the capacity to attract vitronectin that in tur

Time-resolved Studies of Light-propagation In Paper

A method for time-resolved recording of light scattering in thin, highly scattering media is described. Subpicosecond pulses from a high-power Ti:sapphire laser are used, and single-shot recordings of the scattered light are made with a fast streak camera. The method is applied to the study of light scattering in paper, and a 1-ps resolution is demonstrated. The dependence of the light scattering

IgA nephropathy associated with a novel N-terminal mutation in factor H.

Most patients with IgA nephropathy exhibit complement deposition in the glomerular mesangium. Certain cases of IgA nephropathy have been associated with reduced levels of complement factor H. A recent study could not demonstrate mutations at the C-terminal of factor H. We describe a novel heterozygous mutation in factor H, position A48S (nucleotide position 142 G > T, alanine > serine), detected i

Interpain A, a Cysteine Proteinase from Prevotella intermedia, Inhibits Complement by Degrading Complement Factor C3.

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting structures of the teeth caused by, among other pathogens, Prevotella intermedia. Many strains of P. intermedia are resistant to killing by the human complement system, which is present at up to 70% of serum concentration in gingival crevicular fluid. Incubation of human serum with recombinant cysteine protease of P. intermedia (interpain A

A psycho-ecological model for the simulation of interpersonal relations: system development and some empirical results from teacher training

When a society plans the upbringing and education of its members, irrespective of age and level, one absolute requirement must be that it develops their ability of self-determination. A psycho-ecological approach to a study of the individual’s self-cognition (perception and evaluation) and self-determination (i.e. development of plans of action) focuses on the mutual relations existing between the