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Extra-Pair Paternity in the European Starling: The Effect of Polygyny

We determined the frequency of extra-pair paternity and intraspecific brood parasitism in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) by performing multilocus DNA fingerprinting on 22 complete families from a population in southern Sweden. Among 92 nestlings, we did not detect any successful intraspecific brood parasitism. This confirms observational data that successful intraspecific brood parasitism i

Determination of Material Properties for Fire Modelling

Fire and flame spread are very complex phenomenon to study. Several aspects need to be considered and treated. In order to be able to do a correct analysis of the flame spread phenomenon, which is necessary to be able to predict flame spread, knowledge of material properties are needed. Material properties can be obtained in different ways. Traditionally material data have been obtained by testin

Glömda gudstecken : från fornkyrklig dopliturgi till allmogens bomärken

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bomärken har använts som ägarbeteckning och signatur i Norden in på 1800-talet, och i vissa reliktområden intill nutid. Bomärkena återfinns t.ex. i mantalslängder, jordaböcker och bouppteckningar, men även inskurna på äldre redskap, husgeråd och annat lösöre. Bomärkena har av somliga forskare ansetts ha utformats slumpvis, enbart med syftet att kunna skilja en bomärkesThe pioneering academic research on Merchant Marks (also known as identity marks, personal marks, ownership marks, identification marks, Hausmarken, Hofmarken, Marques de Propriété, bomärken) was done by professor Homeyer (1870). Since 1870 there has been an ongoing debate among scholars whether Merchant Marks are simply formed by chance and coincidence, as stated by Rehnberg (1938, 1951), Scheffe

NADH electrooxidation using carbon paste electrodes modified with nitro-fluorenone derivatives immobilized on zirconium phosphate

The basic electrochemistry of carbon paste electrodes modified with two new redox mediators, nitro-fluorenone derivatives, one neutral and one negatively charged, adsorbed on zirconium phosphate has been studied as well as their ability to oxidize NADH electrocatalytically. Cyclic voltammetry of these chemically modified electrodes performed in different aqueous buffer solutions at different pHs r

Long-term follow-up of psychological distress, social functioning, and coping style in treated and untreated patients with solvent-induced chronic toxic encephalopathy

Patients with organic solvent-induced toxic encephalopathy (TE) (n = 13) were followed up seven years after the application of an intervention program. They were also compared with untreated TE patients diagnosed at the same time (n = 26) and with unexposed referents (n = 39). Psychological distress, social function, and coping ability and style were measured with the Symptom Checklist-90, Intervi

Smoking and airway disorders in an urban population -special references to gender and socioeconomic status

Popular Abstract in Swedish Delarbetena i denna avhandling, som baseras på en befolkningsstudie från Malmö, studerar sjuklighet och dödlighet associerad till rökning och kroniska luftrörssjukdomar med hänsyn till köns och socioekonomiska aspekter. Studier av män har övertygande visat en ökad mortalitetsrisk associerat med tobaksrökning. Emellertid har endast ett fåtal studier undersökt långtidsefThe Malmö Preventive Project, a preventive, case-finding programme for cardiovascular risk factors and alcohol abuse was created in 1974 at the Department of Preventive Medicine of Malmö University Hospital. Between 1974-1992, a total of 22 444 men (mean age 44 years range 27 - 61) and 10 902 women (mean age 50 years, range 28 - 58) attended the programme, with an overall attendance rate of 70% (r

Utrymning genom tät rök: beteende och förflyttning

This report describes evacuation experiments, which were performed in a smoke filled tunnel. The tunnel was filled with artificial smoke and acetic acid was used to achieve irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. In the experiments 46 persons walked through the tunnel one at a time, while they were filmed with infra red cameras. All participants answered a questionnaire and some were a

Do images matter? The making of Swedish neutrality: 1834 and 1853

Sweden's decision to choose neutrality as its security policy orientation in the first half of the nineteenth century is explained with the help of image theory. It is argued that a theory focusing on the images of policy-makers regarding self, others and situation provides a better explanation of these strategic decisions than traditional balance-of-power theories. The important role of enemy-ima

Neurturin exerts potent actions on survival and function of midbrain dopaminergic neurons

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) exhibits potent effects on survival and function of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons in a variety of models. Although other growth factors expressed in the vicinity of developing DA neurons have been reported to support survival of DA neurons in vitro, to date none of these factors duplicate the potent and selective actions of GDNF in vivo. We r

Autumn migration of some passerines on the island of Capri, southwestern Italy.

This paper presents and analyses autumn migration data on phenology and biometrics for 12 species of birds trapped at the Capri Bird Observatory, south-western Italy. The material has been collected over 15 years, mainly in two periods, 1959-1963 and 1994-2004. The passage of trans-Saharan migrants (like the Garden Warbler Sylvia borin) peaks in late September and these birds generally carry moder

Topics in Modeling, Control, and Implementation in Automotive Systems

This thesis treats different aspects of automotive control-systems and consists of four papers covering different areas in this large field. The first paper presents a 9-degrees-of-freedom dynamic model of a tractor-semitrailer vehicle, aimed at simulation and evaluation of active chassis-systems for stability enhancements. Special focus is put on inclusion of the dynamics of load transfer, which

Impact of warmer climate on melt and evaporation for the rainfed, snowfed and glacierfed basins in the Himalayan region

The impact of warmer climate on melt and evaporation was studied for tainted, snowfed and glacierfed basins located in the western Himalayan region. Hydrological processes were simulated under current climatic conditions using a conceptual hydrological model, which accounts for the rainfall-runoff, evaporation losses, snow and glacier melt. After simulations of daily observed strearnflow (R-2 = 0.

Baumol's disease and dematerialization of the economy

This paper argues that there is reason to be skeptical about the idea that the transition to a service economy will bring about dematerialization of production and consequent environmental improvement. This is because the shift to a service economy is an illusion in terms of real production, but is instead generated by the fall in the price of manufacturing goods relative to services, which is in

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Taxonomy of dependent clauses i Swedish according to semantic, syntactic or lexical criteria.