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The parametrisation of cross sections for Dark Matter particle processes

Experiments at particle colliders provide experimental verifications of theories in particle physics, and allow to search for new particles. Computer programs are used to simulate particle collisions. Those so-called event generators can be used to prove theories and compare their results to actual collisions from the colliders. Even though those programs run on powerful computer systems, the even

The Knowledge Relationship between Science Parks and Large Multinational Corporations

Since the 1950, Europe has been pursuing to mimic the innovative success of Silicon Valley through artificial innovative clusters or science parks. Today, science parks are abundant in Europe, yet research on their performance has mainly focused on their ability to produce successful new ventures. This thesis explores the role multinational enterprises (MNEs) have in the development of competences

Vision, fenomen och begrepp- En studie av flexibilitet inom lärandemiljöer för högre utbildning

Inom fältet för högre utbildning sker nu stora förändringar, både vad ­gäller ­pedagogiska metoder och tekniska lösningar men också i form av en ökad ­konkurrens mellan lärosäten. Förändringar som avspeglar sig i arkitekturen genom en omfattande pågående och planerad framtida byggnation av lärandemiljöer. I de vägledande campusplaner och dokument som lärosäten och fastighetsägare gemensamt tar fraThe diverse field of higher education is facing multiple challenges meanwhile undergoing major transformation, driven by new teaching and learning structures, implementation of virtual and online technology and growing competition between universities as they battle to attract staff, researchers and students. A large number of construction projects have been carried out on Swedish campuses over th

Co-opting Feminism: How brands hijack social movements - A comparative study of the illustrative cases 'Redfit' & 'Ladylike'

Purpose: The purpose and aim with this research was to understand how brands successfully can co-opt a social movement; specifically feminism, as part of their brand building-strategies. The phenomenon was explored by comparing one successful case, Libresse’s ‘RedFit’ campaign, with a relatively the less successful case; that is, H&M’s ‘Ladylike’ campaign. Methodology: This study takes a rela

Demokratiskt inflytande – i arrangörens makt. Om demokratisk inkludering och exkludering i hälso- och sjukvårdspolitiken

This study examines the ambiguous relationship between increased democratic influence between elections and democratic equality. Initiatives to strengthen the possibilities for citizens to affect public policy are being suggested by the 2014 Commission on Democracy in order to decrease democratic inequality, but what consequences can be expected from such initiatives? This study investigates the m

Att främja medling – till varje pris? - En studie av olika tillvägagångssätt för att främja medling

Medling är ett snabbt tvistlösningsförfarande med förhållandevis låga kostnader. En hög andel av alla medlingar som företas resulterar i överenskommelser som i stor utsträckning efterlevs av parterna. Mot bakgrund av medlingens förtjänster som tvistlösningsmetod undersöker uppsatsen, med fokus på kommersiella tvister, på vilka sätt medling kan främjas och i vilken utsträckning det är rättfärdigat Mediation, or conciliation, is a fast dispute resolution method with relatively low costs. A large proportion of all mediation procedures appear to result in successful agreements that are complied with by the parties. While noting the merits of mediation as a dispute resolution method, this thesis investigates, with a focus on commercial disputes, in which ways mediation can be promoted and to wh

Beneficial Ownership - a concept in identity crisis

The aim of this thesis is to analyze and determine the meaning of the term “Beneficial Owner”, in the model treaty of the OECD and therefore its meaning in bilateral negotiated treaties based on the model treaty. The term’s legacy and application is presented. While the meaning and application of the term is being presented, its application as, as well as border to, anti-abuse rules are examined.

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Maputo - Exploring perceptions of social vulnerability to early pregnancy and HIV

The sexual and reproductive health of adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa is a widely recognized development issue which places a high burden on women as well as countries’ social and economic development. This constitutes a particularly urgent issue in Mozambique with elevated numbers of adolescent pregnancy and one of the world’s highest HIV prevalence. This study focuses sexu

Besiktning, byggfel och erfarenhetsåterföring i husbyggnadsprojekt

Title: Building inspection, defects and experience feedback in building construction projects Author: Emelie Furbacken Advisor: Radhlinah Aulin Division of Construction Management at the Institution of Building Science, Faculty of engineering LTH, Lund University Caroline Gullqvist Projekt Manager, Byggadministration Harald Olsson AB Examiner: Anne Landin Division of Construction Management at the

Säkra gång- och cykelkorsningar på landsbygden

This thesis is about how to design a secure intersection for pedestrian and cyclists. There are many people that take the car to the work instead of cycling because they don´t feel safe on the way to work cycling. This thesis strives to show which measures there are to make both the intersection and bicycle path safer and with a better comfort. This thesis also evaluates the studies in the literat

Engaging in Emergency Preparedness in a Shifting Humanitarian Landscape: OCHA’s Advantages & Challenges

The humanitarian landscape experiences shifts towards local ownership of operations, increasing attention on the humanitarian-development nexus and the resilience paradigm in a New Way of Working, rising importance of regional and private actors, and pushes for changes in the landscape’s financial architecture. Emergency preparedness is a bridging element in these trends. The purpose of the thesis

Atelier Transylvania - An ethical fashion production through architecture

The author of this work has launched a Swedish brand producing fine quality leather goods and acquired an atelier operating in the heart of Transylvania, Romania, with the manufacturing of leather goods since 1991. The production house now needs a new building in Cluj in order to grow and meet the new work ethics. As a response to the collapse of a sewing factory building in Bangladesh 2013, kill

Bättre fly än illa fäkta - Kan polisens passivitet vid stenkastningsattacker rättfärdigas av hänsyn till statens legitimitet?

Swedish police, fire fighters and ambulance staff have since 2012 increasingly been attacked and driven out from, or prevented from entering certain neighbourhoods typically characterized by limitations to basic democratic freedoms and rights, high crime rates and social unrest. In some cases, the police have answered with passivity to the attacks. This normative analysis hypothetically considers

Deliberation och politikproffs i samhällsdebatten

This thesis studies the occurence of deliberative democracy and policy professionals in the Swedish public debate. To analyse deliberative democracy, a framework based on theories by political scientists Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson is created. Correspondingly, a theoretical framework based on research by social anthropologist Christina Garsten, political scientist Bo Rothstein and sociologist

Att styra på avstånd: en governmentalitetsanalys av EU:s CSR-policy

Den här kandidatuppsatsen analyserar EU:s CSR-policy utifrån ett governmentalitetsperspektiv. I en grundläggande bemärkelse är företags sociala ansvar, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), om att styra någons beteende att agera ansvarsfullt. Ett liknande perspektiv på styrning introducerades av Michel Foucault som governmentalitet och har senare vidareutvecklats av ett antal teoretiker. I synnerThis Bachelor's thesis analysis EU CSR policy from a perspective of governmen-tality. In a basic sense, Corporate Social Responsibility is about governing one’s behaviour to act responsible. A similar perspective on governing was introduced by Michel Foucault as governmentality, and has later developed by other scholars. In particular, the neoliberal system for governing has been treated as a

Förprojektering av Kristian II:s väg - Margretetorpsvägen

This report issues traffic safety on a delimited route of Kristian II:s väg and Margretetorpsvägen in Ängelholm, mainly from a speed perspective. The speed of motor vehicles has a very big impact on the collision violence caused by an accident primarily between motor vehicles and unprotected road users. Speed measurements have been made along the route to get an idea of the speed. The high-speed v

Effekter av ett kartläggningsbesök för individer med betydande hörselnedsättning

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka effekten av ett kartläggningsbesök med efterföljande telefonuppföljning på användande av kommunikationsstrategier och hörselrelaterad livskvalitet för individer med betydande hörselnedsättning (TMV4 60-69 dB HL på bättre örat). Metod: Ett kartläggningsbesök utformades där fokus låg på individen och dennes upplevda besvär kring den egna hörselnedsättningen

Development of a digitalization tool for linking thematic data to a background map

Cartographic mashups present geographic data from various sources. A typical example is adding thematic data on top of a multi-scales background map. Currently, thematic data and multi-scales background data are not linked together in cartographic mashups which may have potential problems such as inconsistency of scale ranges. However, in some cases, thematic data and background data have some ide