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The environmental implications of car-sharing

This chapter focuses on contemporary urban food sharing beyond the everyday experiences of eating together with friends and family. Such food sharing is increasingly facilitated by smart, digital technologies (ICT for brevity) from Apps and platforms to websites and social media, that offer new ways to grow, cook, and eat together as well as exchange food with others. The chapter begins by mapping

Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions : Social Norms and Expectations in Swedish Preschools

This paper synthesises research evidence regarding enablers and barriers for children with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) in the inclusive early-years Swedish preschool context. Focusing on current norms, this chapter presents a review conducted using purposeful sampling. The Swedish preschool curriculum sets expectations for children with ASC, which can be challenging. It is therefore important

Gängkriminellas möjlighet att ta sig ur gänget - En systematisk litteraturstudie som granskar och värderar insatser för gängkriminella avhoppare

Gängkriminaliteten är ett omtalat ämne som det kontinuerligt har forskats om. Forskningen har utvecklat kunskap gällande varför individer blir gängkriminella och vilka faktorer som gör att gängkriminella är kvar i gänget. Däremot finns det mindre forskning om vilka insatser som är effektiva för att lämna gänget och varför. Den aktuella studien syftade till att sammanställa den internationella forsGang criminality is a much-discussed topic that is extensively researched. The knowledge gained from the research explains why individuals become gang criminals and which factors make gang criminals remain in the gang. However, there is less research on which interventions are effective for leaving the gang and why. The current study aimed to compile the international research literature on the in

Improving land tenure security by increasing access?

Securing access to land around the world is an issue that pervades many development agendas. Often promoted through legal and administrative systems, secure land tenure is used in the battle against poverty and to reduce land based conflict. Conceptualizations of secure tenure tend to differ between international institutions and academia. This thesis aims to understand how the World Bank concept

The Search for Policy Coherence: Analyzing the coherence between the EU's development policy and foreign policy

The European Union is one of the world’s most impactful development actors. As such, it has adopted the Policy Coherence for Development framework in order to minimize contradictions between policies that affect developing countries. The ultimate goal of the framework is to increase development effectiveness to the welfare of developing partners. However, the existing literature is rich in doubts

‘Women, Life, Freedom’. Unveiling Voices: An Empirical Research of Civil Reporting on Instagram in the Iranian Revolution

The rise of global social media platforms has offered civilians opportunities to share information through the use of visuals and text independently. The internet and technological advancements have thereby played an essential role in enabling individuals to share their perspectives and contribute their content to broader audiences. As a consequence of the Iranian revolution, triggered by the exec

Preschool Children’s Learning Opportunities Using Natural Numbers in Number Row Activities

This study analysed how preschool teachers differently enacted the same mathematical activity for preschool children to discern numbers, and how this affected the children’s learning opportunities during the activity. The analysis was based on variation theory and Chi’s taxonomy of learning activities. Two Swedish preschool teachers’ enactment of the same mathematical activity for 27 children aged

Using learning study as in-service training for preschool teachers

The main focus of this study is preschool teachers' own learning from a specific course aimed to develop their knowledge of how to use learning study (LS) in preschool. The study included 24 qualified and experienced preschool teachers who took part in the course. The course was funded by the Swedish National Agency for Education and the teachers were chosen by their municipal employers. An analys

Går det att mäta färgblind rasism? En kvantitativ undersökning för att utforska färgblind rasism i den svenska kontexten

Denna uppsats är en kvantitativ studie för att undersöka om det finns ett sätt att mäta färgblind rasism genom kvantitativ data. Studien bygger på teorin om färgblind rasism och teorin om rasifiering och mäter data från The European Social Survey för att se om det finns frågor i enkäterna som kan fungera som mått på färgblindhet. Genom mätningar kunde jag se att det fanns tendenser av färgblind ra

Första, andra, tredje - såld på fiskauktion till bättre pris?

I november 2016 öppnade Stockholms fiskauktion. En tanke var att kortare avstånd mellan fiskare och konsumenter i Stockholmsregionen skulle gynna lokala fiskare, konsumenter och miljö. Om lokalt fångad fisk värderas på marknaden kan priserna påverkas. Vi undersöker om lokalt fångad gös fick en prispremie på Stockholmsauktionen och om priserna på gös påverkades i andra försäljningskanaler. Vi finne

Challenges and research needs in evaluating the sustainability impacts of sharing economy using input-output analysis.

Evaluating the sustainability impacts of the sharing economy using input-output analysis’ by Andrius Plepys and Jagdeep Singh presents key challenges associated with a systematic sustainability evaluation of access-based consumption models. Starting with a causal loop diagram representing various reported and potential impacts of a generic sharing system, the authors provide a comprehensive pictur

Understanding hazards of nanoplastics using Daphnia magna

This thesis presents the results of studies focused on effects caused by nano-sized particles using freshwater filter feeder Daphnia magna. I showed that both positively and negatively surface charged PS NPs induced significant mortality in D. magna after a life-time (103 days) of exposure at low concentrations. Previously, it was shown that negatively surface charged PS NPs are acutely not toxic

Participatory action research in hyperlocal media studies: reflection on methodology

The use of participatory action research in media studies is under development and has the last years become notable as a new way of exploring changes that has taken place on the media market the last decades. Media corporations in Sweden continue shutting down local editorial offices and centralize local news reporting to the head editorials. An absence of local reporting in several rural areas iThe use of participatory action research in media studies is under development and has the last years become notable as a new way of exploring changes that has taken place on the media market the last decades. Media corporations in Sweden continue shutting down local editorial offices and centralize local news reporting to the head editorials. An absence of local reporting in several rural areas i

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Abstract in ItalianIl presente studio ha indagato le pratiche linguistiche familiari di madri moldave emi-grate in Italia, con un figlio in età prescolare, attraverso un’intervista semi-strutturata. Ad oggi pochi studi hanno considerato le scelte linguistiche in relazione alle pratiche educative e agli aspetti identitari in questa popolazione. L’analisi tematica svolta sulle interviste condotte adThe present study investigates family-related language practices of Moldovan mothers emigrated to Italy, through a semi-structured interview. To date, few studies have considered linguistic choices in relation to educational practices and identity aspects in this population. Ten Moldovan woman have been interviewed. Results from a thematic analysis on the collected interviews has highlighted a com

Upcycling of Brewer Spent Grain

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to address the research gap in the field of brewer spent grains’ (BSG) contribution to value creation, specifically around sustainability in the market for plant-based beverages. As a result, it seeks to ascertain if BSG as a beverage may contribute to the growth of a more sustainable, circular, and efficient economy that would benefit not just the brewery in

Heritage Assets: A Meaningful Basis For Internationalization?

A family’s involvement and ownership of a firm separates family firms from both public companies and other private firms. It is widely accepted that family firms have unique characteristics, with implications for their behavior and an impact on their internationalization. Extant research presents a need for studies on the heterogeneity observed in family firm internationalization, and has presente

Photophysics and Photochemistry of Iron Carbene Complexes

I naturen fångas solljus in via ljus-absorberande molekyler. På liknande sätt kan färgämnen användas för solcells- och artificiell fotosyntes-applikationer för att absorbera solljus, och överföra den exciterade elektronen.Framgångsrika färgämnen har tidigare varit baserade på Ru-polipyridyl-komplex, trots att Ru är ett av de mest ovanliga ämnena i jordskorpan. Detta arbete har som mål att ersätta Nature captures sunlight via light-absorbing molecules.Similarly, photosensitisers are used in applications of solar cells and artificial photosynthesis to absorb sunlight, and transfer the excited electron.Successful photosensitisers have in the past been based on a Ru polipyridyl scaffold, despite Ru being one of the scarcest elements in Earth's crust.This thesis work aims to replace Ru polipyri