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Årsrapport 2015 från Nationella Bröstcancerregistret
Statistical Modeling of Ultrawideband MIMO Propagation Channel in a Warehouse Environment
This paper describes an extensive propagation channel measurement campaign in a warehouse environment for line-of-sight (LOS) and nonline-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios. The measurement setup employs a vector network analyzer operating in the 2-8-GHz frequency band combined with an 8×8 virtual multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna array. We develop a comprehensive statistical propagation channe
Combustion of selected alternative liquid fuels at oxy-fuel conditions: experiments and modelling
Förbränning är både vår största källa till energi och ett stort hot mot miljön i form av föroreningar och växthusgaser. Ett par av de stora bovarna i sammanhanget är koldioxid och kväveoxider och de stora mängderna av dessa i atmosfären. Där bidrar koldioxid till den globala uppvärmningen i egenskap av växthusgas. Kväveoxider påverkar både miljö och människors hälsa negativt genom att bilda marknäCombustion of fuels is a major source of energy and at the same time a threat to the environment. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are one of the obstacles on the route to cleaner energy. Combining Carbon Capture and Storage-technology (CCS) with use of biofuels lead to a negative net release of CO2 can be achieved. With some CCS-techniques the CO2 is repurposed in the combustion process together wi
Global Tax Shelters, the Ethics of Interpretation, and the Need for a Pragmatic Jurisprudence
P2Y2 receptor modulates shear stress-induced cell alignment and actin stress fibers in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Endothelial cells release ATP in response to fluid shear stress, which activates purinergic (P2) receptor-mediated signaling molecules including endothelial nitric oxide (eNOS), a regulator of vascular tone. While P2 receptor-mediated signaling in the vasculature is well studied, the role of P2Y2 receptors in shear stress-associated endothelial cell alignment, cytoskeletal alterations, and wound r
A review on particle dynamics simulation techniques for colloidal dispersions : Methods and applications
Colloidal dispersions have attracted much attention both from academia and industry due to industrial significance and complex dynamic properties. Accordingly, a variety of attempts have been made to understand the complicated physics of colloidal dispersions. Particle dynamics simulation has been playing an important role in exploring colloidal systems as a strong complement to experimental appro
InAs nanowire GAA n-MOSFETs with 12-15 nm diameter
InAs nanowires (NW) grown by MOCVD with diameter d as small as 10 nm and gate-All-Around (GAA) MOSFETs with d = 12-15 nm are demonstrated. Ion = 314 μA/μm, and Ssat =68 mV/dec was achieved at Vdd = 0.5 V (Ioff = 0.1 μA/μm). Highest gm measured is 2693 μS/μm. Device performance is enabled by small diameter and optimized high-k/InAs gate stack process. Device performance tradeoffs between gm, Ron, a
Strategic framework for sustainable management of drainage systems in semi-arid cities : An Iraqi case study
For the purpose of this paper, Erbil city, located in the northern part of Iraq, has been chosen as a representative case study for a large number of cities, particularly in semi-arid areas, lacking sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). The study assesses (a) the role of SuDS as a measure in areas with a water shortage; (b) water scarcity in decision-making processes; (c) the lack of legislation to
Testing the running coupling kT -factorization formula for the inclusive gluon production
The inclusive gluon production at midrapidities is described in the color glass condensate formalism using the kT-factorization formula, which was derived at fixed coupling constant considering the scattering of a dilute system of partons with a dense one. Recent analysis demonstrated that this approach provides a satisfactory description of the experimental data for the inclusive hadron productio
Dissipative particle dynamics simulations of water droplet flows in a submicron parallel-plate channel for different temperature and surface-wetting conditions
The effects of temperature-dependent thermophysical properties on droplet flow characteristics in a parallel-plate channel at submicron scale are investigated. The dissipative particle dynamics method with many-body (MDPD) and energy conservation (DPDe) configurations (MDPDe) was used. Droplet flows were simulated to study the effects of the temperature difference between top and bottom walls, bod
Effects of deposition height and width on film cooling
Because natural gas resources continue to be depleted for usage of gas turbines, it becomes important to search for alternate fuels. Coal-derived synthetic fuels contain traces of ash and other contaminants that result in deposition on vane and turbine surfaces. The present research shows a comparison of simulated results with and without a deposition configuration. Film cooling effectiveness dist
Pendulating-a grounded theory explaining patients' behavior shortly after having a leg amputated due to vascular disease
Introduction: Although the group of vascular leg amputated patients constitutes some of the most vulnerable and frail on the orthopedic wards, previous research of amputated patients has focused on patients attending gait training in rehabilitation facilities leaving the patient experience shortly after surgery unexplored. Understanding patients' behavior shortly after amputation could inform heal
The first continuous δ13C record across the Late Silurian Lau Event on Gotland, Sweden
The positive δ13C excursion associated with the Late Silurian Lau Event is recognized globally and is the most prominent carbon isotope excursion of the Phanerozoic. We present new δ13C data (195 samples) and the first continuous carbon isotope stratigraphy across the stratigraphic range of this bioevent based on two drill cores from Gotland, the informal type area for the Lau Event. The positive
Fuel fragmentation and fire size distributions in managed and unmanaged boreal forests in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Forest fires are an important disturbance factor of boreal forests, annually burning about 0.5% of the forested area in Canada. Wildfire regimes are influenced by climate and a number of studies project an increase in wildfire activity with climate change. Another factor influencing wildfires is human intervention (fire suppression), and one factor that has rarely been assessed is fuel fragmentati
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Experimental and modelling study of 1CH2 in premixed very rich methane flames
Stoichiometric and very rich (1.5 ≤ ɸ ≤ 1.9) laminar flat flames of methane have been investigated using nonintrusive laser diagnostics. Premixed CH4 + O2 + N2 flames were stabilized at a pressure of 30 ± 0.3 Torr. Temperature profiles were obtained using laser-induced fluorescence of OH. Absolute concentration profiles of singlet methylene, 1CH2, were measured by intracavity laser absorption spec
Differences in acoustic impedance of fresh and embedded human trabecular bone samples - Scanning acoustic microscopy and numerical evaluation
Trabecular bone samples are traditionally embedded and polished for scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM). The effect of sample processing, including dehydration, on the acoustic impedance of bone is unknown. In this study, acoustic impedance of human trabecular bone samples (n = 8) was experimentally assessed before (fresh) and after embedding using SAM and two-dimensional (2-D) finite-difference ti
Patient Heterogeneity in Health Economic Decision Models for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : Are Current Models Suitable to Evaluate Personalized Medicine?
Objectives To assess how suitable current chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cost-effectiveness models are to evaluate personalized treatment options for COPD by exploring the type of heterogeneity included in current models and by validating outcomes for subgroups of patients. Methods A consortium of COPD modeling groups completed three tasks. First, they reported all patient characteri