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Studies of J/ψ production at forward rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

The inclusive J/ψ production in Pb–Pb collisions at the center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sNN = 5.02 TeV, measured with the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC, is reported. The J/ψ meson is reconstructed via the dimuon decay channel at forward rapidity (2.5 < y < 4) down to zero transverse momentum. The suppression of the J/ψ yield in Pb–Pb collisions with respect to binary-scaled pp collisions i

Specialist psychiatric health care utilization among older people with intellectual disability - predictors and comparisons with the general population : a national register study

BACKGROUND: People with intellectual disability (ID) face considerable barriers to accessing psychiatric health care, thus there is a risk for health disparity. The aims of the present study were 1) to compare specialist psychiatric health care utilization among older people with ID to that with their age peers in the general population, taking into account demographic factors and co-morbidities a

Biological dermal templates with native collagen scaffolds provide guiding ridges for invading cells and may promote structured dermal wound healing

Dermal substitutes are of major importance in treating full thickness skin defects. They come in a variety of materials manufactured into various forms, such as films, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, sponges, membranes, and electrospun micro- and nanofibers. Bioactive dermal substitutes act in wound healing either by delivery of bioactive compounds or by being constructed from materials having endogenou

Vuxna med barndomserfarenheter av samhällsvård

Detta kapitel handlar om en grupp barn som fick sina första erfarenheter av samhällsvård i 0-4-årsåldern. Därefter har de en varierande placeringshistoria under barndomen (0-18 år). De har följts upp vid åtta olika tillfällen under barndom och vuxenliv. Detta kapitel fokuserar på hur de hade det i 25-30-årsåldern samt i 35-39-årsåldern, eftersom det är glest med uppföljningar av barn med erfarenhe

Om yngre barn i socialt arbete

I detta kapitel är syftet att ha fokus på yngre barn, det vill säga 0-12-åringar. I uppgiften att förstå sig på yngre barn ingår att ta i beaktande skillnader i utvecklingsnivå och behov hos spädbarn, förskolebarn och yngre skolbarn. Teoretiska perspektiv från utvecklingspsykologi, barndomssociologi, utvecklingspsykopatologi och utvecklingsekologi är användbara i detta sammanhang. Att se individen

Effects of fatty acid unsaturation on chylomicron metabolism in normal and hepatectomized rats

1. Hepatectomized rats were injected intravenously with doubly labelled ([14C]linoleic acid and [3H]palmitic acid) thoracic duct lymphs from rats fed cream, triolein or corn oil. The disappearance of the radioactive fatty acids of different molecular triacylglycerol species and of phospholipids from plasma was studied.2. 73–93% of the injected triacylglycerols had been cleared from plasma within 1

Changes in the Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Mitogen‐Activated Protein Kinase in the Rat Hippocampus During and Following Severe Hypoglycemia

Abstract: The changes in the levels of tyrosine‐phosphorylated proteins in the cytosolic fraction of the rat hippocampus subjected to severe hypoglycemia were analyzed. A marked increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of a 43‐kDa protein was observed at 30 min of isoelectric EEG and 30 min and 1 h of recovery. Immunostaining of the same blot with antibody against mitogen‐activated protein (MAP) kinas

Acidosis enhances translocation of protein kinase C but not Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II to cell membranes during complete cerebral ischemia

Systemic hyperglycemia and hypercapnia severely aggravate ischemic brain damage when instituted prior to cerebral ischemia. An aberrant cell signaling following ischemia has been proposed to be involved in ischemic cell death, affecting protein kinase C (PKC) and the calcium calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII). Using a cardiac arrest model of global brain ischemia of 10 min duration, we investigated the

Orchid colonization: multiple parallel dispersal events and mosaic genetic structure in Dactylorhiza majalis ssp. lapponica on the Baltic island of Gotland.

Background and Aims The island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea had no contact with surrounding continental areas since the withdrawal of the Weichselian ice sheet at ca 17 ka BP. Plants present on Gotland must have arrived by long distance dispersal, so populations are expected to exhibit reduced levels of genetic diversity compared with surrounding mainlands. However, orchids have very small seeds, Background and AimsThe island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea has had no contact with surrounding continental areas since the withdrawal of the Weichselian ice sheet at approx. 17 ka BP. Plants present on Gotland must have arrived by long-distance dispersal, so populations are expected to exhibit reduced levels of genetic diversity compared with populations on surrounding mainlands. However, orchids

Structural Details of Human Aquaporin Regulation : Three stories of three aquaporins

Every cell is surrounded by a thin plasma membrane, protecting it from its surrounding. Specialized protein channels and transporters are embedded in this membrane, ensuring selective transport of molecules in and out of the cells. To maintain optimal hydration, water channels called aquaporins (AQPs) are present in every cell of our body. Thirteen isoforms of aquaporins exist in humans of which t

The double-swab technique versus single swabs for human DNA recovery from various surfaces

Most crime scene DNA evidence is retrieved using cotton swabs. Since the late 90’s, the double-swab technique has been favoured by many practitioners throughout the world. However, the superiority of double-swabbing over applying single wet swabs has not been broadly verified. Here we set out to evaluate the need for the second dry swab for various surfaces, aiming at mimicking the range of surfac

Computational analysis of the impact of a micro porous layer (MPL) on the characteristics of a high temperature PEMFC

High-temperature PEM fuel cells (HT-PEMFCs) are of current interest due to their favorable characteristics in relation to PEM fuel cells operating at a low temperature (LT-PEMFCs). The benefits concern poisoning of the CO catalyst, water management, thermal management and humidity issues. The major challenge facing these fuel cells is to have the membrane performing well at high temperature. This

Åhus invaderade sandtallskogar – ett Mecka för vedväxtintresserade botanister eller en mardröm för naturvårdare?

The spread of invasive, particularily bird-sown and red-fruited, non-native woody species in open calcareous conifer forests in Sweden is discussed and examplified with a survey of pine forests by Åhus in E Scania, southern-most Sweden. The survey area is a pine forest planted ca 100 years ago on calcareous sanddunes within which an area with private homes with gardens was built in the 1960’s to 1

Transfusionsstrategi – att ge blod på rätt indikation - I Sverige ges fler blodtransfusioner än i jämförbara länder – restriktiv policy ger inte sämre vårdresultat

During the last decade, the varying use and the lack of consistent indications for blood transfusions have been questioned. Comparisons of liberal and restrictive transfusion policies, most often support a restrictive policy. This has led to an evidence-based approach to optimizing the care of patients who might need transfusion, Patient Blood Management (PBM). There is evidence that both anemia a