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An update on pathophysiological mechanisms related to idiopathic oro-facial pain conditions with implications for management

Chronic oro-facial pain conditions such as persistent idiopathic facial pain (PIFP), atypical odontalgia (AO) and burning mouth syndrome (BMS), usually grouped together under the concept of idiopathic oro-facial pain, remain a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Lack of understanding of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of these pain conditions is one of the important reasons behind t

Dating Components of Human Atherosclerotic Plaques

Rationale: Atherosclerotic plaques that give rise to acute clinical symptoms are typically characterized by degradation of the connective tissue and plaque rupture. Experimental studies have shown that mechanisms to repair vulnerable lesions exist, but the rate of remodeling of human plaque tissue has not been studied. Objective: In the present study, we determined the biological age of different

Iterative receivers with channel estimation for MIMO and multi-user OFDM systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Idag tar de flesta för givet att man när och var som helst kan komma åt sin e-post, ladda upp bilder till Facebook eller söka kunskap på Wikipedia från sin mobiltelefon eller dator. Den trådlösa teknologi som gjort detta möjligt har utvecklats oerhört det senaste årtiondet, men behöver utvecklas ännu mer för att möta det ökande behovet av trådlös kommunikation. I dennaThe traffic in wireless networks has been showing an exponential growth over the last decade. In order to meet the demand, and support a continuation of this growth, the scarce radio resources need to be efficiently used. The use of multiple antenna (MIMO) systems and iterative (turbo) receivers has significantly improved the realizable system performance. Still, many challenges exist in the devel

Private eco-brands and green market development: towards new forms of sustainable governance in food retailing

This study seeks to analyze the role of retail eco-brands in the development of markets for sustainability certified food products. Building on insights from the New Institutional Economics (NIE) paradigm, but also broader literature in the supply chain management and marketing research, we suggest that private eco-branding and third-party certification can be explained as private institutional ar

Influence of the minimum chip thickness on the obtained surface roughness during turning operations

Considerable efforts have been put into analyzing the obtained surface roughness during turning operations. However, knowledge is still lacking on how to model the arithmetic mean surface roughness Ra through using a general model applicable for all workpiece materials and process parameters. Further, the influence of the minimum chip thickness on the obtained surface roughness needs to be clarifi

Multitaper Estimation of the Coherence Spectrum in low SNR

A pseudo coherence estimate using multitapers is presented. The estimate has better localization for sinusoids and is shown to have lower variance for disturbances compared to the usual coherence estimator. This makes it superior in terms of finding coherent frequencies between two sinusoidal signals; even when observed in low SNR. Different sets of multitapers are investigated and the weights of

Writing in Deconstruction vs Speech in Structuralism (Jacques Derrida vs Ferdinand de Saussure)

Speech is already in itself a writing. Any concept that is to name, to stay for the abstract or concrete reality is made up of a mental trace. There is always a sleepy-waiting yet ever present trace at the origin of the representation and the naming of any ontological phenomenon. The trace is itself The apriori ontology – and this is how writing is pre-eminent to the later formal verbalization of

Alternative Lead Systems for Diagnostic Electrocardiography: Validation and Clinical Applicability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Standard-12-avlednings-EKG är fortfarande ett av de viktigaste och vanligaste redskapen för att diagnostisera hjärtsjukdom trots att ett flertal olika undersökningstekniker har utvecklats under åren. Vid standard-EKG används 10 elektroder, 6 på bröstkorgen och 4 distalt på armar och ben. Inom både industrin och akademin har många års arbete lagts ned på utveckling av deThe standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) remains one of the most important and most frequently used tools for diagnosing cardiac diseases, although several different examination modalities in cardio¬logy have been developed over the years. The standard ECG uses 10 electrodes placed on well-defined positions on the body, 6 on the torso and 4 distally on the limbs. Both industry and academia hav

On Feminist Activist Aesthetics

This article discusses some trends in critical theory and activist aesthetics in contemporary feminist performing arts in Sweden. The 2000s have witnessed at least two “turns” in feminist theory, namely the affective turn and the social, or as it is called here, the solidarity turn. The status of poststructuralist theory has been widely debated and Marxist, class-based analyses have returned to th

Long-term simulations of subaerial beach erosion and overwash during storms

During severe storms, high waves and water levels can reach the subaerial portion of the beach and cause significant morphological change at elevations where the waves cannot reach under typical sea conditions. Coastal dunes may suffer direct wave impact and erode, increasing the likelihood of overwash and breaching, potentially flooding low-lying areas behind the dunes. Barrier islands are also v

Causes and risk factors for death in systemic sclerosis: a study from the EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) database

Objectives To determine the causes and predictors of mortality in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods Patients with SSc (n=5860) fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology criteria and prospectively followed in the EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) cohort were analysed. EUSTAR centres completed a structured questionnaire on cause of death and comorbidities. Kaplan-Meier and Cox pro

Nutrient intake in adolescent girls and boys diagnosed with coeliac disease at an early age is mostly comparable to their non-coeliac contemporaries

BackgroundFood habits, nutrient needs and intakes differ between males and females, although few nutritional studies on patients with coeliac disease (CD) have reported results stratified by gender. ObjectivesTo compare energy and nutrient intakes among 13-year olds diagnosed with CD in early childhood with those of a non-coeliac (NC) age- and gender-matched control group, and also with estimated